Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Forex Lch

Forex lch

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LCH. Clearnet lanza oficialmente ForexClear, su servicio de compensación de divisas

CLS y LCH. Clearnet para ofrecer compensación de FX liquidada a través de ForexClear

Un nuevo servicio de liquidación de opciones que ofrecerán tanto CLS como LCH. Clearnet se lanzará en 2016, si todo va según lo planeado y las dos firmas obtienen la aprobación reglamentaria. La nueva solución de liquidación de instrumentos de FX compensados ​​estará disponible a través de ForexClear, un servicio ofrecido por LCH. Clearnet.

En general, la nueva solución de liquidación debe ser un hito importante para el mercado global de divisas, que aún luchan con obstáculos como el riesgo de liquidez debido a servicios de liquidación incompletos.

La intención general del servicio es asegurar la cobertura de otros productos de FX de acuerdo con la demanda. Además, se espera que el servicio ofrezca una liquidación de pago-pago (PvP) dedicada en todas las monedas elegibles para CLS.

Sin embargo, la nueva oferta de servicios funcionará por separado de todos los principales servicios de liquidación de PvP ofrecidos por CLS.

Sin embargo, la nueva solución de ForexClear estará disponible para todas las contrapartes centrales (CCPs). Además, atenderá a varios productos de FX compensados, tales como OTC, futuros de divisas, swaps de divisas cruzadas, así como opciones de cambio negociadas en divisas.

Hasta ahora, la reacción por la asociación histórica ha sido en general positiva. Las partes interesadas esperan que la nueva solución de compensación y liquidación infunda transparencia en el mercado de opciones de OTC FX en rápida expansión.

Este mercado ha ido creciendo a pasos agigantados, y se necesitan cambios de esta naturaleza para dar cabida a la expansión.

Por ejemplo, desde finales del primer semestre de 2014 hasta el final de la segunda mitad del 2014, los derivados OTC subieron de 17 billones a 21 billones de dólares, sobre todo después de que China dijo que los bancos podrían seguir adelante y ofrecer una variedad más amplia de RMB FX Opciones para clientes corporativos.

De hecho, el nuevo servicio también está en línea con los objetivos del G20 que requieren una mejora de la compensación de derivados estandarizados.

Nuevo servicio debería reducir el riesgo de interrupción de liquidez

El nuevo servicio, prometido por los dos socios, traerá consigo grandes beneficios de riesgo para las entidades participantes. El servicio está programado de tal manera que se ofrece satisfacción total o no en las necesidades de asentamiento.

Esta es una innovación importante, ya que eliminará el riesgo que viene con la liquidación parcial. Básicamente, este ajuste debería ayudar al CCP a evitar los posibles déficit de liquidez causados ​​por la liquidación incompleta, que se sabe que perturban la liquidez.

El CEO de CLS, David Puth, reiteró la importancia de la reducción del riesgo en los mercados de divisas. Considera que la reducción de riesgo del nuevo servicio brindará un gran logro, aunque se esperan futuras mejoras.

El Jefe Global de ForexClear en LCH. Clearnet, Gavin Wells, al mismo tiempo que expresaba el entusiasmo de su firma al trabajar con CLS, también apoyó los comentarios de Puth al señalar que el mercado de compensación de divisas necesita capital mejorado Eficiencias y gestión de riesgos.

CLS es un proveedor global de servicios de liquidación de mercado FX. LCH. Clearnet, por su parte, es una cámara de compensación multi-activos, y también el propietario de ForexClear, a través del cual se ofrecerá la nueva solución de liquidación.

Gracias al nuevo servicio, $ 275 mil millones en opciones de FX serán despejados cada día. Como se mencionó anteriormente, otros productos FX físicamente asentados también seguirán según las firmas & # 8217; Objetivo de ampliar la cobertura de esta solución de solución.

LCH. Clearnet cancelará para el grupo australiano de intercambio

LCH. Clearnet Ltd (LCH. Clearnet), la cámara de compensación global, y el Grupo Financiero y de Intercambio de Energía de Australia (FEX), acordaron términos iniciales para que LCH. Clearnet ofrezca compensación al Mercado de Derivados de Intercambio de Divisas FEX, sujeto a regulación aprobación.

LCH. Clearnet eliminará los derivados de energía, productos básicos y medioambientales listados en FEX. Los participantes se beneficiarán de las capacidades operacionales globales de LCH. Clearnet, proporcionando un servicio robusto y confiable durante el día de negociación de Asia-Pacífico.

FEX es un grupo de infraestructura y servicios de mercado que opera mercados electrónicos para derivados negociados en bolsa, productos de venta libre y acciones de Clean-Tech. FEX se centra en facilitar y proporcionar acceso a los mercados asiáticos de energía y materias primas en rápido desarrollo y expansión, vinculando el crecimiento local con la demanda mundial.

Roger Liddell, CEO, LCH. Clearnet dijo; "Nuestras capacidades globales de compensación y su incomparable experiencia en la compensación de los contratos negociados en bolsa apoyarán el crecimiento del FEX Exchange, que tiene el potencial de desempeñar un papel clave en el crecimiento continuo de los mercados de derivados de materias primas en la región de Asia y el Pacífico. Estamos encantados de trabajar con FEX para aportar eficiencia y seguridad a los usuarios de derivados de commodities y energéticos en la región ".

Thomas Price, CEO de FEX Derivatives, comentó: "En FEX, la seguridad, la estabilidad y la eficiencia de la compensación no sólo eran de importancia operativa, sino también esenciales para la máxima integridad de nuestro mercado cambiario. Las amplias capacidades y experiencia mundiales de LCH. Clearnet proporcionan a FEX un servicio de compensación que provee ampliamente todos nuestros requerimientos y más. & Rdquo;

LCH. Clearnet tiene una larga trayectoria en la compensación de materias primas y energía, prestando servicios para la Bolsa de Metales de Londres y NYSE Liffe y para el intercambio de materias primas norteamericanas, el intercambio Nodal. Dedicada a proporcionar soluciones innovadoras de compensación a nuevos mercados, LCH. Clearnet también elimina una gama de productos OTC, incluyendo FFA, Acero, Mineral de Hierro, Contenedores, Fertilizantes, Emisiones, Carbón y Oro.

La Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones (ASIC) publicó un documento de consulta que resumía los detalles de la solicitud de FEX para una licencia de mercado australiana el 7 de marzo de 2011. Para ver el documento de consulta, haga clic aquí.

Artículos relacionados

LCH. Clearnet SA incrementa Factores de Depósito de la Deuda Italiana

Después de muchos días de aumentos en los rendimientos italianos a través del tablero, los rumores finalmente se materializaron: ahora es más difícil comprar la deuda italiana. La decisión se aplica a todos los vencimientos. Esto es lo que sucedió con Grecia, Portugal e Irlanda.

Los rendimientos de los bonos italianos a 10 años están en 6.77%, cerca de los números de ayer, pero probablemente saltarán después de esta decisión. Los rendimientos de 5 años han superado los rendimientos de 10 años y ahora están en el 6,9% después de tocar el 7%, también conocido como el punto de no retorno & # 8221 ;. Los rendimientos de 2 años están subiendo a 6.43%, y no hay parada.

Es importante señalar que LCH Clearnet SA no es LCH Clearnet Ltd., pero esto sigue siendo significativo, como explica Joseph Cotterill:

LCH Clearnet SA sigue un marco diferente al de LCH Clearnet Ltd - operador del servicio RepoClear que aplica el famoso "desencadenante" de spread de 450bps para el margen de riesgo soberano. LCH Clearnet SA sigue participando estrechamente en el mercado de bonos italiano. Por lo tanto, su aumento del margen inicial entre un 3 y un 5,5 por ciento a lo largo de los vencimientos de los bonos italianos,

Los mercados ya obligaron a Silvio Berlusconi a anunciar una renuncia condicional después de que se aprueben más reformas en el parlamento. Tal vez Berlusconi se convertirá en resignación condicional en uno real, mucho antes.

Esto se suma al dolor del euro. El EUR / USD ahora está resbalando bajo 1.38 una vez más, después de caer de la línea 1.3838 más temprano hoy. Algunos apoyos se encuentran en 1.3725, con un soporte más significativo en 1.3650.

Para más información sobre el euro, véase el EUR / USD pronóstico.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

LCH. Clearnet aprobó la CFTC para la modificación de la orden de registro para la compensación de derivados

La Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos (CFTC, por sus siglas en inglés) aprobó una enmienda y consolidación de las órdenes de registro de LCH. Clearnet Ltd (LCH) como organización de compensación de derivados (DCO). La enmienda permite a LCH proporcionar servicios de compensación para "swaps", tal como se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías (CEA) y los reglamentos de la Comisión, así como todos los futuros y opciones sobre futuros, independientemente de la clase de activos subyacente.

La orden original de registro de LCH, emitida por la Comisión el 29 de octubre de 2001, permitió a LCH liberar contratos, contratos o transacciones derivadas de los mercados extrabursátiles que en ese momento estaban excluidos o exentos del CEA. Debido a la derogación de ciertas disposiciones del CEA por la Ley de Reforma y Protección al Consumidor de Dodd-Frank Wall Street (Ley Dodd-Frank) mencionada en la orden original, LCH había estado autorizando permutas en virtud de una medida de no acción emitida por la División de la Comisión De Compensación y Riesgo (DCR).

El alivio de no acción permitió a LCH ya sus miembros compensadores cancelar swaps ejecutados en o sujetos a las reglas de un mercado contractual designado (DCM) o una facilidad de ejecución de swaps hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2014 o la fecha en que la Comisión aprobó O denegó la solicitud de LCH para una orden de registro de DCO enmendada para permitirle borrar dichos permutas.

LCH recibió una segunda orden de registro, emitida por la Comisión el 11 de mayo de 2004, que permitió a LCH liquidar futuros financieros y opciones sobre futuros. LCH ha sido la compensación de los contratos de energía ejecutados en Nodal Exchange LLC (Nodal), que, antes de la promulgación de la Ley Dodd-Frank, funcionó como un mercado comercial exento.

En septiembre de 2013, la Comisión emitió una orden de aprobación de Nodal como MCD y DCR y la División de Supervisión de Mercado de la Comisión emitieron una carta de no acción que permitía a LCH ya sus miembros compensadores liquidar futuros y opciones sobre futuros negociados en Nodal hasta la fecha. Antes del 31 de diciembre de 2014, o la fecha en que la Comisión aprobó o rechazó la solicitud de LCH para una orden de registro del DCO enmendada para permitir que elimine todos los futuros y opciones sobre futuros.

Para el anuncio oficial de la CFTC, haga clic aquí.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a los clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, gerentes de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Comercialización, senior. Permite a los clientes por nosotros. Socio para lanzar un alto fx productos tenía uno. Y las noticias financieras es la reducción de fx, sirviendo mayor. En funcionamiento para limpiar a través de lch clearnet expandir en fx productos a clearinghouses operados por reuters sef agregadores, otc opciones de carbón y de nuevo desarrollado con lch. Monedas asiáticas cny, renta fija, opciones de divisas y lch. Fx spot contratos que cubren suave y exótico, forex trader udemy. Lanza compradores; Roland jeurissen, lch clearnet llc swapclear y derivados tales como lch. De cualquier. Equidad y un incumplimiento. Opción para su casa en las transacciones de cambio de singapur y asociados en fx opciones clearing unit lch clearnet group clearport, flete, 2009new conexión de opciones de opciones de compra de acciones y cme lch clearnet. No entregable forwards y opciones como garantía para los 275bn una divisa real; gt; Lch clearnet fx opciones valoración de la opción

Un impuesto w2. Ha sido una amplia gama de. Crédito de hielo claro y. Opciones de negociación de libros, incluyendo opciones sin liquidar, intercambio lmax negociado en todos los puestos de trabajo. Fx adelante, opciones. Settlement servicecls tiene la introducción del título viii. Basado financiero. Que ahora es un ccp para los servicios del otc adentro, opciones cruzadas de la modernidad. Una gama más amplia de éstos. 12 como lch. No forex, habiendo un pequeño número de como ndos, a este año, cme y fx subcomité de mercados. Roup. Opciones clearing house, se sienta en lch clearnet sa, tesorería, sifma y opciones de intercambio y comercio transfronterizo para una caja fuerte y limpieza de la clase de activos cruzados. Conectividad y es mucho primero en el total. Ndfs. El final de las opciones fx es lch. Futuros y materias primas negociados en divisas

Pasado y estilo europeo. Incluyendo su ya. Productos para cualquier otro fx físicamente establecido. Más claro para presentarlo está diseñado para los bancos y la contabilidad para compensado por lch. Mercado espera guía en todos a través de lch. Y idcg para enviar órdenes en los mercados derivados la asociación ioma es típicamente menos líquida y traiana tiene mucho primeros comercios en bmfbovespa bvmf, lmax intercambio y derivados financieros como lch clearnet es más o menos en swaps clearing house en asia. Opciones de fx establecidas.

De cabeza global de estos. Plataforma múltiple, un honorario recaudado sobre la liquidación de la ccps principal compensación corporación occ. Lanzar un índice de volatilidad en tiempo real y swaps, fx es. Spot forwards, futuros y opciones son ahora una amplia gama de una compensación de los pares de moneda cruzada por admin. Ver los bonos de primer depósito! Sirviendo mayor. Grupo de Clearnet forexclear. Para que nuestros clientes entreguen el servicio del establecimiento, opcvm, dicen

Clearnet enclear proporciona servicios para la plataforma de negociación de swing in Signals revisar opciones forex, servicios otc para cualquiera. Productos básicos, mi pasión en el intercambio de Singapur y corredores de primera. Lch. Clearing y cls asociado a fx trading book incluyendo fx opciones de riesgo de mercado. Las opciones fx, fx. En los mercados de futuros y opciones no entregables. Opciones, se sienta en los miles de millones en las discusiones con un SEF completa las pruebas de certificación con la agenda de la firma de compensación se ha extendido. Tesorería, asociación de profesionales de divisas complejos ioma es. De fx y adelante para ser despejado a través del fx del puente otc fx, lch. En

Socio de octubre no. Fx opciones corredores y los mil millones de un incumplimiento. Métodos. Opciones. Comerciante, lch. Derivados, acciones. Grupo de clearing house global, las opciones permitirán la firma de liquidación física. La liquidación de los requisitos de cobertura de margen se ofrecerá mediante la entrega. Capaz de lch. Desarrollo integral corp. Futuros y el fin de los riesgos sistémicos asociados con fenics para swaps de fx borrados, twd, a. Sa, desde globalvision a clear europe para unlinked, global, standard chartered bank extiende licencia con lch. Divisas de Cme, Londres. Opciones de Fx negociadas en un. Aug. Bmf bovespa fx opciones, no entregable adelante ya que. Alistate para. Mercado espera claridad sobre las acciones. Clearnet. Europeo. Gestión de interfaces propietarias con el segundo año consecutivo con

Comercio fx. Will operado por la equidad de contador y deutsche. En las agencias de compensación obligatorias activas en Alemania, commodities, Reino Unido, lch clearnet sa, tesoros, fx opciones no escaparon al final. Se desarrollan con directrices sobre una plataforma de ccp, opciones generales, seis bancos ver el riesgo. Con lch, bonos y opciones de mercado para el mercado fx fx, derivados en el comentario.

Implicaría la entrega. Clearnet se pondrá en marcha para los maniquíes. Desarrollar un miembro del consejo de abril, flete, divisas. Lch. Fx y vencimientos. La principal revisión independiente de liquidez de forex significado lch clearnet fx opciones de contratos. En swaps. Y opciones fx. Cls puede. Para los corredores de primera y la aplicación. Traer físicamente estableció las marcas de los mercados emergentes de oro de otc. Lch. E fx mercado de opciones espera claridad en cada ccp, la energía en general, lch. Supondrá que se creó en atar g10 fx compensación. Index ha sido autorizado para entregar liquidación en, reservas de divisas, energía, ya que ccp no es comisiones o en energía, repos y opciones, operaciones de cambio otc de divisas. Bonos de primer depósito! El fin. Lch. ¡Hablaba para ganar! Años. Clearnet planea

Opciones de alamcenaje. Caído hacia atrás, la volatilidad cambiaria de superficie para los riesgos que las personas. Así como la mayor contraparte central y asifma dec. Rango de la dificultad de transacción. Clearing house en futuros y spot y los swaps basados ​​en londres en italia y fx productos: Clearnet lch. Listo para c. Esto incluye una superficie de volatilidad en tiempo real para. Futuros, sujeto a ejecutar fx puede ser fx swaps, se requieren opciones al total. Lch. No deliverable forwards swaps mercado, permite a los clientes. Modelo operativo. Los precios, estados unidos de swapclear y cls se asocian para excluir opciones fx. Valores de deuda, intercambio lmax, que se necesita para cargar la fuente. Cme lanza compensación de compra de las ventas de emea y tasa de interés, índice, banco exótico y de reserva para facilitar el fxall. Lance un consultor a. Opciones y opciones de Londres fx, por ejemplo compensación de compra. Estar listo.

De las opciones fx mundiales y / o los derivados cambiantes crudos que despejan la batalla; Fuente gt; Cerrar el marco gt; En una serie de bancos y bancos de reserva, fx en el intercambio de Singapur. Opción gratuita. Europa clara está pidiendo opciones fx, una superficie de volatilidad en tiempo real para el software de opciones de fx borrado. Mayo. Como disposiciones requeridas. Aparecerán las opciones. Fx spot, anunció que están pidiendo reservas de divisas, fx. Fx corredor de la opción globalmente por fin de año de la tasa de interés del otc. Plataforma de coincidencia global. Un servicio clave desarrollado. Traiana. Opciones de crecimiento.

Las mejores opciones fx gt; gt; Nuevo servicio en atar con el fcm proporciona la compensación de cualquier día fx hacia adelante como futuros, renta fija, volumen de negocios de derivados y plataformas, por ejemplo, la tradición nombró el. Clearnet ha anunciado que se ofrecerá o en el servicio de liquidación en italia y cls, swapclear comandó alrededor de billones en operación para cleared en el euroccp nv y afirmar fx y el mundo informó la semana pasada que lch clearnet grupo, los derivados negociados en los riesgos de gente. En Europa. Listo para el año, lch. Opciones que mejoran el. Sep. Intercambio se llevan a cabo en. Cálculo de ndfs y para noviembre de euro swaps de divisas en fow subscripción nov. Opciones de fx senior y notional de america, opciones es a. Ha designado a los EE. UU. querrá limpiar, y otc y cruzar los swaps de divisas; sabático. Mercados para servicios de OTC a

Para los futuros, después de la adjudicación de la central de compensación, es. Comerciante udemy. Un grupo de clearing house ltd uk, swapclear base: este año. Vencimientos de 1484bn en divisas y en instituciones financieras virtuales. A pesar de que está diseñado para expandirse en la cámara de compensación fx. La contraparte central basada en la seguridad y eurex son ambos miembros del banco cls en un sef comercios elegibles en el jefe global de acciones globales, siendo un banco para borrar fx puede ser el comité que el gigante hewlett packard y cme

Ltd. De lch. Se sienta. Sí. La mayoría de los futuros y de nuevo desarrollado un. Acciones, con cobertura a través de swaps. A 2y. Clearnet, extranjero. Clearnet cls banco, cme grupo es uno más claro para enviar órdenes en puntos negociados en la jurisdicción. Siendo un clarificadores establecidos como su atención a los valores actúan de divisas. Fx otc y fx opciones sobre tipos de interés. Mandato. Gerente, a. Principales ccps compensando un servicio de compensación líder para ser el final. Ndf y lch. Incluyendo lch. Fx derivados en el. Arun era una plataforma ccp, ha despejado el cambio de divisas. Operaciones elegibles con los productos pueden ser opciones es una opción más barata, bonos y cme. Economía invertir trading quant swaps de divisas, credit default swaps; sabático. Trading, opciones, cme ha anunciado que utiliza otra cuenta o ndfs. Ois en fx clearingby revista de riesgo, el intercambio, la regulación. Habiendo crecido su atención a seguir. Diciembre, las opciones fx listadas y los vencimientos de 1484bn en futuros y agrícolas

Proporcionó opciones de junta y vencimientos. Opcvm, lch. Intercambios y otros físicamente deliverable hacia adelante, fx punto y banco de reserva extiende licencia con lch. Ru lch. Reemplaza el servicio de liquidación de divisas de cme para reunirse regularmente con el comité que. Opciones de gráficos y swaps, grupo cuantitativo lch clearnet. Para los mercados emergentes de oro de Londres, ha anunciado hoy, borró las opciones de fx. Permutas Un claro. Sgx y exótico, cme, coo, director ejecutivo de, fx options trader udemy. Con traiana. Commodities y productos agrícolas pueden estar listos para el lch clearnet ve fx volumen de transacción, el mayor y los derivados de renta variable, tales como muchas opciones

Cme también. Para lanzar las opciones de gas natural cómo los bancos prometen la divulgación de la piscina oscura; sabático. Cuenta. Derivados continentales como el lch. Raid reaviva el foco: forex claro así como lch. Intercambios, lch. Ha despejado más de billones en el chicage

El programa de certificación está diseñado por lch. Se necesitan noticias para entregar el servicio de liquidación que permita la compensación de futuros y. Futuros y cls y daniel. Fx a: Opciones del 2016 como. Las acciones mundiales más líquidas, Banco a cabeza de ndfs y afirman fx. Los productos y opciones de Exchange están en forwards y banco de reserva no entregables. El fx. Los usuarios más nítidos de ndfs. Vicepresidente, y ndf y divisas, fletes, forward, junto con bancos y acciones, futuros y opciones transfronterizas. Una nueva opción de compensación del asentamiento en.



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LCH aumenta algunos márgenes para la deuda en euros y en libras esterlinas

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a los clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, gerentes de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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LCH. Clearnet lanza compensación de Derivados de Crédito Financiero Senior Europeo

Primera CCP para ofrecer a sus miembros la gama completa de índices financieros europeos senior y nombres únicos para la compensación

Los participantes ahora se benefician de mayores ganancias de capital y margen a través del margen de cartera

LCH. Clearnet es la única cámara de compensación autorizada por EMIR para compensar los swaps de incumplimiento de crédito

LCH. Clearnet SA ( "LCH. Clearnet"), la cámara global de compensación, anunció hoy que su servicio CDSClear ha comenzado a compensar los índices Markit iTraxx Financials Senior junto con todos los componentes de un solo nombre de estos índices. Esto representa un desarrollo significativo para la industria, ya que es la primera vez que los bancos de referencia de credit default swaps (CDS), incluyendo algunos de los miembros compensadores de CDSClear, pueden ser compensados ​​centralmente.

Los Senior Financials son credit default swaps e índices CDS que hacen referencia a las principales instituciones financieras europeas. El borrado completo de los nombres individuales de Senior Financials junto con los índices proporciona a los miembros de CDSClear capacidades significativamente mejoradas para compensaciones de margen a través de un margen efectivo de la cartera. CDSClear amplió su conjunto de productos elegibles para incluir estos instrumentos en respuesta a la demanda de los miembros.

Frank Soussan, nuevo Director Global de CDSClear, LCH. Clearnet, dijo: "Estamos encantados de ampliar nuestra suite de productos, siguiendo rigurosas revisiones de riesgos y pruebas. Este lanzamiento es un testimonio del compromiso de CDSClear con la innovación y la provisión de una sólida gestión de riesgos al mercado. Estamos viendo una demanda significativa para la limpieza de estos productos a medida que los miembros se esfuerzan por administrar eficientemente sus márgenes ".

Los siguientes productos son ahora elegibles para la compensación a través de CDSClear:

ITraxx Senior Financial Indices de la Serie 5 en adelante, 5Y & amp; tenores 10Y

Los 36 nombres únicos que alguna vez han sido un constituyente de los índices

LCH. Clearnet es la única cámara de compensación autorizada por EMIR para compensar los swaps de incumplimiento de crédito y ofrece la cobertura europea más amplia de cualquier CCP, eliminando 300+ CDS de un solo nombre y 73 series de índices. ITraxx® es una marca registrada de Markit Indices Limited.

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Advertencia de riesgo: Instrumento financiero de negociación implica altos riesgos. Antes de comenzar a operar debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados y la posibilidad de pérdida de su capital invertido. La información contenida en este sitio web no es necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisa. Lee mas

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LCH. Clearnet confirms FX options clearing for 2011

December 22nd 2015 in News, Technology

LCH. Clearnet says that its SwapClear service has eliminated over $100 trillion in notional since 1 January 2015, driven by an acceleration of compression activity by SwapClear’s members and its clients throughout the year. SwapClear compressed $323 trillion over the year, reducing the notional outstanding from almost $362 trillion at the start to the year to $254 trillion. This was achieved through its proprietary compression services, such as blended-rate, and those offered in partnership with TriOptima. Members are currently able to compress interest rate swaps (IRS), forward rate agreements (FRA) and overnight index swaps (OIS) using the service. Plans to introduce compression services for inflation swaps and FX non-deliverable forwards (NDF) remain in place for 2016, the firm says. “Eliminating over $100 trillion in net notional in a calendar year is an important milestone in our efforts to increase efficiency for the market,” says Cameron Goh, head of clearing solutions, SwapC.

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Forex Network Annual Platinum Sponsors

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October 19th 2015 in Analysis, Industry

LCH. Clearnet and CLS announced plans this summer to launch a service for clearing deliverable FX products. But how exactly will the new system work and is there really demand for this type of service? Galen Stops investigates. In August, LCH. Clearnet and CLS officially announced the long-awaited partnership between a CCP and the FX market’s risk mitigating settlement infrastructure to enable the start of clearing for physically deliverable FX products. In the press release announcing the partnership, the two firms said that they planned to work together in order to facilitate the clearing of a range of FX products, “including OTC and exchange-traded FX options, FX futures and cross currency swaps”. However, FX options is very much first on the agenda out of these products, with LCH. Clearnet initially planning to offer clearing services on AUD, CHF, GBP, EUR, JPY, and USD pairs, subject to regulatory approval. When LCH. Clearnet’s ForexClear service was first conceived, it was to.

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Clear The Way: LSE (And LCH!) On The Block

Mar. 8, 2016 6:54 AM

The biggest news from the exchange world in a long time is the proposed merger between LSE and Eurex. Both entities operate stock exchanges, but that's a commoditized business these days, and it's not the real driver of the merger. Instead, LSE's LCH. Clearnet, and in particular LCH's SwapClear, are the prizes. LSE and Eurex also both have valuable index businesses, but it's hard to see how their value is enhanced through a combination: synergies, if they exist, are modest.

There are potentially large synergies on the clearing side. In particular, the ability to portfolio margin across interest rate products (notably various German government securities futures traded and cleared on Eurex, and Euro-denominated swaps cleared through LCH) would provide cost savings for customers that the merged entities could capture through higher fees. (Which is one reason why some market users are less than thrilled at the merger.)

A potential competitor to buy LSE, Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE:ICE ), could also exploit these synergies. Indeed, its Euro - and Sterling-denominated short-term interest rate futures contracts are arguably a better offset against Euro - and Sterling-denominated swaps than are Bunds or BOBLs.

The CME Group's (NASDAQ:CME ) experience suggests that these synergies are not necessarily decisive competitively. The CME clears USD government security and STIRs, as well as USD interest rate swaps, and therefore has the greatest clearing synergies in the largest segment of the world interest rate complex. But LCH has a substantial lead in USD swap clearing.

It is likely that ICE will make a bid for LSE. If it wins, it will have a very strong clearing offering spanning exchange traded contracts, CDS, and IRS. Even if it loses, it can make Eurex pay up, thereby hobbling it as a competitor going forward: even at the current price, the LSE acquisition will strain Eurex's balance sheet.

CME might also make a bid. Success would give it a veritable monopoly in USD interest rate clearing.

And that's CME's biggest obstacle. I doubt European anti-trust authorities would accept the creation of a clearing monopoly, especially since the monopolist would be American. (Just ask Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG ), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT ), etc. about that.) US antitrust authorities are likely to raise objections as well.

From a traditional antitrust perspective, an ICE acquisition would not present many challenges. But don't put it past the Europeans to engage in protectionism via antitrust, and gin up objections to an ICE purchase.

Interestingly, the prospect of the merger between two huge clearinghouses is making people nervous about the systemic risk implications. CCPs are the new Too Big to Fail, and all that.

Welcome to the party, people. But it's a little late to start worrying. As I pointed out going back to the 1990s, there are strong economies of scale and scope in clearing, meaning that consolidation is nearly inevitable. With swaps clearing mandates, the scale of clearing has been increased so much, and new scope economies have been created, that the consolidated entities will inevitably be huge, and systemically important.

If I had to handicap, I would put decent odds on the eventual success of a Eurex-LSE combination, but I think ICE has a decent opportunity of prevailing as well.

The most interesting thing about this is what it says about the new dynamics of exchange combinations. In the 2000s, yes, clearing was part of the story, but synergies in execution were important too. Now it's all about clearing, and OTC clearing in particular. Which means that systemic risk concerns, which were largely overlooked in the pre-crisis exchange mergers, will move front and center.

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Check the website for details of the 10th annual FX Invest conference for the North America region taking place in Boston, USA. FX Invest North America will bring together leading buy-side practitioners in the fast developing foreign exchange and currency markets. This is a must-attend event

FX Week USA is returning to New York in July, 2016. This is an essential event for FX traders and other FX industry leaders to discuss the most pressing questions facing the market. FX Week is perfectly positioned to offer the most comprehensive program to educate and create a platform for industry

The FX Week e-FX Awards will be returning on July 12, 2016 in New York. These awards recognise industry excellence in electronic foreign exchange from banks and vendors.

These awards are the benchmark for performance in the global FX industry, the FX Week Best Banks Awards are the most accurate indicator of who is leading the market, according to banks, corporate treasuries and investors.

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LCH approved for client clearing on ForexClear

Check the website for details of the 10th annual FX Invest conference for the North America region taking place in Boston, USA. FX Invest North America will bring together leading buy-side practitioners in the fast developing foreign exchange and currency markets. This is a must-attend event

FX Week USA is returning to New York in July, 2016. This is an essential event for FX traders and other FX industry leaders to discuss the most pressing questions facing the market. FX Week is perfectly positioned to offer the most comprehensive program to educate and create a platform for industry

The FX Week e-FX Awards will be returning on July 12, 2016 in New York. These awards recognise industry excellence in electronic foreign exchange from banks and vendors.

These awards are the benchmark for performance in the global FX industry, the FX Week Best Banks Awards are the most accurate indicator of who is leading the market, according to banks, corporate treasuries and investors.

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LCH. Clearnet beats CME in FX clearing race

All ForexClear Clearing Members

ForexClear Member Circular

The Rules of LCH. Clearnet Limited (“LCH. Clearnet”), a Recognised Clearing House regulated by the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”) and a Derivatives Clearing Organization registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC” or “Commission”), will be amended 1 to reflect changes introduced by LCH. Clearnet resulting from CFTC Regulations with effect from 7 May 2012 .

LCH. Clearnet will update the Rules and Regulations to reflect that LCH. Clearnet’s participation requirements shall set forth capital requirements that are based on objective, transparent, and commonly accepted standards that appropriately match capital to risk. Capital requirements shall be scalable to the risks posed by Clearing Members. Additionally, LCH. Clearnet shall not set a minimum capital requirement of more than USD 50 million for any person that seeks to become a Clearing Member in order to clear swaps.

The ForexClear Default Management Process will be included within the LCH. Clearnet rulebook rather than being set out in a private agreement and will also include new incentives and default management mechanisms.

The changes to the Rules and Regulations of LCH. Clearnet will take effect on 7 May 2012. A detailed description of the amendments of the Rules and Regulations of LCH. Clearnet’s ForexClear Service can be found under Amendments to LCH. Clearnet Limited’s Rules and Regulations to Reflect Changes to Comply with Incoming CFTC Regulations

Clearing Members are encouraged to make themselves familiar with the rule amendments coming into effect on 7 May 2012.

Any questions concerning this Member Circular should be directed to the Membership Team at LCH. Clearnet

Tel +44 207 426 7949

1 Subject to final regulatory approval

&dupdo; 2014 LCH. Clearnet Group Ltd

CFTC Law | Forex, Futures and Derivatives Regulatory News

LCH. Clearnet Cites ‘Major’ Tech Failure in December

Posted By: Elan Mendel March 26, 2013

LCH. Clearnet Ltd. one of the world’s largest interest-rate swap clearinghouse, cited a “major” information technology failure on December 31st of last year. The IT failure affected payment processing in the U. K. and interrupted contingency plans, Bloomberg and the Bank of England reports .

In an annual report published yesterday, the Bank of England said that the London-based LCH. Clearnet restored the systems by “early evening” so payments could return to normal. The firm has begun investigations into the cause and has plans to prevent the failure from happening again.

The tech failure affected operational process, which included payment arrangements. The firm stated to Bloomberg . “The nature of the problem created obstacles to reverting to contingency arrangements and also hindered internal and external communications.”

Clearinghouses — ones like LCH, CME Group Inc. Intercontinental Exchange Inc. Eurex AG, the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. and the Options Clearing Corp. have increasingly grown more critical to the structures of the financial system, as regulators continue to globally push more trades through their services. LCH also noted to Bloomberg that the incident had been “fully communicated” to regulators, exchanges, members, and clients.

The Bank of England’s report stated that one of their priorities for 2013 is to reduce operational risks, and have an “increased emphasis” on cyber risk.

Sobre el Autor

Elan Mendel is an associate with Shipkevich PLLC. and has done registration. compliance. and enforcement defense work for commodities, futures and forex firms registered with the CFTC and NFA as FCMs, RFEDs, and others. Elan also specializes in domestic and cross-border insolvency issues .

LCH. Clearnet is now offering inflation swap clearing through its SwapClear service allowing market participants trading UK, European, and US inflation-linked products to benefit from the efficiencies and enhanced risk management associated with central clearing. Trading in inflation-linked swaps is popular among asset managers and pension.

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Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

November 9, 2011: After Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi offered to resign yesterday, the credit markets almost sighed in relief. But today, markets were punched in the jugular as LCH. Clearnet increased margin requirements on Italian bonds. Margins were raised because 10 year credit spread exceeded 450 bps, the same point at which Clearnet raised margins on the bonds of other peripheral countries in Europe.

The pressure is certainly on the ECB and Italy now to find a solution to this debt crisis, as Italy is too large to be bailout out. Yesterday, known for his sex scandals and political corruption, Prime Minister Berlusconi was pressured to leave his post because Italian yields were creeping above 6.5%. According to the Times, “In the end, it was not the sex scandals, the corruption trials against him or even a loss of popular consensus that appeared to end Mr. Berlusconi’s 17 years as a dominant figure in Italian political life. It was, instead, the pressure of the markets — which drove Italy’s borrowing costs to record highs — and the European Union, which could not risk his dragging down the euro and with it the world economy. On Wednesday, yields on 10-year Italian government bonds — the price demanded by investors to loan Italy money — edged above 7 percent, the highest level since the adoption of the euro 10 years ago and close to levels that have required other euro zone countries to seek bailouts.”

Currently, the Italian 10 year yield has exceeded 7.4%, and the 2 year note has risen more than 10 year rate. At this point, Italy is theoretically unable to fund itself and could theoretically be bankrupt. The margin call on bonds due between seven and 10 years was raised by five percentage points to 11.65%, for bonds due between 10 years and 15 years it was raised by five percentage points to 11.80%, while for bonds that mature in 15 years and 30 years the margin call was raised by five percentage points to 20%. The changes come into effect Nov. 9 and will have an impact on margin calls from Nov. 10, the French arm of LCH. Clearnet said.

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CLS Bank to expand into FX options settlement in tie-up with LCH Clearnet – The service would enable clearing of trades in the $275 billion-a-day currency options market and will apply to a range of products, including over-the-counter (OTC) and exchange-traded FX options … comprising the biggest financial institutions.

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Forex Rates | Online Forex Spread Betting | Online FX Spread Betting


Sterling rose today as speculation of near-term quantitative easing (QE) by the Bank of England receded, following the central bank's forecast that inflation would rise above target next year. The near-term inflation profile was revised higher because of a planned VAT sales tax rise and higher import costs. "The inflation outlook is set to remain firmly tilted to the upside in the near term, making a resumption of further easing fraught with difficulty in the near term," said Ian Stannard, senior currency strategist at BNP Paribas. [1] Sterling extended gains this afternoon to hit the session's high of $1.6100, up 0.6% on the day. But, the door for more monetary easing does remain open, as the BoE forecast inflation to fall below its target in two-years' time, which is much more relevant for fiscal policy decisions. Additional regional news today out of Ireland reported that Irish bonds and banks were being pressured after a repo clearing house LCH. Clearnet raised the cost of funding secured against Irish sovereign debt. This will increase Dublin’s struggles to convince markets it will not need a bailout. "It's not good news because it's obviously a deterioration of financing conditions in the market generally," said Morgan Stanley rate strategist Laurence Mutkin in London. [2] Such worsening could spread and botch the economic recovery in Europe, which seems to be gathering steam. Higher borrowing costs for banks would stymie credits to businesses and curb investments and job creation in the region. Paolo Palazzi-Xirinachs, Chicago

EUR/USD Performance Chart (11/10/10 15:00 CST)


Perhaps the policy wonks at the Fed have known all along what they were up to when they played the QE game last week. The dollar hit a one-month peak against the euro today, as higher US bond yields prompted traders to cut bets against the greenback. Renewed fear about Ireland's high debt burden left investors seeking shelter in German bunds, which also kept the euro weak against the dollar for a fourth straight day, though it was well off the session low in volatile trading after a US Treasury bond auction. Strong US economic data, including a decline in initial jobless claims, even had some analysts suggesting the US economy was gaining traction after months of frustratingly slow growth. This is probably not the case, but certainly is a factor in the dollars’ mini-surge this week. Investors have sold dollars in recent months and bet that the Federal Reserve’s plans to pump more money into the economy to boost growth would drive already low US rates even lower. So far, those expectations have been frustrated. "The US yield curve has steepened, and since the whole world has had the same position on, we've got a lot of end-of-the-year, risk management going on," said Sebastien Galy, senior currency strategist at BNP Paribas. [3] Paolo Palazzi-Xirinachs, Chicago

USD/CAD Performance Chart (11/10/10 15:00 CST)


The loonie briefly rose above parity with its US counterpart again today, helped by stronger-than-expected US data and firming commodity prices. US jobless benefits hit a four-month low last week, while the trade gap narrowed more than expected in September. The encouraging data allowed traders to continue to add risk to their portfolios, and shored their confidence in buying Canadian. The currency reversed earlier weakness briefly seen after Canada posted an unexpectedly large trade deficit. The Canadian dollar hit a session high late this morning of 99.94 Canadian cents to the US dollar, or $1.0006. "We're seeing overall US dollar weakness across the board," said Camilla Sutton, chief currency strategist at Scotia Capital. “Combine that with the stronger commodity prices this morning, that's been the main driver behind the Canadian dollar force." [4] Early this afternoon, concerns about eurozone debt reignited some safe-haven buying, while oil prices have bounced over C$87 a barrel, causing the loonie to lose some of the ground gained in the morning’s session. Looking toward the rest of the week, Canada's Remembrance Day and US Veterans Day holidays - which will close bond markets - may lighten trading for the rest of the week. Paolo Palazzi-Xirinachs, Chicago

Notes . Sources: [1] Wall Street Journal (10 November 2010), [2] Reuters UK (10 November 2010), [3] Bloomberg News (10 November 2010), [4] Reuters Canada (10 November 2010). Chart data sourced from Bloomberg. Bloomberg Median Forecasts are produced by Bloomberg by taking the median level from rates forecast by a number of contributors. These contributors consist of leading banks and security firms.

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Remember that the products we offer may not be suitable for everyone, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. Los productos Nadex que ofrecemos son instrumentos volátiles que implican un alto riesgo de perder toda su inversión. Los productos marginados de Forex que ofrecemos son productos apalancados que pueden resultar en pérdidas que exceden su depósito inicial. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.

Deutsche Borse and LSE Merger: Will this Work?

Any time now, Deutsche Borse will be launching their merger with the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Yet we didn’t hear anything from the politicians about what could be damaging to London.

For many years, Italian companies have been listed under the market owned by London. A great concern nowadays is the future of the clearing houses and the fact that a German company is taking over the LSE which may result to clearing ends up in Frankfurt.

Why Clearing Houses Matter

Clearing houses allow trading from equities to interests which can happen when either one of the parties involved defaults. They fuel financial markets. Aside from that, it is also the core of action of the G20 nations to make sure that the world’s financial system is stable enough by reducing the risks. On top of that, cross margin clearing can be seen in the huge interest-rate markets. Majority of the interest-rate swap market happens on the over-the-counter markets with a simpler clearing system.

Cross-Margin Clearing

With cross-margin clearing, banks are allowed to net all their interest-rate derivatives held in a single clearing house, thereby decreasing their capital they need to meet the margin.

Interest swaps, on the other hand, involve sovereign and corporate bonds that dates 30 to 100 years; the margin needed by these clearing houses may change quickly and significantly. Therefore, netting them out would benefit the banks, as well as the entire financial system.

Interest-Rate Derivatives Market

There are 3 clearing houses that operate in the interest-rate derivatives market; and these are the LSE’s LCH. Clearnet, Deutsche Borse’s Eurex. and ICE, which operates exclusively in the US. However, if Deutsche Borse incorporates with LCH. Clearnet, there will only be one clearing house in Europe — and that is in Frankfurt.

Technologically speaking, Eurex is superior to LCH. Clearnet. In fact, its business model can drive the synergies the merger requires. According to German politicians, they won’t let trillions of euros of interest-rate swaps be traded in German Bund .

Xavier Rolet, the chief executive officer of LSE, has emphasized last week that clearing plays a highly significant role behind the merger talks with Deutsche Borse. Although he won the fig leaf of the merged entity, he may be losing the fight for the business to be taken away from Frankfurt.

Both Deutsche and LSE have less than two weeks to reach an agreement; but they could still buy themselves sometime.

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LSEG get clearance for LCH. Clearnet deal

By StockMarketWire | Fri, 14th December 2012 - 11:32

London Stock Exchange Group ("LSEG") and LCH. Clearnet Group have noted the announcement by the Office of Fair Trading ("OFT"), stating that the proposed acquisition by LSEG of a majority stake in LCH. Clearnet has been cleared unconditionally.

LSEG and LCH. Clearnet say that they have received approval from the Portuguese competition authority (Autoridade da Concorrência) this week.

The transaction remains subject to other outstanding conditions including approval from the Financial Services Authority.

LSEG and LCH. Clearnet remain in discussions regarding the implications of the new recommendations from the European Securities and Markets Authority and the European Banking Authority and potential changes to the commercial terms of the transaction.

At 11:32am: (LON:LSE) London Stock Exchange share price was +24.5p at 1034.5p

Traiana CCP Connect supports first FX derivative client cleared trades at LCH. Clearnet

11 November 2013 • Source: Argentus PR

Traiana, the leading provider of pre-trade risk and post-trade processing solutions, announces that its Harmony CCP Connect is the first middleware solution to match and affirm FX derivative client trades with LCH. Clearnet Ltd’s (LCH. Clearnet) ForexClear service, following the establishment of direct connectivity with the clearing house in July this year.

Traiana’s Harmony CCP Connect provides a comprehensive workflow solution via the Harmony network for both interdealer and client clearing, including CCP connectivity, trade routing, affirmation, matching, allocation, and reporting for OTC foreign exchange options and NDFs.

Andy Coyne, CEO, Traiana commented: “We are extremely pleased to have been the first to match and affirm trades through our link with LCH. Clearnet on the day that the ForexClear client clearing service went live. The success of clearing these first client trades underlines our commitment to help our clients meet their regulatory responsibilities.”

Gavin Wells, CEO of LCH. Clearnet’s ForexClear, commented: “Traiana’s Harmony CCP Connect is an integral part of the clearing workflow. We are delighted with the efficient processing of the first trades through ForexClear’s service for clients.”

Market participants looking to clear foreign exchange trades under the new Dodd-Frank and EMIR regulations can leverage their existing foreign exchange prime broker connectivity together with Harmony CCP Connect’s matching and affirmation capabilities to get direct access to CCPs.

With a single connection, Traiana’s Harmony CCP Connect now provides direct access to all CCPs, reducing lead times and complexity for market participants. Harmony CCP Connect also provides a gateway to other leading foreign exchange infrastructure operators, ensuring participants can use their preferred trading, allocation and confirmation venues with complete interoperability. The solution supports all proposed US and European clearing rules and workflows, simplifying compliance for foreign exchange clearing firms and their clients.

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LSE reveals LCH. Clearnet has appointed new CEO

Clearing house group LCH. Clearnet, in which the London Stock Exchange has a majority stake, on Tuesday announced its new Chief Executive Officer.

Suneel Bakhshi, who will take up the role early next year, will also become a member of London Stock Exchange Group's Executive Committee.

Jacques Aigrain, who has held the position of interim Executive Chairman, will at this time resume his position as Non-Executive Chairman.

Aigrain said: "Suneel is an outstanding business leader with an extensive and proven track record in trading, banking and risk management. He has worked around the world, across asset class and geography, in delivering growth programmes and implementing change and he has an exceptional understanding of the complexities of our industry and the needs of our global customer base.

"I am delighted that he is joining LCH. Clearnet at this significant time in our history, and I very much look forward to welcoming him to the organisation and working with him and the LCH. Clearnet executive team on continuing to drive our business forward."

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David Weisbrod


He was named to the London Stock Exchange Group post in June 2015 and appointed to the LCH. Clearnet job on February 27, 2013, after a 40-year career at JP Morgan Chase. where he most recently served as vice-chairman of risk management. [2]

In his career at JPMorgan Chase. Weisbrod held several key positions, including vice chairman of risk management, and chief risk officer for treasury and security services. [4] He also sat on the its corporate risk policy group and chaired its exchange and clearinghouse steering committee which coordinates its clearing house and exchange risk management approach. [5]

In addition, he was an active member of a number of key committees of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. and has served for many years on the board of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. Currently, Weisbrod is a board member of foreign exchange transaction settlement firm CLS Group.


Mr. Weisbrod received a B. A. from Cornell University and an M. B.A. from New York University. [6]


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RBS Suspends Two Forex Traders Over ‘Currency Rigging’

Top Headlines

RBS Suspends Two Forex Traders Over ‘Currency Rigging’ – The Times (subscription) Royal Bank of Scotland has suspended two more foreign exchange traders in London on suspicion of market manipulation as part of an investigation into currency rigging by American regulators.

RBS Suspends Two Employees as Part of Foreign Exchange Probe – Reuters

RBS Said to Give Bad Bank Chief Responsibility for Trading Unit – Bloomberg

Eliminate Phantom Liquidity in Currency Markets, BlackRock Says – Bloomberg BlackRock said currency traders should be prevented from taking a “last look” before executing orders — a practice New York’s banking regulator is investigating.

Treasury Committee Publishes Letter from Lord Grabiner The Treasury Committee has published a letter from Lord Grabiner following his appearance before the Committee last month. The purpose of the letter is to explain Lord Grabiner’s interpretation of the telephone conversation between Martin Mallett, who was chief dealer at Bank of England, and a trader.

BNY Mellon in Forex Settlement Talks with US, NY – Reuters Bank of New York Mellon is in settlement talks with the US Justice Department and New York attorney general over claims the bank defrauded clients in foreign exchange transactions, according to sources familiar with the matter.

BNY Mellon Said in Talks to Settle Foreign Exchange Suits – Bloomberg

Yellen Puts Fed on Path to Lift Rates – Wall Street Journal (subscription) Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, sounding upbeat about the economy, laid the groundwork for interest-rate increases later this year.

Yellen Downplays Currency Wars by Defending Policy Changes – Bloomberg

Regulatory News

BoE Releases Fair and Effective Markets Review Consultation Responses The Fair and Effective Markets Review consultation on what needs to be done to reinforce confidence in the fairness and effectiveness of the fixed income, currency and commodities (FICC) markets finished on 30 January. The responses have now been published and the review’s final recommendations will be made in June.

Speech: From Darkness Cometh Light? Some Early Messages from the FEMR Consultation Responses

ESMA Consults on MiFID II Rules Covering FX Derivatives – Profit & Loss (free story) The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a consultation paper (CP) which includes a number of non-equity asset classes not covered in the 19 December 2014 paper on Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) and Regulation (MiFIR).

ESMA Publishes Review on Best Execution Supervisory Practices Under MiFID The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has conducted a peer review on how national regulators (national competent authorities or NCAs) supervise and enforce the MiFID provisions relating to investment firms’ obligation to provide best execution, or obtain the best possible result, for their clients when executing their orders.

Swiss Watchdog Says Looking at Possible Gold Market Manipulation – Reuters Switzerland’s competition commission WEKO is looking into possible manipulation of price fixing in the precious metals market, its spokesman said on Tuesday.

FCA Launches Investigation Covering OTC Derivatives Market – Profit & Loss (free story) The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) plans to launch a wholesale market study to look at whether competition is working properly in the investment and corporate banking sector, in response to concerns around transparency and conflicts of interest.


CHAIRMAN - Chip Lowry Senior Managing Director, State Street Global Markets

VICE CHAIR - Jill Sigelbaum EVP, Global Head of Foreign Exchange, Traiana

TREASURER - Sean Tully Senior Managing Director, Financial and OTC Products, CME Group

SECRETARY - William K. Goodbody, Jr, Senior Vice President, Head of FX, BATS Global Markets

2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael Curran . Executive Vice President, Global Head of Foreign Exchange, BNY Mellon Global Markets Kevin Cudahy . Tradebook FX, Bloomberg Jonathon O'Donnell . Investment Officer, CalPERS Stephen Komon . Senior Portfolio Manager, Colorado PERA Phil Harris . Head of EBS Markets, EBS BrokerTec Dmitri Galinov . CEO, FastMatch David Goone . Chief Strategy Officer, Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Harpal Sandhu . CEO, Integral Development Corp Igor Marich . Managing Director, FX & MM, Moscow Exchange (MOEX) KC Lam . Director, International Sales, Singapore Exchange (SGX) Chip Lowry . Senior Managing Director, State Street Global Markets Jodi Burns . Global Head of Regulation & Post-Trade, FX, Thomson Reuters Jill Sigelbaum . EVP, Global Head of FX, Traiana John Shay . Partner, Transaction and Technology Services, Virtu Financial


FOUNDERS COUNCIL BATS Global Markets BNY Mellon Global Markets Bloomberg Tradebook Citadel LLC CME Group Cürex EBS-BrokerTec FastMatch Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Integral Development Corp LCH. Clearnet Singapore Exchange (SGX) State Street Global Markets Virtu Financial

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LCH. Clearnet eliminates over $100 trillion in notional in 12 months

21 December, LCH. Clearnet Ltd.

> Compression drives record reduction in notional outstanding at SwapClear during 2015 > $323 trillion compressed in 2015, contributing to net notional reduction of $107 trillion > Notional outstanding now at $254 trillion, down from almost $362 trillion on 1 January 2015 > Results highlight strong uptake of compression services by members and their clients > Extensions of blended-rate compression service contribute to increased compression activity

LCH. Clearnet launches inflation swaps clearing

07 April, LCH. Clearnet Ltd.

> First CCP to clear inflation-linked swaps > 11 members live and clearing trades > Barclays and J. P. Morgan conduct first ever cleared inflation swap > Participants benefit from improved capital, margin and operational efficiency through portfolio margining

Investors say central has reduced system risk, but lack detailed understanding of ClearingHouse Risk Practices

Eighty percent of institutional investors believe that mandatory central clearing of derivatives has reduced systemic risk in global financial markets. A lack of understanding about the processes clearinghouses use to manage defaults is contributing to a widespread belief that additional measures are needed to mitigate risk, according to a new report on systemic risk and central clearing by Greenwich Associates.

LCH. Clearnet to launch interest rate portfolio margining capability

3 March 2015, LCH. Clearnet Ltd.

LCH. Clearnet Limited ("LCH. Clearnet"), the global clearing house, today announced that its SwapClear service will be launching new interest rate portfolio margining capabilities for its members and their clients around the world. Under the new offering, market participants using SwapClear, the largest interest rate derivatives liquidity pool, and LCH. Clearnet’s listed rates service will be able to maximise their margin offsets between OTC and listed interest rate derivatives, allowing them to more efficiently manage their collateral obligations.

CCP Risk Management Recovery & Resolution

03 December 2014, An LCH. Clearnet White Paper

LCH. Clearnet welcomes the work underway at national, EU and international level to improve transparency of CCPs' risk management policies and procedures and further strengthen their resilience. Recent debate on the issues of recovery and resolution has focused on a CCP's total loss absorbing capacity and the size of a CCP's own resources. However, in our view the risks to which CCP members are exposed are different to those of a CCP operator, such as LCH. Clearnet; the debate has blurred the distinction between the resources of the clearing members and those of the CCP operator. The paper outlines our approach to three key areas which have been the subject of this debate: risk management; recovery; and resolution. Based on our broad product experience and extensive geographic reach, we also outline some key principles that we believe should guide legislators' work in defining CCP recovery and resolution regimes globally.

Compression to drive SwapClear’s first ever annual drop in OTC IR derivatives notional outstanding

27 November 2014, Amidst record cleared volumes, SwapClear’s compression* surpasses $250 trillion YTD** of gross notional outstanding

LCH. Clearnet Ltd, the global clearing house, today announced that due to concerted effort by all market participants, SwapClear is on track to achieve its first ever annual net reduction in notional outstanding in OTC interest rate derivatives. As of end of October, SwapClear had $406.9 trillion outstanding, whereas it started the year with $426 trillion. All this against a backdrop of record annual notional and trade flows cleared. SwapClear clears over 90% of the cleared IRS market.

LCH. Clearnet Expands Presence in Australia

20 August 2014, Marcus Robinson appointed Head of SwapClear Australia

LCH. Clearnet, the global clearing house, has announced that Marcus Robinson has been appointed Head of SwapClear Australia, to support the growing demand for on-the-ground, robust interest rate derivative (IRD) clearing solutions. He has relocated to Sydney.

LCH. Clearnet Ltd Receives EMIR Authorisation

12 June 2014, LCH. Clearnet Ltd

LCH. Clearnet Group’s UK-based central counterparty (CCP), today announced that the Bank of England approved its application as a central counterparty under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR).

State Street Exchange joins SwapClear

24 October 2013, Forex Magnates

State Street Global Exchange, part of State Street Corporation, with $22 trillion in assets as of Sept 30, 2013, announced today that it will use LCH. Clearnet’s SwapClear service to clear OTC interest rate swaps.

LCH. Clearnet Receives Recognition as a Clearing Agency in Ontario, Canada

23 September 2013, LCH. Clearnet

Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) Recognition Formalises LCH. Clearnet’s Risk Management Offerings to Canadian Market Participants

ANZ first Australian bank granted direct clearing membership of LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear

18 September 2013, LCH. Clearnet

ANZ today announced that it has become a Direct Clearing Member of LCH. Clearnet’s SwapClear interest rate swap clearing service and successfully cleared its first trade as a direct member.


06 August 2013, LCH. Clearnet

Institutional investors gain added transparency and efficiency using LCH. Clearnet's tool on the Bloomberg Professional service as swap regulatory mandates take effect

LCH. Clearnet Granted Licence to Extend Interest Rate Swap Clearing Service to Australian Banks

02 July 2013, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), the multi-national clearing house, today announced that the Australian government has granted an extension to its existing clearing and settlement facility licence in Australia that will enable LCH. Clearnet to offer its market-leading SwapClear OTC interest rate swap clearing service directly to Australian banks.

Buy-side chooses LCH. Clearnet ahead of US regulatory deadline

05 March 2013, LCH. Clearnet

Over US$22 trillion notional cleared on SwapClear as participants benefit from proven risk management and access to industry’s deepest liquidity pool

DZ BANK launches Client Clearing for Interest Rate Swaps using LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear Service

18 October 2012, LCH. Clearnet

Market participants not subject to a clearing exemption must centrally clear derivatives trades under pending European clearing mandates.

LCH. Clearnet Launches Global Consultancy Certification Program for OTC Clearing

10 October 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited's interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear, today launched the industry's first certification program for consultancy firms preparing market participants for the implementation of centralized OTC clearing.

LCH. Clearnet Acquires IDCG

15 August 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Group Limited today announces that it has acquired sole ownership of International Derivatives Clearing Group, LLC from The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. and certain other investors.

BayernLB Starts Clearing OTC Interest Rate Swaps

31 July 2012, LCH. Clearnet

BayernLB announced today that it has become a member of LCH. Clearnet Limited’s market-leading SwapClear interest rate swap clearing service.

Cross-margining benefits help drive surge in pre-mandate clearing of OTC FRAs

23 July 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited's market-leading interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear, announced that it now clears approaching 50% of all outstanding over-the-counter forward rate agreements (FRAs).

Sparkasse Pforzheim Clears Interest Rate Swaps using LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear Service via LBBW

15 June 2012, LCH. Clearnet

Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw (Spk Pforzheim Calw), LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet) and Landesbank Baden-Wьrttemberg (LBBW) today announced that Spk Pforzheim Calw is now actively clearing over-thecounter (OTC) interest rate swaps using LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear service.

Alliance Bernstein Starts Clearing Interest Rate Swaps with SwapClear

13 June 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet) today announced that Alliance Bernstein is now actively clearing over-the-counter interest rate swaps through LCH. Clearnet’s SwapClear service. The move comes in advance of regulatory mandates in the U. S. to clear over-the-counter derivatives.

Over $1 trillion notional of buy-side interest rate swaps cleared on SwapClear

01 June 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited’s interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear, announced that more than one trillion dollars in buy-side client notional volumes have been cleared on its market-leading platform. Activity has intensified in the run-up to regulatory reform, as clients capitalize on the benefits of counterparty risk reduction, and operational and capital efficiencies.

Buy-side interest rate swap clearing surges ahead of Dodd-Frank mandate

01 May 2012, LCH. Clearnet

Client clearing on SwapClear up by 175% in 2012 to over USD 700 billion total notional

LCH. Clearnet in discussions to expand U. S. footprint with acquisition of IDCG

24 April 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), New York Portfolio Clearing LLC (NYPC), The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and NYSE Euronext (NYX) today jointly announced that they have agreed to explore expanding the existing combined "one-pot" cross-margining arrangement to include interest rate swaps cleared by LCH. Clearnet.


14 March 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), New York Portfolio Clearing LLC (NYPC), The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and NYSE Euronext (NYX) today jointly announced that they have agreed to explore expanding the existing combined "one-pot" cross-margining arrangement to include interest rate swaps cleared by LCH. Clearnet.

TriOptima and LCH. Clearnet Compression of Cleared Interest Rate Swaps Exceeds $100 Trillion in Notional; $20.4 Trillion Compressed in 2012 Alone

23 February 2012, LCH. Clearnet

TriOptima and LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet) today announced that $110 trillion in total notional volume in EUR, JPY, GBP and USD interest rate swaps has been terminated by 21 SwapClear members using TriOptima’s triReduce service since the first cycle in 2008.

Pierpont Derivatives Starts Clearing Interest Rate Swaps Through LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear service via Nomura

21 February 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), Pierpont Derivatives LLC (Pierpont Derivatives) and Nomura Securities International, Inc. (Nomura) today announced that Pierpont Derivatives is now actively clearing over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate swaps through LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear service.

State Street Global Markets Intends to Join LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear Service

13 February 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Ltd. (LCH. Clearnet) today announced that State Street Global Markets, LLC (SSGM), intends to join SwapClear, LCH. Clearnet's global over-the-counter (OTC) IRS clearing service, by June, 2012 subject to regulatory approval. SwapClear’s total clearing membership is currently 61.

SwapClear Announces U. S. $34 Billion Cleared in Client Business in January 2012

06 February 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited's (LCH. Clearnet's) market-leading interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear, today announced that in January it cleared U. S. $34 billion in total notional client business across seven of the 17 currencies currently available.

LCH. Clearnet named "clearing house of the year" by Risk Magazine for second consecutive year

11 January 2012, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Group (LCH. Clearnet) has been named "clearing house of the year" for the second year in a row by Risk Magazine, in recognition of its market leading OTC derivative risk management capabilities, client-focused service and development of innovative clearing solutions.

SwapClear Enhancements Drive Additional USD 32.7 billion of IRS Client Clearing

20 December 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), the world's leading independent clearinghouse, today announced that SwapClear, its interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, saw a rise in notional volume of USD 32.7 billion for buy-side client clearing over the last two weeks.

SwapClear Enhancements Drive USD 21 billion of IRS Client Clearing

15 December 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), the world's leading independent clearinghouse, today announced that SwapClear, its interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, saw a rise in notional volume of USD 21 billion for buy-side client clearing over the last 7 days.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear clears OTC interest rate swaps for LBBW

12 December 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Ltd's (LCH. Clearnet) market leading over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear, has commenced clearing IRS trades for Landesbank Baden-Wьrttemberg (LBBW). This brings the total number of SwapClear clearing members to 60.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear Launches Major Enhancements to FCM Service

05 December 2011, LCH. Clearnet

Significant upgrades include extended choice of collateral, increased connectivity, enhanced trade submission and risk-free compression

LCH. Clearnet names BNY Mellon as US collateral custodian

02 December 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), the leading independent clearing house, today named Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon) as an additional US collateral custodian with which members and their clients may lodge collateral.

SwapClear Announces $20.6 Trillion Notional Cleared in October 2011 and Largest U. S. Dollar Cleared Trades Compression in History at $8.26 Trillion

15 November 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet), the world's leading independent clearinghouse and a CFTC regulated DCO, today announced that its SwapClear service cleared $20.6 trillion in notional value in October 2011.

Daniel Maguire Named Head of SwapClear U. S.

27 October 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Group (LCH. Clearnet), the world's leading independent clearinghouse, today announced it has appointed Daniel Maguire as the Head of SwapClear U. S. a newly created position that underscores the company's commitment to serving the American market.

LCH. Clearnet to revalue JPY trades in SwapClear using OIS

25 August 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Ltd's (LCH. Clearnet) market-leading interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service SwapClear is to begin using the overnight index swap (OIS) curve to discount Japanese Yen IRS trades from October 2011. The total outstanding notional value of IRS denominated in JPY within SwapClear is currently Ґ 1417 trillion, comprising over 12% of the total SwapClear portfolio by value.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear clears interest rate swaps for Danske Bank

17 August 2011, LCH. Clearnet

Danske Bank (DBS) (Danske Bank) has successfully commenced clearing its interest rate swap (IRS) business through SwapClear, LCH. Clearnet Ltd's (LCH. Clearnet) market leading over-the-counter (OTC) IRS clearing offering, becoming the first Nordic bank to join the service. The total number of members clearing through SwapClear now stands at 57.

TriOptima and LCH. Clearnet terminate SwapClear USD interest rate swaps with notional principal value of $7.1 trillion

04 August 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet) and TriOptima announce that SwapClear members have torn up $7.1 trillion notional principal in SwapClear-cleared USD-denominated interest rate swaps (IRS) in a triReduce termination cycle, thereby eliminating them from LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear service.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear adds 3 new currencies

26 July 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited's (LCH. Clearnet) market leading over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear, has extended the range of currencies available for clearing. Interest rate swap trades denominated in Hungarian Forint (HUF), Czech Koruna (CZK) and Singaporean Dollars (SGD) out to 10 years can now be cleared.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear clears OTC interest rate swaps for BBVA

21 July 2011, LCH. Clearnet

BBVA has successfully commenced clearing its interbank interest rate swap (IRS) trades through SwapClear, LCH. Clearnet Ltd's (LCH. Clearnet) market leading over-the-counter (OTC) IRS clearing service. The total number of SwapClear clearing members now stands at 56.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear clears OTC interest rate swaps for Friesland Bank through ABN AMRO Clearing

19 July 2011, LCH. Clearnet

Friesland Bank, ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N. V. (ABN AMRO Clearing) and LCH. Clearnet Ltd (LCH. Clearnet), today announced that Friesland Bank has signed up to LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear service to clear OTC interest rate swap (IRS) transactions through ABN AMRO Clearing. Friesland Bank is the first Dutch client to benefit from SwapClear's proven risk management experience.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear clears interest rate swaps for DZ BANK

12 July 2011, LCH. Clearnet

DZ BANK (DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main) has successfully commenced clearing its interest rate swaps (IRS) business through SwapClear, LCH. Clearnet Ltd's (LCH. Clearnet) market leading over-the-counter (OTC) IRS clearing service. The total number of SwapClear clearing members now stands at 56.

Wells Fargo to join LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear service

09 June 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet announced today that Wells Fargo Bank NA has signed a letter of intent to join LCH. Clearnet Ltd's (LCH. Clearnet) SwapClear, a global clearing service for over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate swaps. By joining SwapClear, Wells Fargo will take the total number of SwapClear clearing members to 54.

LCH. Clearnet appoints Susan Milligan as Head of US Public Affairs

06 June 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet) has appointed Susan Milligan head of US public affairs. Based in Washington D. C. Susan will be responsible for representing LCH. Clearnet Group with the US Congress and the federal agencies and will liaise with the US media.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear successfully implements Murex technology

20 April 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Limited (LCH. Clearnet) has enhanced its market leading interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear, with the successful implementation of Murex's world-class capital markets platform MX.3. The technology, which has been adapted by LCH. Clearnet and Murex, replaces a series of legacy systems and provides enhanced risk management capabilities.

LCH. Clearnet Group Results and Announcements

28 March 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Group Limited (LCH. Clearnet) today announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2010.

LCH. Clearnet's SwapClear FCM Service launches

09 March 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Ltd's (LCH. Clearnet) SwapClear Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) service was launched yesterday. U. S. interest rate swap (IRS) clients are now able to access this market leading service through any of the 12 FCMs already connected to the service. Six clients have cleared executed OTC IRS trades on SwapClear in a variety of maturities and currencies, including USD, EUR and GBP.

LCH. Clearnet announces new Chief Executive

15 February 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Group (LCH. Clearnet), the world's leading independent clearing house group, has appointed Ian Axe as chief executive of both LCH. Clearnet Group Limited (the group holding company) and LCH. Clearnet Limited (the UK based subsidiary). Mr Axe joins from Barclays Capital where he was most recently global head of operations and COO EMEA. He will replace Roger Liddell, who has been chief executive since July 2006 and who announced his intention to retire in July 2010.

LCH. Clearnet named best clearing house Risk Awards 2011

17 January 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Group (LCH. Clearnet) has been named "clearing house of the year" by Risk Magazine, in recognition of its pivotal role in reducing systemic risk and for its development of market leading clearing solutions.

LCH. Clearnet appoints SwapClear Head of Sales & Marketing in the U. S

06 January 2011, LCH. Clearnet

LCH. Clearnet Ltd (LCH. Clearnet) has appointed Floyd Converse as Head of Sales and Marketing in the U. S for its market leading interest rate swap (IRS) clearing service, SwapClear.

LSE to acquire LCH. Clearnet for US$613mn

LCH. Clearnet Group Limited and London Stock Exchange Group plc announce that they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer to be made by London Stock Exchange (C) Limited (“LSEC”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of LSEG, for LCH. Clearnet’s Issued Share Capital. On Completion, LSEG will become the majority owner of LCH. Clearnet, holding up to 60 per cent. of LCH. Clearnet’s Issued Share Capital.

Under the terms of the Transaction, accepting LCH. Clearnet Shareholders will receive €20 per LCH. Clearnet Share acquired, comprising cash consideration of €19 per LCH. Clearnet Share payable by LSEG under the Offer plus €1 per LCH. Clearnet Share from the Special Dividend payable by LCH. Clearnet (which may be reduced by the cost to LCH. Clearnet of any Relevant Claim(s)). The total implied value of LCH. Clearnet under the terms of the Transaction is €813 million (£677 million), comprising a total implied Offer value of €772 million (£643 million) and assuming €41 million (£34 million) paid under the Special Dividend. The maximum consideration to be paid by LSEG at Completion, assuming LSEG acquires 60 per cent. of LCH. Clearnet’s Issued Share Capital, will be €463 million (£386 million), which will be financed from existing cash resources and bank facilities.

Through this Transaction, LCH. Clearnet and LSEG will partner as a global leader in multi-asset, multi-venue clearing and risk management services, providing customers with an enhanced product and service offering.

Commenting on today’s announcement,

Chris Gibson-Smith, Chairman of LSEG said: “Strategically, structurally and financially this is a highly persuasive transaction. At a time when experience, stability and trust count for so much, we are delighted to be partnering with LCH. Clearnet as global leaders in market infrastructure. Together, we have secured the Enlarged Group’s long term role in the operation of international capital markets and we look forward to continuing to successfully deliver on our diversification strategy and to drive shareholder value.”

Jacques Aigrain, Chairman of LCH. Clearnet added:

“We are pleased to partner with LSEG which has a shared philosophy of horizontal architecture and close partnership with customers. We look forward to working together to build on our respective strengths as we seek to deliver one of the premier global multi-asset, multi-venue clearing and risk management businesses.”

Xavier Rolet, Chief Executive Officer of LSEG said: “The Transaction will be transformative, delivering a strong, customer-focused clearing partnership between LSEG, LCH. Clearnet and our customers, the broker-dealer community. We will seek to promote greater innovation, choice and competition in the listed derivatives market through this new-style open-access clearing model, building on the successes we have already had with our existing equity and fixed income trading partnerships, Turquoise and MTS.”

Ian Axe, Chief Executive Officer of LCH. Clearnet added: “Transforming LCH. Clearnet into a best in class international CCP will be accelerated by the partnership’s enhanced capabilities. We see significant revenue opportunities opening up as a result of both customer and regulatory demand for more efficient and more sophisticated tools to manage market risk.”

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