Monday, December 5, 2016

Forex Lleva

Forex Leads / Servicio de Generación de Clientes

Generación de calidad Forex lleva es una de las mayores preocupaciones para cada Forex Broker. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecerle LÍNEAS FOREX EXCELENTES y calificadas para su éxito empresarial.

ForexCraze proporciona el servicio de generación de leads exclusivamente para el mercado FOREX a través de campañas efectivas mostradas en la web. Cada generación de clientes potenciales puede ser su clave para los ingresos altos! Ofrecemos dos tipos de servicio de generación de clientes potenciales, uno es Pre generado forex dirigido clientes potenciales y el otro es la página de destino en tiempo real lleva usando sus creatividades.

Tenemos un equipo dedicado que son expertos en campos de marketing en línea, tecnologías creativas e Internet y así asegurar la calidad desde el primer paso del proceso.

Líneas de FX Pre Generadas

Usted puede comprar alto potencial potenciales de Forex / inversores que en última instancia, aumentar sus ventas. Su equipo de ventas sólo tendrá que empujar a los clientes ya preparados, por lo que no hay molestias de generar nuevos LEADS en absoluto!

Precios a granel: $ 2000 para 1000 clientes potenciales (25% de descuento) SOLAMENTE $ 1500 para 1000 clientes potenciales *

Éntrenos en contacto con para el descuento especial si usted necesita 1000+ conduce.

* El precio por encima se refiere a clientes potenciales globales sin ninguna región objetivo en particular. Las regiones individuales (por ejemplo, Eurpoe, GCC) tienen un precio diferente.

Por qué los cables pre generados?

En primer lugar porque un solo plomo puede resultar una venta de $ 10.000 o más para usted y sólo paga una fracción!

Usted no tendrá que preocuparse de generar nuevos clientes. lo hacemos por ti

Todas las pistas son resultado de horas de trabajo duro de un equipo dedicado. Esto nos ayuda a continuar con nuestro servicio.

Todos los clientes potenciales son exclusivamente Forex. ¡Así pues, las ventas hicieron FÁCIL para usted!

Ofrecemos el reemplazo libre para cualquier información incorrecta / inválida.

Nuestro objetivo es asegurarse de que todos sus clientes potenciales son contactables y relacionados.

Tiempo de aterrizaje en tiempo real

Los clientes potenciales de las páginas de destino real se generan utilizando sus creatividades / banners y se desvían directamente a su CRM a través de su (s) propia (s) página (s) de destino.

Todo el tráfico a través de este método es FX dirigido que asegura una alta tasa de conversión. También todos los cables están expuestos a su marca, por lo que es muy fácil empujarlos para la conversión.

Crear campaña ahora

Métodos del pago: Aceptamos la amplia gama de métodos del pago que incluyen WebMoney, Skrill, Neteller, PerfectMoney y Western Union.

Porque nosotros?

El hecho de que nos centramos en un solo campo principal promete mejores resultados. Tenemos gran conocimiento y experiencia en la industria del mercado comercial, y sabemos qué obtener y cómo obtenerlo. Nuestro equipo se mantiene siempre al día con respecto a los cambios y las nuevas necesidades de la industria del mercado comercial, así que asegúrese de saber que se trata de expertos.

Todavía no está convencido?

Cómo podemos ser más persuasivos? A veces es difícil encontrar las palabras correctas para describir qué y quién eres, por eso creemos en la construcción de una relación cercana y más personal con nuestros socios. Siéntase libre de ponerse en contacto con nosotros por cualquier razón, una cosa es segura - si tiene pistas escritas por todas partes entonces somos su respuesta.


La generación de la calidad de los prospectos de Forex es una de las mayores preocupaciones de Every Broker. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecerle LÍNEAS FOREX EXCELENTES y calificadas para su éxito empresarial. ForexCraze proporciona el servicio de generación de leads exclusivamente para el mercado FOREX / BINARY a través de campañas eficaces que se muestran en la web. Cada generación de clientes potenciales puede ser su clave para los ingresos altos! Ofrecemos dos tipos de servicio de generación de clientes potenciales, uno es la calidad pre-generada y el otro es la página de destino en tiempo real que utiliza sus creatividades. Tenemos un equipo dedicado que son expertos en campos de marketing en línea, tecnologías creativas e Internet y así asegurar la calidad desde el primer paso del proceso.

Pistas de la página de destino en tiempo real

Los leads de páginas de destino real se generan utilizando sus creatividades / banners y se desvían directamente a su página de destino. Todo el tráfico a través de este método es FX dirigido que asegura una alta tasa de conversión. También todos los cables están expuestos a su marca, por lo que es muy fácil empujarlos para la conversión.

Pre generado QC conduce

Usted puede comprar alto potencial potenciales de Forex / inversores que en última instancia, aumentar sus ventas. Su equipo de ventas sólo tendrá que empujar a los clientes ya preparados, por lo que no hay molestias de generar nuevos LEADS en absoluto!

Bienvenido al Blog desde el cual puede comenzar a expandir su negocio FOREX.

Si necesitas más clientes este es el lugar para ti!

Somos un centro de llamadas europeo especializado en FOREX y la generación de inversiones durante los últimos 8 años.

Nuestro trabajo es encontrar a los clientes potenciales entre todas las personas que no están interesadas en nada y que están colgando el teléfono a usted.

Si su equipo de ventas está enfermo y cansado de llamadas en frío y la búsqueda de un cliente día tras día & # 8230;

Entonces somos la solución para usted. Nuestros agentes seleccionarán para usted los prospectos que están abiertos para la discusión, la gente que está esperando su llamada y ellos quieren oír más sobre su compañía y los beneficios que usted está ofreciendo.

Entonces para su equipo de ventas se deja la parte más dulce del trabajo & # 8211; Ofertas de cierre y ganar dinero!

Comprar Forex Leads

Forex Leads

Real Forex lleva puede ser muy valioso para alguien que está buscando para comprar legítimo y forex dirigido lleva en cualquier momento sin tener que mirar en línea y la compra lleva que son falsos o falsos. Especialmente si usted está buscando Forex Introducing Broker Leads que son Realmente difícil de encontrar en el mercado de divisas. El mercado Forex crece tan rápidamente que se está volviendo cada vez más competitivo y con la mayoría de las ofertas que son muy similares encontrar nuevos clientes se vuelve cada vez más difícil, especialmente si no puede permitirse el lujo de gastar una gran cantidad de dinero en obtener forex lleva que no está seguro de su calidad.

Buscando Forex Leads?

Los comerciantes de la calidad pueden hacer una gran diferencia a un corredor de la divisa, sin embargo encontrar buenos comerciantes en los mercados de la divisa es duro por lo tanto hacemos todo el trabajo para usted buscando y encontrando solamente buenos comerciantes. Nuestras listas contienen pistas mundiales que puede segmentar una vez que realiza una compra. Tenemos la capacidad de vender a usted esta información que lo hace increíblemente valioso para usted, ya que permite la orientación de varios mercados y ofertas con marketing por correo electrónico.

Presentación de Forex de Broker

Qué es un corredor de introducción?

Un corredor de introducción es esencialmente una entidad (individual o empresa) que se refiere a los clientes a los corredores de divisas. Los individuos y las instituciones que desean ganar la comisión dirigiendo nuevos clientes a una compañía de la divisa. El plan de comisión ofrecido por los corredores es extremadamente competitivo ya sea que en términos de CPA, la parte de ingresos y el descuento de lote. No se puede negar que la introducción de divisas corredores (Ibs) & amp; Afiliados son el futuro de la industria de la divisa y que realmente puede ayudar a una empresa de divisas y traer en un montón de tráfico que impulsa su tráfico y ventas en ningún momento. Aquí usted puede encontrar muy potente Introducing Brokers que están activos y esperando para escuchar su oferta.

Porque nosotros?

Afiliados-Red se enorgullece de proporcionar a los clientes hasta la fecha forex lleva que se puede utilizar en cualquier momento para atraer tráfico a su sitio web. Dicho esto, también le damos un control total sobre su presupuesto ya que ofrecemos precios fijos para lo que usted paga por sus clientes potenciales, qué datos obtiene y la ubicación del país. Tan simplemente gasta tan poco o tanto como usted desea y nosotros nos aseguramos de que usted tenga un montón de forex lleva a seguir adquiriendo nuevos clientes.

Comienza tu empresa Desde aquí

Desde 2013 lidera a los reyes Proporciona servicios de Marketing Digital de calidad al sector financiero Estamos participando en el crecimiento de algunas de las compañías financieras más grandes del mundo, Inversores calificados y comerciantes activos para FX, Binary & amp; Corredores de CFD. Hacemos una estrategia. Lo hacemos en todo el mundo!

Inicio de las derivaciones de la bomba

Leads que están interesados ​​en su oferta, acercarse a ellos como una autoridad de confianza, y disfrutar de los resultados. Es simple fácil de configurar, grandes cantidades disponibles

Tenemos clientes potenciales de todo el mundo que simplemente ingresan al país que desean y compran el Paquete que desean.

Marketing y contactos nuevos

Hacemos una comercialización para usted las redes sociales. Facebook. Google. Invertir, etc.

Empuje su conversión


Nuestras estadísticas

medio Este


Resto del mundo

Forex Leads

Forex. El mercado de divisas (forex, FX o mercado de divisas) es un mercado descentralizado global para el comercio de divisas. Esto incluye todos los aspectos de compra, venta e intercambio de monedas a precios actuales o determinados. En términos de volumen de comercio, es con mucho el mayor mercado del mundo. Los principales participantes en este mercado son los grandes bancos internacionales. Los centros financieros de todo el mundo funcionan como anclas del comercio entre una amplia gama de múltiples tipos de compradores y vendedores durante todo el día, con la excepción de los fines de semana. El mercado de divisas determina los valores relativos de las diferentes monedas.

Permítanos ofrecerle el mejor corredor para usted

En los mercados financieros. Había un centenar de empresas de corretaje.

Para que podamos encontrar el mejor corredor para usted con el plan correcto

Productos básicos. Dirigir

Estás aquí. Centro de aprendizaje Forex & gt; Nivel EASY & gt; Productos básicos

El plomo forma parte de la categoría de metales. Tiene varios usos:

Industrial: el plomo se utiliza en la fabricación de baterías y también sirve como una protección contra la radiación (72% del consumo ((53% automotibile, 19% de la industria)).

Química (12% del consumo)

Otras aplicaciones. El plomo se utiliza para soldar, municiones o tuberías (16% del consumo)

El consumo global según las áreas geográficas es el siguiente:

Ahora eche un vistazo a la producción. Aquí la asignación geográfica de la producción de plomo en el mundo, para una producción total de alrededor de 6800 miles de toneladas:

Tenga en cuenta que en estos 6,8 millones de toneladas, alrededor de 3 se prestan de la minería y 3,8 de reciclaje.

El precio del plomo está dictado por la ley de la oferta y la demanda. Es la demanda mundial de plomo que desempeña un papel muy importante en la formación de precios. Esta demanda es ahora impulsada por los países emergentes que utiliza su liderazgo sin conocimiento de su toxicidad y sobre todo debido a la falta de fondos. Los países industrializados están buscando medios para reemplazar la materia prima por otra pero una demanda significativa siempre existirá. El precio depende en gran medida de la economía, ya que el plomo se utiliza principalmente en el sector del automóvil, muy cíclico.

En cuanto a la oferta, un aprt más y más importante proviene del reciclaje.

El plomo se cita en toneladas, en dólares de los Estados Unidos. La evolución del precio se correlaciona con el dólar. Los precios de plomo están subiendo como el dólar se sentía. Esto se denomina correlación negativa entre el dólar y el plomo. Que se ilustra perfectamente con estas dos cartas del EUR / USD y lleva:

Observamos que la forma de la curva es similar. En 2008, el precio de plomo llegó a 3.500 dólares por tonelada como el dólar se sentía. El euro ha subido a este período a casi 1,60 dólares por euro.

Las materias primas pueden clasificarse de diversas maneras. Sin embargo, aquí es uno que preferimos:

FOREX significa divisas, lo que significa mercado de divisas. El mercado Forex es donde las monedas se venden, compradas, en forma de paridad. En el mercado Forex, todas las divisas se negocian en tiempo real, 24h / 24h, 7J / 7J. El Forex está abierto desde hace pocos años a los individuos, inversores individuales que deseen diversificar sus inversiones o especuladores puros. El acceso al mercado de divisas para los individuos se ofrece a través de corredores de Forex.

CUIDADO. FOREX es un mercado volátil por el apalancamiento que se ofrece a usted. En consecuencia, siempre existe un riesgo de importantes pérdidas financieras. Tribuforex proporciona a sus internautas algunas ideas y análisis comerciales, pero no será responsable en caso de pérdidas. El objetivo principal de www. forex-tribe. com es ofrecer una herramienta que permite a los comerciantes compartir divisas entre ellos.

&dupdo; Copyright www. forex-tribe. com 2016

Comprar y vender Forex Leads

Cómo comprar y vender Forex Leads

Tenemos el lugar perfecto para que usted pueda comprar forex lleva y vender forex lleva. En este momento crítico en el mundo financiero, el comercio de divisas es muy caliente y hay una enorme necesidad de la compra y revender de forex lite forex pros lleva.

Usted puede iniciar sesión en LeadsDealing y optar por solicitar o comprar / vender estas oportunidades de venta y con forex lleva siendo tan popular en el momento, ¡no estarán por mucho tiempo! Cuando otros usuarios respondan a su entrada, usted recibirá la notificación y puede esperar mejor oferta o contactarlos directamente para negociar la mejor oferta para sus operaciones de divisas. También por favor tome a tiempo para mirar Forex Signals Life uno de los comerciantes de Forex más respetados en el mundo le da todos los secretos a la vida alterando los beneficios.

Compradores principales

vendedores de plomo

Publique sus clientes potenciales y solicite GRATIS y reciba ofertas - vea el video.

Compradores y Vendedores

Forex Leads

Su puerta a los mercados financieros

Las mejores ofertas en Forex & amp; mundo binario

Entonces, cómo funciona.

ForexLeads empresa recopila las mejores ofertas en el Forex & amp; ¡Mundo binario para ti! Buscamos en la web todos los días para encontrar las mejores ofertas presentadas por Forex & amp; Binary Brokers y te los ofrece.

Todas las ofertas presentadas por nosotros en ForexLeads. Net. Nos dan la capacidad de proporcionar adaptación personalizada excelentes ofertas para nuestros clientes.

Todas nuestras páginas contienen un trato especial ofrecido por Forex \ Binary Broker y un formulario en el que pediste que dejaras tus datos.

A medida que deje sus datos en el formulario, obtendrá una consulta telefónica gratuita de los administradores de cuentas profesionales del broker + un video educativo gratuito directamente a su dirección de correo electrónico !,

Abra su cuenta de Forex a través de nuestras páginas de oferta) con un depósito mínimo y convertirse en un operador independiente en Forex & amp; Mercados binarios con manos en el encargado personal para acompañarle en todo su progreso.

Compartir este:

Su puerta a los mercados financieros Las mejores ofertas en el Forex & amp; Mundo Binario Así que cómo funciona. ForexLeads empresa recopila las mejores ofertas en el Forex & amp; ¡Mundo binario para ti! Buscamos en la web todos los días para encontrar las mejores ofertas presentadas por Forex & amp; Binary Brokers y te los ofrece. Todas las ofertas presentadas por nosotros en ForexLeads. Net. Nos dan la capacidad de proporcionar adaptación personalizada excelentes ofertas para nuestros clientes. Todas nuestras páginas contienen un archivo.

NZD / USD - SEÑAL DE FOREX LIBRE (23 de noviembre)

USD / CHF - FREE FOREX SIGNAL (23 de noviembre)

USD / CHF - SEÑAL DE FOREX LIBRE (13 de noviembre)

Ofrecemos calidad forex lleva que se segmentan de acuerdo a los requisitos de la empresa y por nuestra medida interna que causa - alto ROI, FTD y excelente - buena retención.

El ratio de conversión de clientes potenciales que ofrecemos es alto en el mercado y llevamos a cabo el control de calidad que conduce a usted como un negocio obtendrá sólo lo que es bueno para usted.

Información relacionada

Nuestros servicios


Leads-Markets fue fundada en 2013 con el fin de hacer una diferencia en el mundo del marketing online.

Poseemos varias marcas para diferentes mercados y nuestras marcas son las líderes en sus campos.

Todo lo que necesitas hacer es unirte a nosotros y te gustará la forma en que manejamos tu solicitud y con nosotros aumentarás tus ganancias.


Generación líder

Entregamos leads de calidad basados ​​en su objetivo: casino. Forex Futuros En su mayoría derivaciones financieras generadas por campañas publicitarias y de co-reg. En un mercado cada vez más fragmentado de Forex (FX), CHECKus Media Group, una agencia de medios de comunicación performace, utiliza tecnología sofisticada, nuestro conocimiento de los mercados financieros y la destreza de marketing, para convertir clientes potenciales en clientes de Forex para su marca. Nuestras estrategias de marketing por correo electrónico propietarias y los métodos de publicidad en pantalla tienen un alto potencial de clientes potenciales de hasta un 15 por ciento.

Tenemos fuertes relaciones con cientos de anunciantes y miles de editores, lo que permite a nuestro equipo experto en tecnología crear campañas de marketing en línea que generan importantes oportunidades de FX. Nuestras editoriales premium en Rusia. Europa Central . Europa del Este . Australia. Asia. los Estados Unidos . Cada mes, CHECKus Media Group registra más de 15 millones de impresiones ofreciendo análisis de motores de búsqueda de vanguardia y marketing de destino. Somos una agencia global de publicidad digital que trabaja con comerciantes de FX en todo el mundo y nos especializamos en los mercados de Europa Central y del Este.

A través de análisis de marketing de medios sociales, análisis de optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO), nuestro equipo de investigación de Forex puede crear una base de datos de prospectos prometedores para su marca. Nuestros expertos en marketing de Forex generarán campañas de marketing por correo electrónico y publicidad gráfica en todas las plataformas de medios, incluyendo Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, webinars, boletines y dispositivos móviles, uno de los generadores de plomo de Forex de más rápido crecimiento. El mensaje de marca puede ser creado en cualquier idioma y CHECKus Media Group ayudará a su marca a obtener conocimientos críticos sobre las perspectivas y los clientes. Nuestro equipo de CRM (Customer Relationship Management) ofrece soporte personalizado y se dedica a ofrecer soluciones de Forex Online Marketing de vanguardia.

Deje un mensaje

Información del contacto

Oficina: In den Kirschen 91 80992 Munich Alemania

Rama eslovaca: Savoy Courtyard Offices Mostová 2. Bratislava 811 02 Eslovaquia


Generación de plomo de Forex

Compra de divisas de compra, venta de compra de TC, moneda y TC para los estudiantes y los que están aprovechando la facilidad de inmigración para proporcionarles un conocimiento completo de su cuota en virtud de las normas RBI y las regulaciones. Envíe y reciba dinero en todo el mundo de acuerdo con las reglas y regulaciones de RBI.

Muchos corredores que vienen a nosotros mientras que busca para la divisa o los plomos binarios expresan una buena cantidad de preocupación con la calidad de las derivaciones de FX que ven de los abastecedores existentes. Es importante para nosotros que las campañas de generación de plomo sean un éxito, porque también confiamos en continuar el negocio y nadie en su sano juicio quiere una campaña de generación de plomo de un solo golpe. Por lo tanto, it†™ s claramente en nuestros intereses y el suyo para asegurarse de que cualquier cmapaign, si se centró en Forex o Binary Leads, es de alta calidad.

Ayuda a crecer y administrar sus contactos

El proceso de generación de plomo de Forex le proporciona contactos de alta calidad, especialmente en su mercado objetivo. Esto le permite crecer y gestionar sus contactos y también te pone en contacto directo con todos los tomadores de decisiones y lo más importante, los que usted necesita para vender.

Para asegurar buenos resultados, empleamos una variedad de diferentes métodos para generar leads de calidad de Forex y generar tráfico a su sitio, como mostrar inventario en una variedad de calidad, sitios relevantes, EDM o captura de plomo a través de Co-Reg o Survey-style Cuando sea posible.

Controle Leads le ayuda a organizar sus operaciones comerciales

Leads dar a los dueños de negocios un excelente sentido del tipo de mercado de la empresa tiene. Estos datos están en términos de datos demográficos (género, edad, situación social y ubicación) y datos psicográficos (disgustos, gustos, necesidades y deseos). El análisis crítico de estos datos puede revelar por qué los clientes potenciales están interesados ​​en los productos o servicios. Eventualmente, estos datos se utilizarán para adaptar las estrategias de marketing futuras eficaces para la empresa.

Por qué la generación de plomo?

La solución de Forex lleva su leadgen al siguiente nivel - Proporcionar a los anunciantes un control total sobre el canal de tráfico, el volumen, los precios y el interés de sus clientes potenciales. Los anunciantes se benefician de la adquisición de clientes potenciales altamente calificados y dirigidos a una fracción del costo.

Su asegura que los anunciantes tienen todas las herramientas que necesitan para dirigirse a su audiencia, aumentar las tasas de conversión y administrar el crecimiento del negocio!

Descubra una nueva y eficiente manera de generar clientes de acuerdo a sus necesidades empresariales.

Adelantos y retrasos

ROMPIENDO "Leads and Lags"

Acelerar la transacción se conoce como "leads", mientras que la ralentización se conoce como "lags". Las derivaciones resultarán cuando las empresas o las personas que efectúen pagos esperen un aumento en el tipo de cambio, mientras que los retrasos surgen cuando se espera que el tipo de cambio disminuya. Las derivaciones y los retrasos se utilizan en un intento de mejorar las ganancias.

Forex Marketing & # 038; conduce

Forex Marketing & # 038; Guías Gilad 2015-12-24T12: 54: 44 + 00: 00

La industria Forex es un mercado muy competitivo que consta de miles de marcas diferentes. Generar nuevos usuarios es un tema importante para cada marca. Además, con el fin de tener éxito en la industria de Forex, los factores para concentrarse en incluir marketing, PR, branding, analítica, SEO.

Hemos enumerado algunas de las mejores compañías en este campo:

SoftGamings es uno de los desarrolladores más innovadores del mundo de plataformas de juego y proveedor de soluciones de juego llave en mano robustas. Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt;

Salesarcher es una compañía líder de outsourcing de ventas y consultoría de negocios enfocada en asistir a la industria Forex & gaming con cualquier necesidad de ayudar al negocio a crecer. Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt;

Leadustry es una agencia de marketing líder enfocada en la industria Forex, Opciones Binarias y Juegos. Ofrecen soluciones A - Z para todas sus necesidades de marketing. Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt;

B2Binary ofrece soluciones a la medida para empresas que participan en los sectores Forex, Binary Options y Gaming. Ofreciendo a sus clientes conocimientos como plataformas, marketing Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;

Global Targets tiene como objetivo proporcionar tecnología asequible y moderna a los sitios web para mejorar su presencia en el mercado en línea de su industria. Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt;

Mte-Media es una de las empresas líderes en el campo de la etiqueta blanca de videos y servicios educativos para Forex y corredores binarios con más de 30 idiomas son compatibles. Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt;

Traders Education proporciona vídeos de educación financiera para generar más ventas y clientes potenciales y se convirtió en una de las empresas líderes en su campo. Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt;

Clicxy es una empresa de publicidad en línea orientada a nivel internacional que se centra en las necesidades de los clientes y tiene como objetivo proporcionarles los mejores servicios. Leer más & gt; & gt; & gt;

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Usted encontrará una gran cantidad de robots de Forex vendidos en línea y todos ellos afirman que han hecho grandes ganancias, pero la realidad es la mayoría no lo han hecho y no le hará dinero. Hay algunos que son buenos y aquí le ayudaremos a detectar a los perdedores y encontrar la minoría de los sistemas ganadores. La forma de descuento de la mayoría de los robots forex es, simplemente para comprobar si el historial es real - la mayoría no son simplemente se hacen en retrospectiva y llevar esta advertencia. \ "Regla de la CFTC 4.41 - Los resultados de rendimiento hipotéticos o simulados tienen ciertas limitaciones A diferencia de un récord de desempeño real, los resultados simulados no representan el comercio real \" La advertencia continúa y muestra lo serio que debe tomar el historial. "Los programas comerciales simulados en general también están sujetos al hecho de que están diseñados con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta será o es probable que logre ganancias o pérdidas similares a las que se muestran \". Por alguna razón la mayoría de los comerciantes nunca cuestionan lo anterior y la falla en el uso de datos pasados ​​para hacer un historial, por supuesto, conocer los precios hace que sea fácil de obtener un beneficio. Por supuesto, estos sistemas de comercio de divisas explotar en el comercio en tiempo real y realmente el.

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Forex conduce tienden a caer en 2 categorías - oficios ocasionales de una sola vez (por lo general por los compradores de la propiedad internacional) y los inversores de divisas o los comerciantes de valores haciendo operaciones internacionales sobre una base regular.

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Forex: Aussie conduce después de RBA Hold; EURUSD ligeramente inferior


Ha pasado más de una semana desde que este informe fue archivado por varias razones (el huracán Sandy me desplazó y luego se dirigió a la FXCM Expo), pero muy poco ha cambiado en torno a las principales monedas y otros activos discutidos en este informe. Pero quizás el desarrollo más importante ha sido la cadena continua de datos económicos positivos de EE. UU., Que ha dado un golpe a la reducción de las expectativas, al alza del dólar estadounidense, al hundir el euro, el oro, el yen japonés y el S & P 500.

Similar a cómo el dólar de los EEUU ha ganado la súplica entre mejores datos, las monedas de la materia, conducidas por el dólar australiano, se han apreciado moderado para comenzar la primera semana completa de noviembre. El catalizador: el Banco de la Reserva de Australia mantuvo su tasa de interés clave en espera un 3,25% más temprano hoy, frustrando la previsión de consenso para un recorte de 3,00%. El Gobernador Glenn Stevens señaló que "la Junta juzgó que, si se esperaba que la inflación estuviera en consonancia con la meta y el crecimiento cercano a la tendencia, pero con una perspectiva internacional más moderada que la de hace unos meses, la política monetaria siguió siendo apropiada . & Rdquo;

Con las preocupaciones chinas ahora más moderadas, volvemos nuestra atención a Europa, donde tanto la libra esterlina como el euro se han visto atenuados por datos más suaves: las lecturas del PMI fueron generalmente más débiles para la zona euro más amplia y sus países más grandes; Y los datos industriales y manufactureros de Gran Bretaña entraron por debajo de las previsiones de septiembre. Con el inevitable rescate español siendo buscado por el primer ministro Mariano Rajoy, el euro ha sido golpeado por la incertidumbre en ese sentido también.

Tomando una mirada en el crédito, los rendimientos periféricos se mejoran, ayudando a aislar más pérdidas del euro. El rendimiento de la nota italiana a 2 años se ha reducido a 2.153% (-5.6-bps), mientras que el rendimiento de la nota española a 2 años se ha reducido a 3.035% (-3.7-bps). Asimismo, el rendimiento de la nota italiana a 10 años se ha reducido a 4.929% (-5.0-bps), mientras que el rendimiento español a 10 años ha disminuido hasta 5.670% (-4.7-bps); Los rendimientos más bajos implican precios más altos.


Dow Jones Índice de Dólar FXCM (Ticker: USDOLLAR): -0.15% (+ 0.53% últimos 5 días)


Vea el Calendario Económico DailyFX para una lista completa, calendario y pronósticos de consenso para los próximos indicadores económicos.


EUR USD. La tendencia alcista de los mínimos del 24 de julio y del 2 de agosto se ha roto, pero el par continúa en un canal (posible Bandera de la Bula) fuera de los máximos del 17 de septiembre y del 17 de octubre y el mínimo del 1 de octubre. El soporte también se adelanta a 1.2750, a mediados de junio los máximos de swing y la pausa de principios de septiembre & rdquo; El EURUSD experimentado. El soporte viene allí, 1.2630 / 45 (100-DMA), y 1.2400 / 35. La resistencia es 1.2820 / 30 (mediados de octubre swing bajo, 200-DMA), 1.2880 / 1.2900, y 1.3015 / 20 (la semana pasada es alta).

USD JPY. La resistencia clave en la zona 80.50 / 70 (alta de mediados de junio) se ha mantenido hasta ahora, aunque la tendencia alcista continúa marcada por una serie de máximos diarios más altos y menores mínimos diarios desde finales de septiembre; De hecho, el ritmo se ha acelerado la semana pasada dos semanas. El soporte es 80.00, 79.75 / 80, y 79.50 / 60 (20-EMA, 200-DMA). La resistencia está en 80.50 / 70 y 81.75 / 80 (mediados de abril oscilan alto).

GBP USD. Mientras que el GBPUSD parecía moverse a la ruptura de su tendencia bajista reciente, un martillo invertido el 1 de noviembre ha tendido el par a la baja. Por ahora, somos neutrales si no miramos más abajo. La resistencia viene en 1.6140 / 55 (20-EMA), 1.6170 / 80 (máximos de la semana pasada), 1.6260 (los primeros máximos del oscilación de abril cerca cerca), y 1.6300. El soporte es 1.5910 / 15 (baja de octubre) y 1.5840 / 55 (100-DMA, 200-DMA).

AUDUSD. La sorpresa de RBA ha impulsado al par de nuevo en la resistencia clave, y una confluencia de promedios móviles se está construyendo en el soporte cerca de 1,0330 / 50 (20-EMA, 50-EMA, 100-DMA, 200-DMA). La resistencia está en 1.0405 / 50 (altos y bajos anteriores del columpio, alto de octubre) y 1.0500 / 15. El soporte viene en 1.0330 / 50 y 1.0310 / 05 (línea de tendencia ascendente de 1 de junio y 23 de octubre).

S & amp; P 500. Nada ha cambiado: "A corto plazo top es potencialmente en lugar después de apoyo en 1420/25 (el retroceso 61,8% Fibo en junio 2012 baja a septiembre 2012 alta, ascendente línea de tendencia de los 4 de junio y julio 24 puntos bajos) se rompió [el 23 de octubre] después de las pruebas en tres ocasiones en las últimas dos semanas. & Rdquo; Los blancos cerca de 1355 entrarían en el foco si el precio se rompe debajo del S1 mensual en 1399. El soporte viene en 1396/1400 (100-DMA), 1382 (200-DMA), y 1350/55 (S2 mensual, sostenimiento ascendente del canal de Noviembre de 2011 y junio de 2012). La resistencia viene en 1425 (20-EMA, 50-EMA), 1460, 1470, y 1498/1504.

ORO. El oro continúa manteniéndose por debajo de 1715 (a mediados de septiembre oscilan bajo), pero por encima de 1700 & hellip, mi parcialidad está de vuelta a neutral y mirando más alto. Todavía espero que el área 1700 sea defendido vigorosamente, y mire para conseguir tan bajo como 1680. La resistencia es 1700, 1715, 1735, 1755/58 y 1785/1805. El soporte es 1680 y 1660/70 (100-DMA, 200-DMA).

--- Escrito por Christopher Vecchio, Analista de Divisas

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DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

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El mercado de divisas ofrece uno de los puntos de venta más potentes disponibles. Desde que el mercado cobró vida en la década de 1970, muchos comerciantes han encontrado la independencia financiera simplemente jugando un papel. El comercio de divisas, o simplemente forex, es una manera fácil de ganarse la vida una vez que tenga una idea de cómo funciona todo. Es una especie de ciencia que puedes aprender fácilmente si te comprometes con el proceso. Ventajas del comercio de divisas El comercio de divisas viene con muchos beneficios. Cuenta con el volumen de negociación más grande que, en consecuencia, permite la mayor liquidez. Opera continuamente, con excepción de los fines de semana, y permite una gran diversificación. Las fuerzas de la oferta y la demanda controlan el mercado, y debido a su gran tamaño, no es subjetivo para el control de cualquier jugador en particular, a pesar del tamaño. La competencia que ofrece es lo más cercana posible al ideal, por lo que los pequeños inversores tienen una verdadera oportunidad de beneficiarse. There are a few challenges that the market faces, such as the low margins of relative profit, and the high levels of volatility. But the immensity of these hurdles is little compared to the gains that can be made. Admittedly, the forex market is m.

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Forex Leads Equities

In recent months, the credit crunch has ignited a global trend towards risk aversion. As a result, a correlation has developed between equities, which serve as a proxy for risk, and certain currencies. The Forex Blog previously covered the link between the S&P 500 and the Japanese Yen, whereby the Japanese Yen moved inversely with the S&P as a decline in risk appetite led carry traders to unwind their positions. Perhaps, this connection can be seen in other currencies. Since the forex markets are open 24 hours a day and are the most liquid financial markets in the world, macroeconomic events are often priced into currencies before they are priced into equities. In addition, carry trading strategies have expanded beyond the Japanese Yen. In fact, the USD is now a decent candidate as interest rates are negative, when adjusted for inflation. Thus, an increase in risk appetite could simultaneously boost the S&P and punish the Dollar!

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FOREX-Loonie leads commodity currencies higher, dollar subdued

* Canadian dollar hits two-week highs as oil rebounds

* Other commodity currencies also firmer, Aussie nears 72 cents

* Fed minutes highlight downside risks to economy

SYDNEY, Feb 18 The Canadian dollar held at two-week highs early on Thursday, having benefited hugely from a jump in oil prices, while an absence of fresh cues in minutes of the Federal Reserve's January meeting saw the greenback shuffle sideways.

Investors warmed to the Canadian currency after oil prices rose 7 percent as Iran voiced support for a Russia-Saudi-led move to freeze production. Yet, Iran gave no commitment it would curb its own output to deal with a market glut.

The loonie last traded at C$1.3670 per USD, having risen as far as C$1.3666 - a high last seen on Feb. 4.

Other commodity currencies took heart from the loonie's performance. The Australian dollar gained more than a full U. S. cent and was motoring towards 72 U. S. cents. Its New Zealand counterpart popped back above 66 cents, pulling well away from a two-week trough of $0.6545.

Traders said the Aussie could aim for this month's peak of $0.7242 should local employment data due at 0030 GMT surprise on the upside. Market consensus is for a rise of 15,000 jobs and a steady unemployment rate of 5.8 percent.

The rebound in oil prices coupled with strong U. S. industrial production data helped markets recover from recent jitters. European and U. S. stocks ended higher, while most emerging market currencies also firmed.

Mexico's peso outperformed after the central bank ambushed markets with an interest rate hike and intervened directly in the market to support the currency.

In contrast, Venezuela devalued its bolivar and announced a new system for setting the exchange rate.

The dollar and euro remained in consolidation mode against their Japanese peer, having found a floor at multi-month lows last week.

The greenback fetched 114.14 yen, while the euro bought 126.97 yen, holding above their troughs of 110.985 and 125.795 respectively.

Making the rounds in the market early in Asia, the Nikkei Asian Review reported that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has ruled out more spending stimulus for now.

Minutes of the Fed's Jan. 26-27 meeting underlined the central bank's unease over the global outlook.

"The cautious tone from the January FOMC meeting minutes highlight that the downside risks to the U. S. growth outlook had increased," said Elias Haddad, currency strategist at Commonwealth Bank.

"We still expect the Fed to resume raising rates in June, which will continue to bode well for the USD."

The dollar firmed slightly against the euro, which eased to $1.1126. Just a week ago, the common currency scaled a 3-1/2 month peak of $1.1377.

The dollar index was little changed at 96.861.

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Updated 09:00 IST 16 Apr 2015

Wood Mackenzie’s Principal Asia Economist, Ms Cynthia Lim, explains China’s Go West policy, “The plan is already underway and is often touted as China’s silver bullet to ensure long-term GDP growth as the economically dominant coastal region approaches maturity. The coastal provinces will have to upgrade their industries to higher value-add sectors, such as services while industries will relocate inland westwards. This is shifting the regional distribution of demand centres and power generation; and the impact will become more apparent in the next two decades. This will form an impressive commodity superhighway.”

For years, commodity trading has been an anathema for stock exchanges like NSE and BSE. SEBI and.

Providing additional attraction is the fact that the critical driver of the projected tightness i..

MCX nickel for October delivery was seen trading on a positive note and is expected to continue w..

L ike copper, lead has also been a familiar metal used by human beings since ancient times. Lead, a highly malleable and easy to melt metal, is widely used in various industries even today. However, due to its highly toxic nature, the use of lead has been facing pressure from environmentalists in recent years.

The pressure to end manufacture of lead-based paints is an example of the growing concern on the potential health hazards caused by lead. Plastics, aluminum, tin, and iron are replacing the use of lead in construction materials, containers, packaging, etc. Tin and other metals are being used to replace lead as a solder in some applications where lead could poison people, such as in drinking water systems.

Lead is a very corrosion-resistant, dense, ductile, and malleable blue-gray metal that has been used for at least 5,000 years. Early uses of lead included building materials, pigments for glazing ceramics, and pipes for transporting water. The castles and cathedrals of Europe contain considerable quantities of lead in decorative fixtures, roofs, pipes, and windows.

Prior to the early 1900's, uses of lead in the United States were primarily for ammunition, brass, burial vault liners, ceramic glazes, leaded glass and crystal, paints or other protective coatings, pewter, and water lines and pipes.

The advent of the electrical age and communications, which were accelerated by technological developments in World War I, resulted in the addition of bearing metals, cable covering, caulking lead, solders, and type metal to the list of lead uses. With the growth in production of public and private motorized vehicles and the associated use of starting-lighting-ignition (SLI) lead-acid storage batteries and terne metal for gas tanks after World War I, demand for lead increased.

Most of these uses for lead continued to increase with the growth in population and the national economy. Contributing to the increase in demand for lead was the use of lead as radiation shielding in medical analysis and video display equipment and as an additive in gasoline.

By the mid-1980's, a significant shift in lead end-use patterns had taken place. Much of this shift was a result of the U. S. lead consumers compliance with environmental regulations that significantly reduced or eliminated the use of lead in nonbattery products, including gasoline, paints, solders, and water systems.

More recently, as the use of lead in nonbattery products has continued to decline, the demand for lead in SLI-type batteries has continued to grow. In addition, the demand for lead in non-SLI battery applications also has continued to grow.

Non-SLI battery applications include motive sources of power for industrial forklifts, airport ground equipment, mining equipment, and a variety of nonroad utility vehicles, as well as stationary sources of power in uninterruptible electric power systems for hospitals, computer and telecommunications networks, and load-leveling equipment for electric utility companies. By the early 2000's, the total demand for lead in all types of lead-acid storage batteries represented 88% of apparent U. S. lead consumption.

Other significant uses included ammunition (3%), oxides in glass and ceramics (3%), casting metals (2%), and sheet lead (1%). The remainder was consumed in solders, bearing metals, brass and bronze billets, covering for cable, caulking lead, and extruded products.

Lead is mined in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and Peru. More than 1 million tons of lead is recovered in recycling annually, the majority of which is from the recycling of batteries.

Australia and China are the leading suppliers of lead in the world. China, India, Japan, US and European Union are the main consumers of lead in the world. Lead is traded mostly as soft lead, animated lead, lead alloys and copper-based lead scrap.

India imports nearly 50 percent of its lead requirement every year. Lead production in India is estimated to be around 82,000 ton, mostly from secondary sources. Lack of any major lead ore deposit is the main constraint for enhancing domestic lead production.

The domestic industry is characterized by the presence of only a few players in the primary segment. The primary lead industry in India is divided between the following main players: Binani Industries Limited and Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd. (Hndustan Zinc Ltd.). Due to increasing use of lead in domestic market both players are expanding their smelting capacities for lead.

Lead in the global market is traded as soft lead, animated lead, lead alloys and copper-base scrap.

Leads and Lags

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Forex: Euro Continues to Struggle as Yen Leads as US Fiscal Tensions Linger


The Japanese Yen and the US Dollar have continued their post-US budget deal announcement rebound on Thursday, as the European currencies continue to sell-off as capital returns to the market at the beginning of 2013. Despite an eleventh hour deal that prevented the US economy from sliding towards its most severe contraction since the depths of the financial crisis, US politicians have seemingly failed to set forth a meaningful deal that inspires hope for further compromise.

Certainly, with both Democrats and Republicans digging into their respective positions – one on the back of a perceived victory, the other on the back of a perceived defeat – the upcoming fight over the debt limit appears it will be a brutal one. Adding fuel to the fire were reports last night that Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) would be abandoning his policy to negotiate with President Barack Obama (D) one-on-one, meaning that any new agreements passed will take the traditional route: through the bureaucratic, self-interested halls of Congress.

When considering the fiscal follies of the United States alongside the reloaded QE program by the Federal Reserve, there are two very significant forces at work against the US Dollar. But as history has shown the past few years, and especially during July-August 2011, just because credit risk is increased or yields are undermined, that doesn’t mean the US Dollar can find appeal; it remains the world’s reserve currency. But these concerns have been great enough to offset traders’ distaste for the Yen, which is the best performing currency on the day.

Taking a look at European credit, weakness in peripheral bonds has weighed on the Euro. The Italian 2-year note yield has increased to 1.707% (+3.3-bps) while the Spanish 2-year note yield has increased to 2.465% (+3.8-bps). Likewise, the Italian 10-year note yield has increased to 4.288% (+2.4-bps) while the Spanish 10-year note yield has increased to 5.007% (+1.7-bps); higher yields imply lower prices.


Dow Jones FXCM Dollar Index (Ticker: USDOLLAR ): +0.14% ( -0.05% past 5-days)


See the DailyFX Economic Calendar for a full list, timetable, and consensus forecasts for upcoming economic indicators.


EUR USD. The pair failed once again at its May highs, posting a massive reversal yesterday (Inverted Hammer) and trading towards the descending trendline off of the September and October highs. The bearish RSI divergence seen on the daily chart (as well as the 4H) is being resolved, setting up a potential buying opportunity in the coming days; however, negative momentum is proving swift. Support comes in at 1.3060 and 1.2940 (ascending TL off of July and November lows). Resistance is 1.3170, 1.3280/85, and 1.3380/85 (mid-March swing high).

USD JPY. The pair has exploded to its highest level since July 2010, leaving the December 2008/January 2009 lows in focus at 87.00/20. Given BoJ policy, any dips seen in the USDJPY are viewed as constructive for further bullish price action (the market remains very net-short). S upport comes in at 86.00 and 84.70/85 (200-DMA, November 2009 low). Resistance is 87.00/20 and 88.00/50.

GBPUSD. The pair has fallen back from 1.6300, again, though with no follow through yet, my levels remain the same (they haven’t changed since early-December). Resistance comes in at 1.6300 /10 (post-QE3 announcement high in mid-September) and 1.6350/60 (monthly R1). Support is 1.6170, 1.6085/90 (50-EMA), and 1.6035 (100-EMA).

AUDUSD. The AUDUSD couldn’t break descending trendline resistance off of the July 2011 and February 2012 highs, which come in at 1.0530/55 today, but that doesn’t mean the uptrend is over just yet. With price holding just below the monthly R1 at 1.0535 and the long-term Symmetrical Triangle starting to break to the upside, consolidation may be ahead the next few sessions. Support is at 1. 0500/15, 1.0460, and 1.0235/80. Resistance is 1.0555/75 and 1.0605/25 (August and September highs.

S&P 500. The S&P 500 is back above a very significant zone of 1445/50 (descending trendline off of September and October highs, 100% Fibonacci extension off of the November 16 low, the November 23 high, and the November 28 low extension), and a move higher necessarily points to 1470/75. Support comes in at 1425, 1400, 1390 (200-DMA) and 1345/50 (November low).

GOLD. As noted previously, “December is historically a bad month for precious metals. I will continue to look to get long as low as 1675.” While I’m interested in price down here, selling pressure is intense; though I suspect that a retest of the breakout leading up to QE3 in September could draw buying interest again at 1645. Resistance is 1700, 1735 and 1755/58. Support is 1661 (200-DMA) and 1645.

--- Written by Christopher Vecchio, Currency Analyst

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EURJPY selling leads EURUSD lower

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

ADVISORY WARNING: FOREXLIVE™ provides references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of information. Clients and prospects are advised to carefully consider the opinions and analysis offered in the blogs or other information sources in the context of the client or prospect's individual analysis and decision making. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and FOREXLIVE™ specifically advises clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by advisors, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds or opening an account with any Forex dealer. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE™ expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs for the iGaming Crowd

Most affiliates take a strategic approach of referring players to online casinos in exchange for a CPA or revenue share payment, but did you know there are pay per lead affiliate programs as well? Affiliate profits from a lead might not be as large as they are for an actual conversion, but generating leads is often an easier process to achieve than generating conversions. Here’s what the iGaming crowd should know about pay per lead affiliate programs:

Alternate Payment Options

Since most iGaming commissions are cost-per-acquisition (CPA) or revenue share, thought isn’t often given to other affiliate payment models. But cost-per-lead (CPL) or pay per lead affiliate program options are an alternative way for affiliates to generate revenue for their business.

Other examples of infrequently used affiliate payment models in the iGaming industry include: cost-per-click (CPC) and slot advertising or “slotting” which works by selling predetermined advertising exposure on your website similar to how TV ads work.

Becoming a Pay Per Lead Affiliate

Interested in giving pay per lead affiliate marketing a try in the iGaming business? Well, get ready to get your hands dirty negotiating your own compensation models!

It’s important to note that virtually every iGaming affiliate program offers affiliates only two payment options: CPA and rev share. So affiliates hoping to land a pay per lead marketing deal will need to get creative. Contact affiliate managers at the program(s) you hope to work with to gauge the possibility that they will work with you to establish a CPL payment option. Hint: they’ll be more likely to work with you to meet this objective if you have impressive traffic levels to show off!

In the early days of casino affiliate marketing, online casinos were more likely to offer cost-per-lead payment models. Check out this antique CAP thread from 2005 where Casino Coins, a now defunct affiliate program, was offering a $3.00 CPL for casino leads. Apparently that offer wasn’t too enticing to affiliates; no one responded to the Casino Coins representative who created that thread!

If you’re looking for a pay per lead affiliate program, consider becoming a casino affiliate turned forex affiliate. Currency exchange programs are typically more likely to offer a cost per lead incentive. Forex marketing offers a chance to diversify your target audience base as well as the commission model set-up for your business.

When diversifying your affiliate business by negotiating a CPL payment model, there are a few things you should brace yourself for. Most importantly, CPL deals will simply result in less money per player on average than a CPA or revenue share deal. A casino that offers a $100 CPA might only offer a $10 CPL. After all, you’re not providing them with a depositing player but merely personal information of a player who could turn into a real-money player for them.

The strength of your CPL deal will depend on the strength of your lead acquisition channel. Be prepared for online casinos to be reluctant to pay for more than just a few dozen of your leads initially. Since there are no guarantees of leads turning into conversions, they will want to test the value of the leads they are getting from you by only paying for a few dozen at a time.

However, if your leads are resulting in conversions for their marketing staff, you can expect they’ll come calling for more. It’s a simple ROI problem from their perspective so strong leads can result in strong profits from a pay per lead affiliate program.

Set Your Traffic on Autopilot While Doubling Your Depositors and Conversions


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Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Exención de Responsabilidad - Commodity Futures Trading Commission El comercio de futuros y opciones tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


Todos los oficios, patrones, gráficos, sistemas, etc. discutidos en este anuncio y los materiales del producto son sólo para propósitos ilustrativos y no deben ser interpretados como recomendaciones específicas de asesoramiento. Todas las ideas y materiales presentados son enteramente los del autor y no reflejan necesariamente los del editor ni de INO. com. Nunca se ha desarrollado ningún sistema o metodología que pueda garantizar beneficios o garantizar la ausencia de pérdidas. No se está haciendo ninguna representación o implicación de que el uso de la metodología o sistema de MarketClub generará beneficios o garantizará la ausencia de pérdidas. Los testimonios y ejemplos aquí utilizados son resultados excepcionales, que no se aplican al miembro promedio, y no tienen la intención de representar o garantizar que cualquier persona obtenga los mismos resultados o resultados similares. El éxito de cada individuo depende de sus antecedentes, dedicación, deseo y motivación.

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TATAFOREX. COM is a digital marketing agency specialized in the forex and forex related lead generation services.

TATAFOREX. COM combines talent, technology and profound financial knowledge, to bring quality leads to Brands, and to turn clients into traders through our unique and interactive marketing tools. we have the privilege to work with the largest brokers in the industry. TATAFOREX. COM is Marketing services and bringing traders from various tools and marketing channels. We strategize. We optimize. We educate. We innovate and we do it in INDIA only.

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Forex Innovators Tel Aviv expo leads the industry into the future

Tel Aviv, the heart of Israel’s technological success story is to be the venue for the world’s first Forex Innovators conference. commencing a series of B2B conferences and expos, bringing together leading people and ideas in the world of online trading.

Not only is Israel synonymous with some of the world’s life-changing inventions such as the cellphone, the Intel microprocessor, crowd sourced satellite navigation systems, and countless breakthroughs in medical advancement, but it is also home to a very large proportion of forward-thinking Forex industry technology, marketing, social trading and trading enhancement companies whose developments constantly enhance the business of the global Forex business.

As a direct result of Israel’s prominent standing in all aspects of the Forex industry, LeapRate will present the first in a worldwide series of Forex Innovators events, at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv on September 15, 2014.

With the website launched today, registration is now open, with major, influential companies from across the globe participating, and a unique and completely new format among Forex conferences, which facilitates conducting business between international companies and Israel’s brightest innovators.

Some established companies may wish to lower the price of acquisition, with affiliate marketing via smart systems being an Israeli speciality, whereas others may wish to add a special USP to their trading environment such as interactive social trading facilities, or to do business with some of the largest and most successful Forex brokerage solutions providers worldwide, IBs, institutional traders and binary options brokers.

Israel ranks second after California’s silicon valley for successful venture capital-funded startups, many of which are in Forex technology, and as a result Israel’s astute venture capital firms will be present, looking for new talent in which to invest.

The format includes a welcome party on September 14 at the poolside at the prestigious David Intercontinental Hotel, followed by a keynote speech, specific quickfire pitches from the innovators of the industry, as well as networking events aimed at getting the right key people in front of eachother to do effective business together – one of the main raisons d’etre of Forex conferences.

There will be a Forex affiliate bootcamp, a networking event which is carefully positioned to provide opportunities to do business with compatible firms, and an all night closing party at a special venue at Tel Aviv’s magnificent port.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available, and registration starts today, and can be completed at the Forex Innovators website by clicking here .

LeapRate looks forward to seeing you there!


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Beijing leads the way

Conscious that their economy has lost considerable momentum in the first half of this year, Chinese policy officials are stepping up the pace in terms of easing financial conditions. Yesterday’s 25bp cut in the benchmark deposit and lending rate is the first for four years, and reflects Beijing’s increased confidence that inflationary pressures are easing.

This move on rates is consistent with other measures taken by policy-makers in recent weeks, including substantially increased infrastructure spending, targeted tax cuts, subsidised mortgage lending for first-time home buyers, and a noticeable jump in government spending.

In addition, the trading band on China’s exchange rate has been widened, and the currency has actually been depreciating. China always had a great deal more policy weapons in their armoury than other major advanced economies, and they are now deploying them. We can expect further initiatives over coming months. For risk assets, the preparedness of the world’s second largest economy to roll out further stimulus is encouraging.

Bernanke promises action if required. Consistent with the message of some other major central banks over recent days, Chairman Bernanke confirmed that the Fed is ready to act if necessary, without specifying exactly what steps he would take. In wide-ranging testimony to the Joint Economic Committee, Bernanke declared that the crisis in Europe posed a significant risk to the US economy, and also stated that fiscal policy would drag on the recovery. Helicopter Ben is clearly laying the foundation for further QE, which could be announced as soon as the next meeting on June 19-20. Apparent over recent days is that some FOMC members would not require much convincing – for instance, Vice-Chairwoman Janet Yellen essentially supported further action in a speech on Wednesday. With central banks now lining up again to lend a helping hand to the battered global economy, it is little wonder that risk appetite is improving. As is so often the case, there is nothing like a binge of liquidity to suddenly make the world look a better place, no matter the financial pain one is experiencing.

BOE – what are they waiting for? Yesterday’s decision to leave rates on hold and maintain their asset purchases program at GBP 325bn smacks, at least on the surface, as indecision. What else does the MPC need to see in order to justify a further easing of monetary policy? The economy has slipped back into recession, and the current quarter is not looking too pretty either; the forces blowing over from the Continent are extremely disquieting; the manufacturing sector is really struggling again, the consumer is terrified, and inflation is heading in the right direction, aided by a stronger exchange rate and falling oil prices. Unless there is a conspiracy afoot – are the major global central banks about to undertake a co-ordinated announcement? Let’s hope so, because BOE prevarication at this stage is just not excusable.

Germany warms to Spanish bank recapitalisation proposal. It appears that Germany is genuinely considering the proposal to allow Spain’s bank rescue fund to receive funds from the EFSF/ESM which can then be used to recapitalise Spain’s ailing banks. Although opposed to Spanish banks obtaining direct access to Europe’s bailout funds, Germany might permit the FROB to receive cash which can then be redistributed to those banks that require recapitalisation. Berlin is awaiting the outcome of Spanish bank audits (due before the end of the month) and next Monday’s IMF report on the sector to gain a perspective on how deep the hole really is before deciding. No doubt Germany’s thawing on this prickly issue has contributed to the improvement in risk appetite apparent in the last couple of days.

SNB doggedly defends the CHF ceiling. The surge in SNB currency holdings from CHF 237bn at the end of April to CHF 303.8 bn as at May 31st was comfortably above expectations, and reaffirms the determination of the SNB to protect the 1.20 EUR/CHF ceiling. It is also puts into perspective the extent of capital inflow into the Swissie during last month’s market turmoil. Rather than purchasing much in the way of euros, it appears that the SNB has been a keen buyer of both the Japanese yen and the dollar, although these particular figures do not confirm this assertion. The next SNB monetary assessment by the SNB will take place next Thursday.

Another surprise down under. Still processing Wednesday’s shock jump in Q1 GDP, there was another surprise down under yesterday in the shape of stronger-than-expected employment. Jobs growth last month jumped by almost 39K, well above expectations. Last year, the labour market in Australia was dormant, with essentially no growth in jobs all year. Including May’s shock, employment growth so far this year has been over 120K; as a result, the unemployment rate has been relatively steady at around 5.2% over the last three quarters. In response, expectations for future rate cuts from the RBA have been pared back significantly over recent days, and bond yields have risen sharply. For instance, the 10yr yield has spiked by almost 40bp from the historic low of 2.7% recorded on Monday. The Aussie has also bounced back – it reached parity yesterday, having traded below 0.9650 on Monday. Suddenly, both the Australian economy and currency are taking on a rosier hue.

sobre el autor

Forex Broker FxPro is an international Forex Broker. FxPro is an award-winning online broker, offering CFDs on forex, futures, indices, shares, spot metals and energies, serving clients in more than 150 countries worldwide. FxPro offers execution with no-dealing-desk intervention and maintains a client-centric business model that puts customer needs at the forefront of our operations. Our acquisition of leading spot FX aggregator, Quotix, enables us to offer access to a deep pool of liquidity, as well as top-class order-matching and some of the most competitive spreads in the market. FxPro is one of only few brokers offering Negative Balance Protection, ensuring that clients cannot lose more than their overall investment. FxPro UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (registration number: 509956). FxPro Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (licence number: 078/07) and by the South Africa Financial Services Board (authorisation number 45052). Risk Warning: Trading CFDs involves significant risk of loss.

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 Massive foreign portfolio ouflows continue to hobble markets

 Manufacturers lobby central bank for direct dollar sales

Obinna Chima with agency report

The exit by foreign portfolio investors from the country, as revealed by bank returns on the utilisation of foreign exchange bought from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has continued to take its toll on the country's stock and fixed income securities markets.

This is just as the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has started to lobby the central bank to bypass commercial banks and sell dollars directly to its members, as it looks to counter a shortage of foreign currency it has said threatens thousands of jobs in the continent's largest oil producer.

A review of bank returns on the use of forex allocations from the CBN, a total of $14 million of the funds sold to banks was for payment of foreign portfolio investors who were exiting the economy. This was evident in the returns reported by Stanbic IBTC Limited and Citibank Nigeria Limited.

Forex utilisation published by Stanbic IBTC and Citi revealed that they sold forex to portfolio investors that included CACEIS Bank, Luxemburg; Enko Opportunity Growth; KBL Private Bankers, Luxemburg; Northern Trust London; Milan/BNP Paribas; Duetche Bank, London; Meril Lynch International; Bank of New York; Standard Bank of New York; RBC Investor Services; Citi, London; and Standard Bank of South Africa.

Market capitalisation on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) closed at N8.882 trillion last Friday, representing a year-to-date decline of N876 billion, compared with the N9.758 trillion at the beginning of the year.

Similarly, exchange rate concerns have also forced a lot of investors in fixed income securities to sit on the fence in anticipation of naira devaluation.

However, other forex returns released by the banks showed that Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTB) with $31,305,912.75 reported the highest allocation for its customers.

GTB displaced Zenith Bank Plc, which got an allocation of $24,171,094.94 to come in second. Zenith Bank the week before posted the highest allocation from the CBN.

Zenith Bank was followed by Stanbic IBTC Limited with $18,867,993.86, while First Bank of Nigeria Limited with $17,308,943.83 came in fourth place.

Diamond Bank Plc reported returns of $15,500,472.08 to occupy the fifth place; Access Bank Plc – $14,263,557.32 occupied the sixth position; Ecobank Nigeria – $13,732,604.35 occupied the seventh place; while Union Bank of Nigeria reported returns of $11,064,740.69.

In the same vein, First City Monument Bank (FCMB) reported returns of $9,924,875.73, while Fidelity Bank's returns on foreign exchange utilisation stood at $6,755,109.31.

Also, Wema Bank Plc reported $5,537,567.53, Citibank, $5,480,542.26 and Sterling Bank, $5,397,672.19.

Just like the previous weeks, invisibles such as school fees and business and personal travel allowances, in terms of volumes, accounted for the highest number of forex allocations, while other invisibles such as repatriation of capital, divestments by foreign portfolio investors from the equities and bond markets, accounted for a large chunk of forex purchases, in terms of value.

For GTB, its returns on utilisation of forex bought from the CBN showed that of the $31.305 million it was allocated, it sold $15 million (48 per cent) to the Dangote Group for the payment of interest on the company's syndicated facility.

In all, GTB had 384 customers on its list, both corporates and individuals. Of this, payment for school fees abroad got the highest allocation in terms of volume, but it also sold dollars to some of its corporate customers importing raw materials, among others.

Zenith Bank also sold dollars to 491 customers, largely school fees, while some was for the importation of visible items.

Diamond Bank sold forex to 311 customers – 91 of them were importers of visible items, others were for school fees.

Access Bank sold dollars to 228 of its customers, but the distribution of its forex sales showed that some of its customers bought the greenback for repatriation of capital, payment for ticket sales, and importation of petrol or gasoline, among others.

FCMB had 201 customers on its list, with over 100 of them getting forex to import visible items such as petrol, raw materials and spare parts, among others, while others bought dollars to pay tuition overseas.

Meanwhile, the vice-president of MAN, with about 2,700 members, has proposed weekly auctions of dollars directly to manufacturers at a meeting with the CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, in Abuja, Bloomberg reported yesterday

The vice-president of MAN, Mr Ali Madugu, said the proposal was made last month.

"We're calling for the central bank to start giving to us directly, hand-to-hand, rather than through the banks," Madugu, who is also the managing director of Kano-based Dala Foods Ltd, a food processor, said in an interview in the northern Nigerian city last week.

"Some of our member companies will run out of raw materials next month. Without restocking, what will happen? Thousands of jobs are on the line."

Nigeria, which derives about two-thirds of government revenue from oil, has rationed dollars and brought interbank forex trading to a halt since February last year in a bid to conserve foreign exchange reserves and prop up the naira. The measures have all but pegged the currency officially at N197-N199 per dollar.

As dollars have become more scarce, the black market exchange rate has plummeted to N310, while forwards prices suggest the naira will fall to N291 in a year.

Under the current system, the central bank sells forex to commercial banks which then distribute it to their customers. That has left manufacturers short since the banks often prioritise other businesses and individuals, Madugu said. MAN hopes to receive a response from the central bank this week, he said.

"The banks have everybody as their customers," Madugu said. "They even have people buying dollars for medical bills and school fees. If the central bank believes the economy must be diversified and manufacturing given a boost, they should allocate directly to us."

MAN has asked its members what their annual forex needs are so that it can give the central bank an indication of how big the weekly dollar sales would need to be.

According to Bloomberg, Mr. Ibrahim Mu'azu, a spokesman for the central bank, didn't answer calls to his mobile or immediately respond to a text message seeking comment.

Forex Philosophy Which Leads Traders To Success

I am sure that there are few forex trader who care about various forex trading aspects. They are more focused on the income, on the risk and do not pay any attention to the situations which require more attention and extra time. However, it is wrong. Only within the time you will be able to understand why you lose money in some situations, what is wrong when you lose anything and how to prevent the difficult situations. Nevertheless, if you were able to know all these many days ago, you would avoid many of many mistakes and would get a lot of income. That is why, it is extremely helpful to make money by trading on forex market and by focusing on the real effect of the trade. No matter what is going on you should always be ready to get to know the most useful tips and to understand how everything works. Forex market philosophy helps a trader a lot. There is no other way to make money but to become a real professional and to avoid getting into the trouble. Be determined and understand that no matter what you are doing it is always necessary to be the best and to get to the top.

Motivation – It seems to be one of the most powerful forces which move people. May traders come to the market and disappoint from the very first minutes. For them trade is something they have to keep in mind and to be ready to deal with because there are many things they would like to achieve with the help of forex market. It helps a lot of overcome the difficulties, to forget about any setbacks and to be careful when there are any complications. You have always to plan your future and to figure out how you would like to get the goals you have set up. There is nothing as difficult as to achieve anything on the internet.

Hard work – It seems to be a very important aspect of the forex trade. No one can get income easily. The trader has to think a lot, to take into consideration many factors, to realize what it takes to run the forex market and to be ready to devote a lot of time to work, analysis and serious education. With the help of good experience you have chances to forget about any difficulties and to get the best results. Try not to lose a great chance with the help of which you will definitely overcome the problems and get the best results.

Result – There is nothing better than to get forex income. People get encouraged only in case you are likely to become one of the best and to avoid any mistakes. Be ready to face the problems and to get over. After serious preparation and dealing with setbacks you will definitely make a lot of income.

You should understand the general stuff about forex managed accounts service – before you start doing any forex investments .

What can help you is a final piece of advice – today the web technologies give you a really unique chance to choose exactly what you want at the best terms which are available on the market. Strange, but most of the people don’t use this chance. In real life it means that you should use all the tools of today to get the information that you need.

Search Google or other search engines. Visit social networks and have a look on the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and participate in the discussion. All this will help you to build up a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real opportunity to make a wise and nicely balanced decision.

And also sign up to the RSS feed on this blog, because we will everything possible to keep updating this blog with new publications about forex trading .

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Can you send your AD to Million Email addresses without being accused of SPAM?

Por supuesto. This is why we call it Opt-In EMail Marketing… Everybody can do this. It is legal and easy.

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The E-mail Marketing industry is expected to grow from a $2.1 billion industry to a $7.3 billion in few years. This is because it is fast, cost effective, and provide iimmediate feedback.

With the economy the way it is, companies are working hard at trying to be more efficient in the acquisition of new customers. Opt-In E-mail Marketing seems to be the solution.

Opt-In leads Marketing is the newest form of advertising and marketing available. It involves sending targeted e-mails to solicit a product or service to people who have agreed to receive these mailings.

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Forex Parallel and Inverse Analysis

Very few forex traders conduct any form of parallel and inverse analysis of the major currency pairs and exotic currency pairs every day. If they did it would be a great help to determine the best way to trade the market on a day-to-day basis. Forex traders do this in spite of the fact that it would be nearly impossible to trade the market successfully not knowing where the overall strength and weakness was in the individual currencies or across multiple pairs in the market.

Veamos algunos ejemplos. Many traders like to trade the GBP/USD and they spend countless hours losing sleep waiting to trade this currency pair even when no trends or parallel/inverse currency pair confirmation is available. Losses occur and lifestyles change. Odds of success would increse dramatically by setting up some common sense entry rules and examples like the ones shown below.

Example 1 - Only buy the GBP/USD if the GBP/CHF and GBP/JPY are strengthening as well. This would be parallel confirmation that the GBP strengthening across the board. A simple, but effective rule. Enhancing the rules further by examining the EUR/GBP for weakness. This is inverse currency pair entry confirmation.

Example 2 - Only buy the GBP/USD if the EUR/USD is strengthening and the USD/CHF is weakening. This would be confirming the entry with two other currency pairs and verification with across the board weakness in the USD. In either situation you have confirmed the trade entry with at least two other currency pairs. Both of these entry management rules would include a stop order.

But this is not what forex traders do. They want to trade the GBP/USD so badly that they “manufacture” entries, or they want to use “technical indicators” that all conflict with each other, or enter after the GBP news. This is a mistake and is equivalent to betting or gambling and driven by greed. There is no logic to support the entry. This is not necessary because the forex market works in a logical way.

Lets look at some other forex trade entry verification examples. Lets say a trader prefers to trade the GBP/JPY, you could set up rules for entry as follows: Only buy the GBP/JPY if the GBP is strong across the board based on parallel and inverse pairs, or only enter the GBP/JPY if the GBP/USD and USD/JPY are both strengthening somewhat or a lot. In the second scenario the GBP/JPY will slingshot upward at a very fast pace due to the GBP strength combined with JPY weakness.

Or another scenario is only to buy the GBP/JPY if the EUR/JPY, CHF/JPY and AUD/JPY are all strengthening as well, in this case the USD is not in the picture because of across the board weakness in the JPY. Either way you have confirmed the entry with other currency pairs in the same parallel group.

Another example would be to buy the USD/CAD only if the EUR/CAD and AUD/CAD are also rising. Similar rules can be applied to any major pair or exotic currency pair and easily monitored upon entry. In the case of the three CAD pairs, if you also do a careful analysis of support and resistance, and you can trade the currency pair with the most pip potential rather than just enteringthe USD/CAD.

But this is not what traders do, they get stuck trading the same pairs like the EUR/USD repeatedly and wind up justifying a trade when a trade is not there. These types of entries are not based on logic they are based on emotional needs. This leads to losses. The spot forex works in a very logical flow and you must let the logic work for you. Stop looking at technical indicators and start looking at other pairs in the same parallel and inverse groups to support your entries, these are the best indicators available.

Across the board strength and weakness in the 8 major parallel and inverse groups of currency pairs occurs weekly on the forex. But if you search the internet far and wide you will see that parallel and inverse analysis of the spot forex is rarely and in fact never discussed by traders, analysts, and trade alert services charging hefty monthly fees. People are too busy looking at technical indicators and absolutely no discussion of the market forces governing the spot forex ever occurs. This has to stop or the forex industry and traders will suffer.

It is very rare if nearly non-existent for one currency pair to move strong without other currency pairs to confirm the move. This is true for any major or exotic currency pair. If you are “stuck” trading the same currency pairs while the other pairs and exotic pairs are making strong moves it's time to look at all of the currency pairs every night for your forex market analysis then pick the best opportunities to trade based on parallel and inverse analysis.

In order to trade the spot market daily and weekly, you must analyze 28 pairs every day to determine the current market forces within each of the 8 parallel or inverse group of pairs, or currency groups. This analysis will lead to less trade entries, but more logical trade entries, and better methods of confirmation of trade entries when the movement starts. Parallel and inverse analysis is the logic behind the spot forex.

If you liked this article you can click on the link for more detailed information about parallel and inverse analysis .

Aussie leads the Forex market gains; What to expect this week? & # 8211; Weekly overview (02-06 September 2013)

The Reserve Bank of Australia kept its interest rate unchanged at a record low of 2.5% on Tuesday, confirming the expectations of most analysts. The decision had a positive impact on the Australian dollar’s chart performance against its major currency counterparts with the AUD/USD in particular jumping by more than 290 pips and closing at 0.9189 on Friday.

On Thursday, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank followed suit and left their interest rates also unchanged. The ECB President Mario Draghi reiterated his previous statement that the central bank will either maintain its low interest rate or reduce it further for an extended period of time, depending on the economic indicators. Draghi’s speech caused some movements on the Forex market with the most traded currency pair EUR/USD registering a weekly decline of 41 pips and closing at 1.3171 on Friday. Meanwhile, GBP/USD reported a strong appreciation of 133 pips for the past week, mainly due to a positive economic data from the UK and closed at 1.5629 on Friday. The USD/JPY also registered an interesting week with the quote reaching the 100-mark again, but ultimately closing at 99.06 on Friday or an increase of 90 pips.

Stock markets remained under the influence of Syrian crisis talks as the US and its allies consider a possible military attack on the country. The major US indices were moving back and forth between growth and decline at the end of the past week. Investors were left confused by the combined effect of the G20 meeting news, the Putin-Obama dispute on whether there should be a military intervention against the Syrian regime and the data from the U. S. labour market. Ultimately the Dow closed with a weekly gain of 0.82%, the S&P500 ended the period with a rise of 1.39% and the Nasdaq100 increased by 1.97% for the past week.

European markets were in similar mood with their chart performance. The major indices on the continent have long been moving on a negative territory for the past week; however Mario Draghi’s press conference on Thursday and the U. S. labour data managed to lift them up. Japan’s Nikkei225 also increased and closed with a weekly rise of 4.42%.

Last week also saw one of the biggest corporate deals in history as Microsoft acquired Nokia’s mobile handset business for $7.2 billion. The news skyrocketed Nokia’s shares to more than 40%.

The uncertainty which continues to surround the Syrian crisis affected the oil prices once again. U. S. oil futures for October delivery (WTI1013) climbed by more than 2.3%, reaching a price of $110.19 per barrel. For the same period, Brent crude oil futures (COIL1013) rose above 1.50% closing at $115.89 per barrel on Friday.

What to expect this week?

Monday is set for a modest start with the main highlights coming from US Consumer Credit Change for July and the Bank of Japan’s Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes. Tuesday will offer China’s Retail Sales and Italy’s’ GDP on annual and quarterly bases. Wednesday will see more action with Australia’s Westpac Consumer Confidence for August, Germany’s Consumer Price Index (YoY and MoM), UK’s Claimant Count Change for August and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Interest rate decision. Thursday will deliver Australia’s employment data, UK’s Inflation Report Hearings and U. S. Initial Jobless Claims. Friday will send the week with the Euro zone employment change, US Retail Sales as well as the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index.

sobre el autor

DF Markets (Delta Financial Markets Ltd.) is a Forex and CFD broker based in London. The company is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA register number 534027) and the protection of client funds is ensured by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). DF Markets is fully committed to provide individual and institutional investors with high quality financial services through implementation of the best business practices. Visit dfmarkets. co. uk Disclaimer: The Content of these charts and analyses does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by Delta Financial Markets to buy, sell (or refraining from making) any trade or investment. You may wish to seek independent advice before entering into transactions. Delta Financial Markets shall not be held liable by you or any others for any decision made or action taken by you or others based upon reliance on or use of information or materials obtained or accessed through use of these technical analyses and charts. DF Markets assumes no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions in these materials, nor shall it be liable for damages arising out of any person's reliance upon the information on this page. DF Markets shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.

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Support and resistance levels

Mar 29 at 2:32 UTC

1.119 4 / 5 (-0.01%) H 1.1201 L 1.1185

1.42 41 / 52 (-0.08%) H 1.4263 L 1.4234

113. 55 / 44 (+0.10%) H 113.63 L 113.23

161.69 (0.00%) H 161.79 L 161.33

1.090 4 / 1 (+0.03%) H 1.0910 L 1.0900

0.75 65 / 44 (+0.28%) H 0.7564 L 0.7537

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March Special: Save 40% On Nial Fuller's Forex Course & Trade Signals Newsletter - Click Here.

Sometimes the more we want something the harder it becomes to obtain. This is never truer than it is when applied to the world of forex trading. Many, if not most, traders approach the forex market from the mindset of, “I NEED to make money from this”, or, “I REALLY want to quit my job and become a full-time forex trader”. While these are indeed admirable and lofty goals, such thinking patterns can contribute to a cascade of psychological impediments to consistent trading results…

Less is More in Forex

Most aspiring forex traders quickly realize that the path to successful trading comes plagued with a virtually unlimited amount of temptation. Such temptations are usually born out of a feeling that doing more analysis, or reading more trading books, will ultimately lead to better trading results. Unfortunately, this urge to be over-involved with the forex market is usually what knocks traders off the path to becoming consistently profitable. Most traders become frustrated and then try harder once they get knocked off path, they think that the reason they aren’t achieving consistent results is because they aren’t putting in enough time or trying hard enough. This leads them to push harder and put in more time studying and analyzing various market variables, this of course only adds fuel to the fire of emotional trading mistakes. Most traders never stop to think that perhaps trying LESS and putting in LESS time doing technical or fundamental analysis might actually IMPROVE their trading… Of course there are certain basics that you must know and practice before you can take advantage of the power of this set-and-forget style of forex trading. Learning some simple forex trading strategies that provide you with a high-probability market edge will give you a foundation to build your trading success on. Strategies like price action setups can be this edge, once you master just one simple price action setup you can begin to really embark upon the path to forex trading success. Forex trading success is very similar to success in human relationships, in that, the best relationships usually don’t require a lot of work on behalf of either individual once a certain level of understanding has been achieved. Similarly, in the world of forex trading, once you understand how to properly read a raw price chart any extra work or time spent analyzing other extraneous variables will actually work against your forex trading success.

Step Away From the Computer.

Why did you first become interested in forex trading? I’m willing to bet it wasn’t so that you could sit in front of your computer all day or night, staring at your charts, trying desperately to manifest a trading signal. Yet for many aspiring traders, this is the exact reality they find themselves in. When you learn to trade with simple price action strategies you don’t need to sit in front of your computer all day worrying and over-analyzing. The absolute maximum you need to check the charts is once every 4 hours, and many successful traders look at them much less, once every 8 or 24 hours is more than enough to earn consistent money in forex when you know what you are looking for on your charts.

Forex trading success is all about discipline, decide what times you are going to check the charts each day for price action setups and stick to it. Once you know what you are looking for on the charts, there is simply no need to spend extra time looking at them. A good way to start this process is just to say to yourself that you will monitor the 4 hour and daily charts each day at the New York closing for setups and then leave yourself the option of checking in again 4-6 hours later at the EARLIEST. Don’t over-think your trading, sometimes our own intelligence as human beings can cause us to over-think the market, this over-thinking is futile because the market cannot be controlled our influenced by one person’s thoughts. Trading is as easy as finding a high-probability market edge and learning to have the discipline to use this edge correctly. Most people make trading much more difficult however; they over-trade their edge by looking small time frames and / or risk too much money per trade. If you do these things even the most accurate edge in the world will not make you money.

“Just hold on loosely, but don’t let go, if you cling to tightly, you’re gonna lose control” – .38 Special

The above lyric by the band “.38 Special” essentially sums up what successful forex trading entails. As we discussed earlier, many traders make the mistake of “clinging to tightly” to their forex trading activities. There are really only two main outcomes from this over-involvement; losing time and losing money. Simple trading strategies like price action setups actually become MORE accurate as you move up in time frame, generally speaking. So, it goes to reason that trading price action signals off the 4 hour chart will make you a MORE ACCURATE TRADER than trading off the 1 hour chart, and trading off the daily chart will make you a more accurate trader than strictly trading off the 4 hour chart. The reason for this is that time frames act like filters; the higher time frames in forex filter out the meaningless market “noise” of the lower time frames and so give you a more accurate representation of possible impending market direction. When you know how to interpret and utilize simple price action setups, you can use the power of this higher time frame filter ability to free up your life and unchain yourself from your trading desk, all the while becoming more consistent and accurate in your trades.

For many people the belief that less is more in forex trading can seem very counter-intuitive and perhaps just strange. Until or unless you accept this belief as fact, you are doomed to be stuck in a cycle of boom and bust trading, meaning you might hit some good winners along the way but ultimately you are going to blow out your trading account or just hover around break-even at best. So, if saving time and making money are your priorities in the forex market. begin to obtain these priorities by learning to trade off simple price action strategies that give you the power to look at your charts one time a day and then go about living your life. Even if you miss an excellent setup there will always be other opportunities, many traders treat forex trading as if every trading day is their last one ever. It helps to remind yourself that the forex market will be around as long as there is human civilization, so if the goal in our short time on this earth is to live as stress-free but as successfully as possible, than start working on this goal by employing a set and forget trading style by using simple price action trading strategies.

yes nial! we definitely need to focus on this set up, maybe you could blast us with more insight & and technical awareness on the set up, I think we all are in need of being focused in this direction, I suppose one’s we have been blasted with it enough we will get it in to are heads. Nice one mate look forward to the next lesson.

I am very happy to know you as a big time trader, i acctually enjoy you teaching and this your teaching have improve my strategy. I thank you once again and please don’t stop to give me what will help me in the future trading. I am very a biginner and i want to advancce. Gracias

Hi Nial, I thank you for your article, I really like your teaching. Thank Lada

Nial I agree totally. Simple is best. A while back you also opened my eyes as far as trading higher time frames. Thank you for that. What is nice is that forex using a micro account allows us small traders to get it started trading the higher time frames i. e. 4. 8. 24 hour charts.

PD. John. if you want to trade higher time frames and still get quick experience I recommend you a forex historical trading simulator. Will improve your game quicker.

I enjoyed your post Nial for it reflected closely my own process for this past year. I am still doing a demo account but using price action setups, then off to work I go to return 10 hours later to view results. Until I have consistent favorable gains and a good understanding of what I am doing I will demo demo demo. Oh by the way this month using price action 11 wins and 4 loses. Nial it is good to have you as a mentor!!

We are so focused on the technicals and or fundamentals, we miss the purpose of why we are trading. Time is the one commodity we all have the same amount of so if we can make the same money using the daily charts then why would we use minute charts? The reason I use lower time frame charts is twofold – I am under capitalised and secondly need to get time in front of the screen to learn the ebb and flow of the market. Once the capital base has increased, I will be using longer time frames. I want a life and time is precious. Good Article Nial, well done.

Dude, you’re awesome – love your simplicity in work! I can personally say that my trading has become so much better in every way, after I realised and applied the less is more principle.

Thanks Nial for shearing your expertise with a beginner like me. As much as I agreed with you on the need to trade higher time frames, my opinion is that the amount of money put online is important. For somebody who trades with as little as $100,trading on a daily chart, that usually demands for high stoplosses can wipe out your account easily. I agree with you that traders who can afford to trade with bigger sums of money are better off on higher time frames.

the article is an eyes opener. i wish everybody can stick to price action for their trading decisions.

As always, another informative article. This one is directed right at me. There is much to be said for disciplined emotions. I’ve had the course just 2 weeks, but I don’t believe I’ve quite mastered the setup recognition. I’ll get there. Thanks for the words of wisdom. I really do want to spend less time at the computer.

Hi Nial. Thank you for a fantastic article. Perfectly relevant for me and a big reason why I bought your course .

Anthony Sanders says:

Great information! I really need to learn your techniques. I am guilty of doing all of the wrong things you mention in this article and plan to start your course as soon as I have the money available. Gracias por compartir.

Nial you couldn’t have said it any clearer than that article. I did and said everything in that first paragraph and I actually got goosebumps because I thought you were talking directly to me. I want to quit my day job so badly that I bought countless books and did loads and loads of research and just stared at my monitors for hours waiting and taking less than favorable trades (now that I look back) until I found your site and the rest is history. I’m not as emotional when I take trades now.

I also realized that I may go days without trading until I find a favorable set-up and that is something that I’m beginning to accept because before if I missed a move while I was at work I used to get angry and it made me think that if I continue to miss opportunities like that I will never quit my job to become a full time trader. This made me trade more aggressively and in turn result in more losses. Then I’d trade to try and make up for the losses which led to more losses! Talk about an endless cycle!

Price action trading has slowly freed me from that destructive path and I can’t thank you enough for sharing what you’ve learned over the years of your trading experiences. -)

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Advertencia de alto riesgo: Forex, futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

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GTB Maintains Lead in Forex Allocation from CBN

For the second week in a row, Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTB) maintained its lead garnering the highest allocation of foreign exchange from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), as last week’s figures have shown.

GTB with an allotment of $30,902,089.86 was followed by First Bank of Nigeria Limited (FirstBank), which got $19,610,855.76, to come in second, while Stanbic IBTC Limited with $19,206,106 held the third slot.

Zenith Bank Plc, which published returns of $16,823,160.04, came in fourth place, while Union Bank of Nigeria reported $15,602,956.71 to take the fifth place.

Also First City Monument Bank Limited (FCMB) reported returns of $14,273,731.24 to occupy the sixth place, Diamond Bank Plc with $13,929,883.10 came in seventh, Access Bank Plc reported returns of $13,698,086.72 to occupy the eighth slot, and Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria with $13,541,059.33 was ninth.

Standard Chartered was followed by Fidelity Bank – $11,152,667.93; United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) – $11,152,667.93; Citibank Nigeria – $8,843,320.04; Sterling Bank Plc – $6,645,092.19; and Wema Bank Plc – $1,052,198.89.

The returns of forex utilisation across board once more revealed that school fees and business and personal travel allowances, in terms of volume, accounted for the highest number of allocations, while other invisibles such as repatriation of capital, divestments by foreign portfolio investors from the equities and bond markets, accounted for a large chunk of forex purchases, in terms of value.

For GTB, its returns revealed that, of the $31 million it got from the central bank, it sold $11.830 million (38 per cent) to Dangote Industries Limited for the payment of interest on the company’s syndicated facility.

In all, GTB had 328 customers on its list, both corporates and individuals. Of the total, the payment for school fees abroad got the highest allocation in terms of volume, but it also sold dollars to some of its corporate customers importing raw materials, petrol and diesel, among others. Also, Lufthansa and Air France bought dollars from GTB for their ticket sales’ remittances.

First Bank also sold dollars to a total of 767 customers – corporates and individuals. Of all its customers, Dangote Cement stood out, having bought $4.999 million from the bank. FirstBank also sold dollars for customers paying tuition, and those importing medical equipment, raw materials and industrial equipment.

Returns by Stanbic IBTC once more revealed the huge volume of outflow by foreign portfolio investors exiting the country. About 50 customers bought dollars from Stanbic IBTC to divest from the bond and equities markets.

Just like the preceding week, some of the portfolio investors included Northern Trust London, Milan/BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, London, Merill Lynch International, Bank of New York, and Standard Bank of New York.

Zenith Bank also sold dollars to 465 customers, largely for school fees and PTA, while some purchased dollars from the bank to import essential raw materials and other visible items.

Union Bank’s returns published for the last week of February and first week of March, accounted for the huge figures reported by the bank. Like its peers, it sold dollars for invisibles comprising school fees and PTA and also for the importation of essential industrial raw materials.

FCMB had 283 customers on its list. The bank sold dollars mostly to customers for PTA and for school payment abroad. Also, its corporate customers got dollars for the purchase of spare parts, pharmaceutical equipment such as infusion sets for needles, generators, and baby diapers, among others.

Overall, returns published by all the banks showed that demand for forex remained high, reflecting the country’s massive reliance on imported goods and services.

Investment Trends Australia report – Oanda and AxiTrader continue to lead retail forex customer service

Australia based research firm Investment Trends has published an updated report on FX and CFD trading in its home market. Overall, FX trading has dipped slightly down under (in the 12 months leading up to November 2014), with 49,000 investors placing at least one FX trade through an Australian provider, down from 51,000 in 2013 – in line with what’s been seen in other geographies as low volatility was the rule of the day for most of 2014.

Investment Trends found that broker satisfaction reached a record high in Australia, but that trader loyalty should not be taken for granted. The rate of switching from one provider to another dropped from 27% in the 2013 to 19% last year, the largest decline among all countries surveyed. Investment Trends did point out, however, that trader loyalty is likely to have already been unsettled by the upheaval of floating the CHF/EUR pair.

Providers who emphasized and performed well on customer service also performed well on overall client satisfaction. Oanda and AxiTrader led in customer service and satisfaction, followed by FXCM, Pepperstone and IG. Investment Trends cited specifically FXCM’s new pricing structure and AxiTrader’s upgrades to its MT4 platform as being notable contributors during the year to increased customer satisfaction.

As far as mobile trading goes, Australia lags other areas with about 70% of traders using mobile at some point. The Singapore retail forex market leads that category at 88%, the UK market is at 73%.

Investment Trends’ latest survey covered 11,879 traders and investors in Australia.

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GTBank Leads in Forex Allocation from CBN

The exit by foreign portfolio investors from the country, as revealed by bank returns on the utilisation of foreign exchange bought from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has continued to take its toll on the country’s stock and fixed income securities markets.

This is just as the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has started to lobby the central bank to bypass commercial banks and sell dollars directly to its members, as it looks to counter a shortage of foreign currency it has said threatens thousands of jobs in the continent’s largest oil producer.

A review of bank returns on the use of forex allocations from the CBN, a total of $14 million of the funds sold to banks was for payment of foreign portfolio investors who were exiting the economy. This was evident in the returns reported by Stanbic IBTC Limited and Citibank Nigeria Limited.

Forex utilisation published by Stanbic IBTC and Citi revealed that they sold forex to portfolio investors that included CACEIS Bank, Luxemburg; Enko Opportunity Growth; KBL Private Bankers, Luxemburg; Northern Trust London; Milan/BNP Paribas; Duetche Bank, London; Meril Lynch International; Bank of New York; Standard Bank of New York; RBC Investor Services; Citi, London; and Standard Bank of South Africa.

Market capitalisation on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) closed at N8.882 trillion last Friday, representing a year-to-date decline of N876 billion, compared with the N9.758 trillion at the beginning of the year.

Similarly, exchange rate concerns have also forced a lot of investors in fixed income securities to sit on the fence in anticipation of naira devaluation.

However, other forex returns released by the banks showed that Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTB) with $31,305,912.75 reported the highest allocation for its customers.

GTB displaced Zenith Bank Plc, which got an allocation of $24,171,094.94 to come in second. Zenith Bank the week before posted the highest allocation from the CBN.

Zenith Bank was followed by Stanbic IBTC Limited with $18,867,993.86, while First Bank of Nigeria Limited with $17,308,943.83 came in fourth place.

Diamond Bank Plc reported returns of $15,500,472.08 to occupy the fifth place; Access Bank Plc – $14,263,557.32 occupied the sixth position; Ecobank Nigeria – $13,732,604.35 occupied the seventh place; while Union Bank of Nigeria reported returns of $11,064,740.69.

In the same vein, First City Monument Bank (FCMB) reported returns of $9,924,875.73, while Fidelity Bank’s returns on foreign exchange utilisation stood at $6,755,109.31.

Also, Wema Bank Plc reported $5,537,567.53, Citibank, $5,480,542.26 and Sterling Bank, $5,397,672.19.

Just like the previous weeks, invisibles such as school fees and business and personal travel allowances, in terms of volumes, accounted for the highest number of forex allocations, while other invisibles such as repatriation of capital, divestments by foreign portfolio investors from the equities and bond markets, accounted for a large chunk of forex purchases, in terms of value.

For GTB, its returns on utilisation of forex bought from the CBN showed that of the $31.305 million it was allocated, it sold $15 million (48 per cent) to the Dangote Group for the payment of interest on the company’s syndicated facility.

In all, GTB had 384 customers on its list, both corporates and individuals. Of this, payment for school fees abroad got the highest allocation in terms of volume, but it also sold dollars to some of its corporate customers importing raw materials, among others.

Zenith Bank also sold dollars to 491 customers, largely school fees, while some was for the importation of visible items.

Diamond Bank sold forex to 311 customers – 91 of them were importers of visible items, others were for school fees.

Access Bank sold dollars to 228 of its customers, but the distribution of its forex sales showed that some of its customers bought the greenback for repatriation of capital, payment for ticket sales, and importation of petrol or gasoline, among others.

FCMB had 201 customers on its list, with over 100 of them getting forex to import visible items such as petrol, raw materials and spare parts, among others, while others bought dollars to pay tuition overseas.

Meanwhile, the vice-president of MAN, with about 2,700 members, has proposed weekly auctions of dollars directly to manufacturers at a meeting with the CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, in Abuja, Bloomberg reported yesterday

The vice-president of MAN, Mr Ali Madugu, said the proposal was made last month.

“We’re calling for the central bank to start giving to us directly, hand-to-hand, rather than through the banks,” Madugu, who is also the managing director of Kano-based Dala Foods Ltd, a food processor, said in an interview in the northern Nigerian city last week.

“Some of our member companies will run out of raw materials next month. Without restocking, what will happen? Thousands of jobs are on the line.”

Nigeria, which derives about two-thirds of government revenue from oil, has rationed dollars and brought interbank forex trading to a halt since February last year in a bid to conserve foreign exchange reserves and prop up the naira. The measures have all but pegged the currency officially at N197-N199 per dollar.

As dollars have become more scarce, the black market exchange rate has plummeted to N310, while forwards prices suggest the naira will fall to N291 in a year.

Under the current system, the central bank sells forex to commercial banks which then distribute it to their customers. That has left manufacturers short since the banks often prioritise other businesses and individuals, Madugu said. MAN hopes to receive a response from the central bank this week, he said.

“The banks have everybody as their customers,” Madugu said. “They even have people buying dollars for medical bills and school fees. If the central bank believes the economy must be diversified and manufacturing given a boost, they should allocate directly to us.”

MAN has asked its members what their annual forex needs are so that it can give the central bank an indication of how big the weekly dollar sales would need to be.

According to Bloomberg, Mr. Ibrahim Mu’azu, a spokesman for the central bank, didn’t answer calls to his mobile or immediately respond to a text message seeking comment.

May 28th 2009

Russia Leads World in Declining Forex Reserves

During the global economic boom and concomitant run-up in energy prices, Russia’s foreign exchange reserves exploded. The subsequent bursting of the bubble, however, proved the maxim, what goes up must come down . “After reaching a record high of $597.5 billion in early August, reserves have declined dramatically as the central bank spent more than $200 billion on propping up a depreciating ruble.”

Excluding the European Union, Russia’s foreign exchange reserves are still the world’s third largest, behind only China and Japan. By Russia’s own admission, this will not remain the case for long. If current economic conditions continue to prevail, its entire stock of reserves will be depleted within two to three years. Moreover, as its reserves have declined, the share of Euros have risen (perhaps due to the selling of Dollars) to 47.5%, surpassing the Dollar for the first time. Despite the insistence of Russian authorities that the change was inadvertent, the fact remains that the Euro currently predominates in Russia’s forex portfolio.

These two trends – declining reserves and shifting allocation – are becoming entrenched, and may in fact accelerate. A cursory skim of the most recent IMF Data on International Reserves reveals that the reported reserves of most countries have fallen over the last year, or at the very least, are not growing at the same pace. The WSJ reports that “Foreign-exchange reserves of about 30 low-income countries have already fallen below the critical value equivalent to three months of imports.”

Meanwhile, it has been highlighted elsewhere that China – which does not report its reserves and is hence not included on this list – has seen its reserves stagnate, and has hinted publicly that it is nervous about the preponderance of Dollars it holds. And suffice it to say that when China talks, people listen.

The clear implication is that the US Dollar may not hold sway as the world’s unchallenged reserve currency for much longer. It is certainly not as if this is a new possibility. After all, “The United States possesses around one-fifth of the world’s GDP, but its own paper provides around 75% of world’s exchangeable currency reserves. This is a worrying imbalance,” argues one economist .

The impetus can be found in changed economic circumstances, which previously reinforced the Dollar’s role as reserve currency, but now suggest the opposite. Declining world trade and lower current account imbalances result directly in lower reserves, as do government stimulus plans funded with foreign exchange. The pickup in risk appetite meanwhile, combined with inflationary US monetary and fiscal policy, will make Central Banks increasingly reluctant to hold Dollar-denominated assets. Finally, the locus of the global economy is slowly shifting to East Asia. This trend will probably gather momentum if and when the global economy recovers, as the rest of the world has now learned the hard way that their collective reliance on US consumers is not sustainable.

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London: After six years of QE, prepare for QT.

Faith in the power of "quantitative easing" has prompted central banks, led by the US Federal Reserve, to pump trillions of dollars of stimulus into the global financial system to cushion the impact of the 2007-08 market crisis and recession.

This supply of liquidity continues to flow. The European Central Bank has taken the baton from the Fed and is leading the way with its 1 trillion euro ($1.1 trillion) bond-buying programme that will run through September next year. The Bank of Japan is also buying large quantities of bonds.

But a counter flow - call it "quantitative tightening" - is gathering force as China sells foreign exchange reserves to protect its economy and markets from the recent surge of capital out of the country. Other emerging markets are following suit.

Analysts at Citi estimate that global FX reserves have been depleted at an average pace of $59 billion a month in the past year or so, and closer to $100 billion over the last few months. A source at another large global bank said emerging market central banks may have sold up to $200 billion of FX reserves this month alone, of which $100-$150 billion likely came from China.

"The potential for more China outflows is huge," said George Saravelos, currency analyst at Deutsche Bank in London. "The bottom line is that markets may fear QT has much more to go."

China is by far the world's biggest holder of FX reserves, most of which is in dollar-denominated assets like U. S. Treasury bills and bonds. At the end of June it had $3.69 trillion compared with around $150 billion at the turn of the millennium.

But that has fallen steadily from a peak of almost $4 trillion a year ago. Some of that is down to exchange rate fluctuations as the dollar has risen, but an increasingly important driver recently is outright selling.

It's difficult to know with certainty how much and which assets specifically China has sold, because the currency and asset composition of its reserves is not disclosed.

Using International Monetary Fund currency reserves data as a proxy, around two thirds will be in dollars. U. S. Treasury data show that China holds $1.27 trillion of U. S. bills and bonds, but analysts agree it is substantially more than that.

China and emerging markets led the build up in global FX reserves following the 1997 Asian crisis to a peak of $12 trillion last year. This shielded them from the 2007-09 global crisis, and looks like it is once again being deployed.

"China selling long Treasuries. " Bill Gross, the widely followed bond fund manager at Janus Capital, said on Twitter during Wednesday's selloff in U. S. Treasuries.

The implications of China and others selling off their Treasury holdings are potentially huge.

In isolation, a reserves drop the equivalent to 1 percent of U. S. GDP (around $178 billion) would lead to a rise of 15-35 basis points in the 10-year U. S. Treasury yield, Citi said, citing a range of academic studies.

Yang Zhao, Chief China Economist at Nomura, estimates that the People's Bank of China sold close to $100 billion of FX reserves in July, and again in August.

"Our calculation for capital outflow for July is $90 billion. But during July the exchange rate was unchanged, suggesting the PBOC sold a lot of FX. close to $100 billion," Yang said in a briefing with journalists last week.

"After a 3 percent depreciation the PBOC tried to defend the renminbi and they started to intervene very aggressively. So I would say in August it would (also) be very close to $100 billion."

Plunging commodity prices and fears over growth prospects, particularly in China, have sparked a rush for the emerging market exits. Figures from CrossBorder Capital, a research and money management firm in London, suggests capital flight from emerging markets in the past year is almost $1 trillion, of which more than $750 billion has come out of China.

This has forced many emerging market central banks to dip into their reserves to manage the fall in their currencies and stop it from turning into an even more savage rout.

But fears of intensifying global "currency wars" have been stoked by China's devaluation of the yuan earlier this month, renewed slides across global EM exchange rates and subsequent devaluations of the Vietnamese dong and Kazakh tenge.

В© Thomson Reuters 2015

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FirstBank, Zenith lead in Forex allocation from CBN

*Central Bank of Nigeria.

18 February 2016, Lagos — A review of the latest returns on utilisation of foreign exchange bought by 14 commercial banks from the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has shown that First Bank of Nigeria Limited (FirstBank) with a total of $25,701,921.17 reported the highest amount of forex purchased from the apex bank on behalf of its customers.

Forex consumption is a function of the volume of business a bank does, particularly with the larger corporate and manufacturing firms that utilise it for transactions.

The allocations ranged from fuel, machinery and pharmaceuticals imports, all the way down to invisible dominated divestment by foreign investors exiting the Nigerian equities and bond markets, and Forex allocations to school fees.

For the second time, school fees accounted for the highest number of allocations across several of the banks, but not in value, reflecting the lack of confidence Nigerian parents in high and upper middle-income brackets have in the country’s education sector.

Education standards in Nigeria in the last one-and-a-half decades have fallen precipitously, forcing many Nigerian parents that can afford it to send their children overseas to study.

The situation in the education sector has been made worse by the absence of a political will by successive administrations to holistically fashion out a plan to reform the education sector, effectively rendering 90 per cent of Nigerian secondary school leavers and university graduates uncompetitive relative to their peers in other parts of the world.

FirstBank was followed by Zenith Bank Plc and Stanbic IBTC Limited with $23,811,329.77 and $20,618,105.09 respectively.

Standard Chartered Bank with total returns of $17,795,338.87 came in fourth, while Diamond Bank Plc reported returns of $17,691,840.54.

Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTBank) reported returns of $15,828,891.14 to occupy the sixth place, while Ecobank Nigeria Limited reported returns of $14,684,365.28.

Also, while Union Bank of Nigeria Plc reported returns of $12,550,289.46; Access Bank Plc published returns of $11,994,742.86; Citibank Nigeria Limited – $9,238,688.09; Fidelity Bank Plc – $7,447,530.26; and United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) Plc – $6,711,545.29. Others included Sterling Bank Plc with total returns of $4,792,887.67 and Keystone Bank Limited which also reported returns of $3,732,629.81.

For the first time, three merchant banks also published their returns on utilisation of funds. They were Coronation Merchant Bank Limited – $4,838,429.62; FSDH Merchant Bank Limited – $3,701,840.84; and Rand Merchant Bank Limited which reported total returns of $2,225,002.42.

Just like the previous week, divestment by foreign portfolio investors from the equities and bond markets accounted for the largest chunk of forex, in terms of value of allocations to bank customers.

But in terms of volume, the purchase of foreign exchange for other invisibles such as school fees, business travel allowance (BTA) and personal travel allowance (PTA), was the highest.

However, top bank officials explained to THISDAY that the returns were not in any way reflective of total demand by the banks on behalf of their customers.

A bank CEO, who preferred not to be named, said: “On average, our returns or allocations are just about 10 per cent of total demand, which means that the CBN is unable to meet forex demand on the official market.

“It is for this reason there is so much pressure on the parallel market, where businesses that are unable to get their forex requirements met through the official window turn to.

“It also means that the parallel market mirrors the true value of the naira, so the best solution to the widening gap between the interbank and parallel market rates is for the central bank to devalue.”

For FirstBank, the returns on utilisation of forex bought from the CBN showed that the bank sold $25,701,921.17 it was allocated to 73 corporate customers. Of this, 38 per cent (approximately $10 million) was sold to Dangote Cement Plc for power plant equipment, Congo Cement and spare parts for cement plant machinery.

Forex sales to FirstBank customers also showed a diverse allocation to various sectors of the economy such as raw materials (propylene), agro-veterinary and livestock products, steel, industrial machine parts and accessory, and materials for pharmaceutical products. But it sold a total of $3,573,380.80 to 785 customers for the payment of school fees.

Also, Zenith Bank returns showed that the bank sold a total of $23,811,329.77 to 337 customers. The distribution of forex purchased by Zenith Bank customers showed that a large portion was allocated to the payment of school fees as 272 customers bought dollars from the bank for this purpose.

But some customers were sold dollars for the importation of industrial raw materials and machine tools, among others.

Just like the previous week, Stanbic IBTC returns reflected a large number of divestments by foreign portfolio investors comprising BP2S Milan/BNP Paribas, CACEIS Bank, Luxembourg, Brown Brothers Harriman/Stanbic Nominees, HSBC Funds Services London, JPM (JP Morgan) London, JPM Securities, Northern Trust London, State Street/Stanbic Nominees, Credit Suisse International, and the Bank of New York.

It also sold dollars for the importation of Dano Full Cream powder, polypropylene and industrial raw materials.

For Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Limited, of the 189 customers it sold dollars to, 127 of them purchased the greenback for invisible items. A breakdown of this further showed that while 100 procured dollars for school fees, while 27 customers bought PTA. Like other banks, it also sold dollars for the importation of visible items such as electronic materials, petroleum products and industrial spare parts, among others.

Purchase of forex for payments of tuition fees abroad also featured prominently in Diamond Bank’s returns, even though the bank also sold forex to customers for the importation of other visible items such as chemicals, plants and machinery.

For GTBank, of the 303 customers it sold dollars to, 269 (89 per cent), was for the payment of school fees. In addition, 34 corporate customers bought forex from the bank for the importation of plant, machinery and raw materials, among others.

Similarly, Ecobank Nigeria’s forex sales showed that of the 177 customers that bought the greenback from the bank, 119 individuals bought for tuition fees, while 58 corporate customers bought forex to import visible items.

However, unlike most of its peers, a large chunk of dollars sold by Union Bank was for the importation of industrial raw materials and other visible items. Only 10 of the 53 individuals/firms that Union Bank sold forex to was for payment of school fees.

For Access Bank, the bank sold mostly to customers that needed school fees and PTA. Of the 149 customers (124 customers for February 15 and 25 customers for February 16), 114 customers bought forex from the bank for invisible items.

On the other hand, Citibank’s utilisation of forex showed divestments by foreign portfolio investors through NIB Nominees/RBC: Longbow Securities Limited. It also sold to major multinationals such as Nigerian Breweries, Nestle Nigeria, Honda Automobile and Fine Chemicals, etc. Citibank did not sell to any individual customer.

For Fidelity Bank, it sold dollars to 106 customers, of which 75 customers bought forex for school fees.

Commenting on the returns published by the banks, analysts at CSL Stockbrokers Limited said the whole world can now see how much wealthy Nigerians are spending on school fees overseas.

They said: “The implication is that banks now know each others’ forex clients. Importers know how much foreign exchange their competitors have obtained at the interbank rate of 199.3/US$, as opposed to the parallel rate of N350.0/US$1. And wealthy Nigerians can check out how much money their peers are spending on foreign school fees.”

CBN’s Director, Corporate Communications, Mr. Ibrahim Muazu, explained last week that the publications were meant to improve transparency in the allocation of forex to the banks.

According to him, banks would be publishing their returns almost weekly.

Meanwhile, there appeared to be no end in sight to the free fall of the naira on the parallel market, where it fell further to N370 to a dollar yesterday, from the N350 at which it sold on Tuesday as there was no let up on panic buying by users.

It was gathered that some black market currency dealers even resorted to hoarding dollars in anticipation that it would depreciate further in the coming days.

Currency dealers at Marina, Lagos Island and the Murtala Muhammad Airport, Lagos, who confirmed this to THISDAY, said the demand pressure on the parallel market continued to rise.

Concerns over the likelihood of a ban by the central bank on the allocation of forex for the payment of school fees abroad had triggered the increased demand observed in the market.

The Bankers’ Committee last week discussed ways of ensuring that forex demand for school fees, among other invisibles, does not crowd out real sector demand.

The discussions also centred on how to redirect foreign exchange to the real sector, particularly industries that utilise raw materials. Speaking on the phone with THISDAY wednesday, a senior lecturer of economics at the Lagos Business School (LBS), Dr. Bongo Adi, advised the CBN to come out with a policy that would help halt the slide of the naira.

“This is exactly what would continue until government decides what should be done. Government has avoided the hard choice on devaluation, so the parallel market is actually giving you the actual price of the naira.

“What we are seeing shows that there is a mismatch between supply and demand of forex in the market. Unfortunately, Nigeria is not attracting enough forex to meet the huge dollar demand in the economy,” Adi said.

The economist also held the view that JP Morgan may have anticipated the current exchange rate situation in the country, leading to Nigeria’s exclusion from its emerging markets bond index.

On his part, the Head of Research at Afrinvest, Mr. Ayodeji Ebo, said the naira may plummet further against the dollar if there was no policy pronouncement from the central bank.

“If you have a forex policy and you feel it is not having the desired impact, I think you need to do something to address the situation. If we continue like this, most of the companies government is looking up to, to drive local consumption, may even collapse and unemployment would increase.

“Inflation is expected to rise as most importers are already purchasing dollars from the parallel market and this would definitely be factored into the cost of goods and services,” Ebo added.

Nigeria gets about 90 per cent of its forex earnings from crude oil exports. * Obinna Chima – Thisday

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The Naira on Friday depreciated further at the parallel market as buyers of forex boycotted the Bureau de Change Operators.

The naira lost N4 to the dollar as it exchanged for N231 to the dollar as against its previous value of N227.

Meanwhile it exchanged for 197 to the dollar at the official interbank window.

Traders at the market said the parallel market witnessed an upsurge in demand for forex.

The buyers bypassed the BDC operators due to tight regulation by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

The CBN had on Thursday issued a statement mandating banks and licensed BDCs to demand the Bank Verification Numbers before selling forex to their customers.

”The adoption of BVN as a condition for the purchase of FOREX is expected to reduce the incidence of multiple purchases, round tripping and illicit transfer of funds.

”It facilitates enforcement of authorised limits of forex sales to end users, sanitise the retail segment of the market and engender policies that will facilitate better allocation of forex, based on genuine demands,’’ CBN said.

Central banks lead recovery – Forex

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Forex AUD / USD expected range: 0,7510 Al 0,7580

The Australian dollar continued its impressive upward run Friday, completing a remarkable two-week window, saw Aussie trading at the highest level in 11 months as measured against its US counterpart. What, the AOS has shown the biggest two-week rally in four and a half years, the currents are favorable risk and improving commodity prices called for all the investors, a move that further development of aggressive monetary expansion announced by the ECB. Opening this morning particularly strongly again at a rate of 0.7557 there is enough power in the coming days with the minutes of the RBA monetary policy on March AOS followed tomorrow a report on the labor market on Thursday as a discreet and interior highlights.

NZD / USD expected range. 6700-, 6790

After being dropped to the mid-week low of 0.6618, when measured against the US after the shock of the RBNZ decision, the AOS official benchmark rate cash cut on Thursday by 0.25 percent to 2.25 percent, the kiwi is now well attempt to rebound, with the assistance of a favorable risk trends. The main criteria that measure the global mood, year to date falls almost entirely erased position significantly helped along with the supporting role as POBC and the ECB. Taking her place this week risk flows is likely to be dictated by the Federal Reserve System, the approval of the monetary policy set AOS accompanied by a set of updated economic forecasts and economic projections. Opening in a stronger position, that when we went out on Friday kiwi currently buys 67.42 US cents.

GBP / AUD Expected range: 1.8950 to 1.9040

The Great British pound showed further signs of life last week, notching several important advantages when measured against its US counterpart. Bounce from a low of 1.4117, the opening level of Sterling, AOC 1.4381 this morning shows how far did Sterling, especially during the last five days of the window. Throwing caution to the wind, the recent rally is mainly flowing from the shore in front of the internal positive potential this week market moves come in the form of the impending decision of the Bank of England, the AOS on monetary policy. Suggesting BOE further pressure to deviate from its current may feel neutral position, this month, at least unanimous decision to change the zero is currently estimated to be. While especially appreciated against the dollar, the Great British Pound opens lower against the Australian Dollar (1.8995) and the New Zealand Dollar (2.1291).

USD, EUR, JPY The dollar experienced weakness against most currency pairs on Friday, despite a number of positive work data. While the unemployment rate remained at 4.9% of the US economy managed to add 242,000 jobs in the last month. But the news was offset by trade balance data come below expectations at -45.7 billion compared with the previous month, the number of the AOS -44.7 billion. In Japan, the Bank of Japan Kuroda with the market looking for an indication of what they will do at its next meeting monetary policy after the recent interest rates will move to say in the red.

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Central banks lead recovery – Forex

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Forex AUD / USD expected range: 0,7510 Al 0,7580

The Australian dollar continued its impressive upward run Friday, completing a remarkable two-week window, saw Aussie trading at the highest level in 11 months as measured against its US counterpart. What, the AOS has shown the biggest two-week rally in four and a half years, the currents are favorable risk and improving commodity prices called for all the investors, a move that further development of aggressive monetary expansion announced by the ECB. Opening this morning particularly strongly again at a rate of 0.7557 there is enough power in the coming days with the minutes of the RBA monetary policy on March AOS followed tomorrow a report on the labor market on Thursday as a discreet and interior highlights.

NZD / USD expected range. 6700-, 6790

After being dropped to the mid-week low of 0.6618, when measured against the US after the shock of the RBNZ decision, the AOS official benchmark rate cash cut on Thursday by 0.25 percent to 2.25 percent, the kiwi is now well attempt to rebound, with the assistance of a favorable risk trends. The main criteria that measure the global mood, year to date falls almost entirely erased position significantly helped along with the supporting role as POBC and the ECB. Taking her place this week risk flows is likely to be dictated by the Federal Reserve System, the approval of the monetary policy set AOS accompanied by a set of updated economic forecasts and economic projections. Opening in a stronger position, that when we went out on Friday kiwi currently buys 67.42 US cents.

GBP / AUD Expected range: 1.8950 to 1.9040

The Great British pound showed further signs of life last week, notching several important advantages when measured against its US counterpart. Bounce from a low of 1.4117, the opening level of Sterling, AOC 1.4381 this morning shows how far did Sterling, especially during the last five days of the window. Throwing caution to the wind, the recent rally is mainly flowing from the shore in front of the internal positive potential this week market moves come in the form of the impending decision of the Bank of England, the AOS on monetary policy. Suggesting BOE further pressure to deviate from its current may feel neutral position, this month, at least unanimous decision to change the zero is currently estimated to be. While especially appreciated against the dollar, the Great British Pound opens lower against the Australian Dollar (1.8995) and the New Zealand Dollar (2.1291).

USD, EUR, JPY The dollar experienced weakness against most currency pairs on Friday, despite a number of positive work data. While the unemployment rate remained at 4.9% of the US economy managed to add 242,000 jobs in the last month. But the news was offset by trade balance data come below expectations at -45.7 billion compared with the previous month, the number of the AOS -44.7 billion. In Japan, the Bank of Japan Kuroda with the market looking for an indication of what they will do at its next meeting monetary policy after the recent interest rates will move to say in the red.

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The Trading Mindset: Frustration Leads to Learning

I was listening intently to an interview of a professional athlete, talking about playing against one of the best teams in their league. Instead of being intimidated by the prospect of playing such a highly dominant team, they had the following to say;

“These are the games you really look for. They force you to test yourself, to find out what you are doing well, and what you need to work on.”

If there is a mindset or quality I’d like to install in every trader, it would be what this athlete was conveying. They looked forward to the challenge they were up against.

They weren’t worried so much about making mistakes, or not being able to handle the more dominant team.

If they couldn’t, it meant they had things to work on.

Frustration Leads to Learning Developing traders need to build this type of successful mindset. Losses will happen, you will be frustrated at times, and the market will not always make sense. These experiences can last for hours, days, weeks, perhaps months.

How you respond to each and every trade matters more than you can imagine.

If you as a trader are going through, or have recently gone through a frustrating period – you have to let that ‘feeling’ of frustration be temporary. It is ok to experience stress in trading. but it is not constructive to define yourself by your frustration.

Frustration must lead to learning.

Better to have the approach that any losses, mistakes, or frustrations are learning experiences. That you actively seek out the challenges inherent in the markets.

Approaching every single trade as a learning experience, will help you see the bigger picture and build confidence in your trading .

Opportunities to Learn Each trade and moment behind the charts is an opportunity to learn.

Are you really trading like a sniper. or just sitting on your hands waiting for some perfect setup? Are you trading to be right, or are you actively focusing on improving your skills? Are you working to accelerate your learning curve. or are you letting your emotions define your experience?

Frustration must lead to learning – in fact all trades must lead to learning. You either win, lose, or learn from each trade. The first two you cannot control entirely, but you can with the last. And which do you think leads to your development as a trader?

The best athletes, professionals, and successful traders learn from each trade, and maximize every chance to learn. This is part of building a successful mindset. which is essential and required for trading successfully.

Ask yourself, how would your trading experience and mindset differ if you looked forward to the challenges, and the frustrating moments, learning from each? How would this change your daily approach and thoughts when engaging the markets each day?

What parts of the above can you work on, and what have you noticed about yourself after reading this article?

Please make sure to comment, share your current experiences, and what you thought about these suggestions.

WerderRaute - March 5, 2014 2:05 am

great article as always. One thing always comes to my mind when someone makes this comparison of trading to sports. In Sports there is this ultimate goal of winning the Stanley Cup, Olympic medal… know what I mean. So, there is this big event and that comes with outbursts of energy and joy when we make it. In trading we try to eleminate emotions if I am getting this right. What do you think of this discrepancy and how can we deal with this lack of tension release? Would you recommend setting monetary goals like when I made xx amount a will party that like I won the Stanley Cup?

Chris Capre - March 5, 2014 5:48 pm

Good questions. First off, we don’t ‘eliminate’ emotions, as that technically is impossible for the most part. We want to transform or harness emotions, not abate something that is biologically useful for us when experienced correctly.

As to your second question, I don’t recommend setting monetary goals, especially since you’ll likely focus on the target, not the process.

Process first is my recommendation.

Hope this helps

Comentarios Recientes

Kavin "Hey Chris, you usually mention your bias. What would it. " – Mar 24, 10:04 PM

Chris Capre "Hello Tom, Yes most people talking about 'price action' are. " – Mar 24, 9:24 AM

Chris Capre "Hello Elijah - yes many struggling traders have encountered this. " – Mar 24, 9:23 AM

Tom C "I'm new to trading Forex and I find your discussions. " – Mar 24, 8:29 AM

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ESTADO DE RIESGO - La negociación de divisas, acciones, futuros, materias primas, futuros de índices o cualquier otro valor tiene recompensas potenciales, y también tiene riesgos potenciales. Trading puede no ser adecuado para todos los usuarios de este sitio web. Anyone wishing to invest should seek his or her own independent financial or professional advice.

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Take The Lead From Japanese Housewife Forex Traders

We were surprised to learn that many Japanese housewife Forex traders. This article in the New York Times was published in 2007: Japanese Housewives Sweat In Secret As Markets Reel. And it seems from the article that the number of Japanese housewives that trade Forex is quite considerable.

Here is a video about Japanese housewife Forex traders:

Here are some things we learned from the article:

Many Japanese housewife Forex traders trade in secret. Some use their own money, some use their husbands and some a mixture of both. In a lot of cases, the husbands do not even know their wives are trading.

The results Japanese housewives get vary from being very successful to losing all their money. The good Japanese housewife traders can make a considerable income as traders. But there are some that don’t protect their money and end up losing everything.

And from the article: “One reason Japan’s homemakers can move markets is that they hold the purse strings of the nation’s $12.5 trillion in household savings. For more than a decade, that money languished in banks here at low interest rates. But as the rapid aging of Japan’s population has brought anxiety about the future, households are starting to move more of it overseas in search of higher returns”.

Why Everyone Should Consider Investing In The Forex Market

We love the initiative of the Japanese housewives. They saw an opportunity to improve their personal finances by building an income separate from their husbands. They also saw a way to improve their financial future by investing in Forex and making much better returns than putting their savings in low interest rate savings accounts.

We believe EVERYONE should be investors. We understand a lot of people think investing is only for the wealthy or people with a lot of disposable income. This kind of thinking keeps most people from investing… and they miss out on the tremendous wealth building opportunity the Forex market provides.

So, take the lead from the Japanese housewife traders. Take an active role in building a better financial future. And consider investing in the Forex markets because of its excellent wealth building capabilities.

Here are a couple of tips to make your entrance into Forex investing as profitable as possible:

Unlike some of the Japanese housewife Forex traders, you do not want to put ALL your savings at risk. We mean both using only money you can risk AND using proper money management to protect your capital. With profitable money management… you should never fear of losing all your money.

Think of the Forex market as an “investment” opportunity instead of a “money making” opportunity. Aim to build wealth over time rather than make as much money as possible as quickly as possible. Aiming for quick profits usually leads to risky trading and money management… which means too much of your hard earned money is at risk.

Aim to beat other investment markets. Many people don’t look at Forex as an investment opportunity and therefore develop unrealistic expectations. The truth is, you need to look at the returns of other investment methods to get an idea of the returns you should be looking for.

At Forex Investing Live. we beat other investment markets… by a lot. And we do it in a way that is so easy, anyone can do it. Register for our Forex Investing Live Free Membership and get the free Forex Investing Battle Plan Course, Free EURUSD Signal and ongoing training. See how we beat the markets… and you can too!

http://tradetheforexmarket. com/featured/japanese-housewife-forex-traders/ http://tradetheforexmarket. com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Japanese-Housewife-Forex-Traders. jpg http://tradetheforexmarket. com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Japanese-Housewife-Forex-Traders-150x150.jpg 2015-06-12T16:16:57+00:00 Edward Lomax Blog Featured

We were surprised to learn that many Japanese housewife Forex traders. This article in the New York Times was published in 2007: Japanese Housewives Sweat In Secret As Markets Reel. And it seems from the article that the number of Japanese housewives that trade Forex is quite considerable. Here is.

contact@forextradinglab. com Administrator Edward Lomax is a Forex blogger and educator. Originally from the East Coast of the United States, he currently lives in Chile with his wife. His course, Forex SOS Course & U-Boat FX Strategy has helped over 1000 students at Udemy, a teaching site, finally find the path to profits. CLICK HERE FOR A DEEP DISCOUNT ON THE COURSE & TRADING STRATEGY Trade The Forex Market

Edward Lomax is a Forex blogger and educator. Originally from the East Coast of the United States, he currently lives in Chile with his wife. His course, Forex SOS Course & U-Boat FX Strategy has helped over 1000 students at Udemy, a teaching site, finally find the path to profits.

About Edward Lomax

Edward Lomax is a Forex blogger and educator. Originally from the East Coast of the United States, he currently lives in Chile with his wife. His course, Forex SOS Course & U-Boat FX Strategy has helped over 1000 students at Udemy, a teaching site, finally find the path to profits. CLICK HERE FOR A DEEP DISCOUNT ON THE COURSE & ESTRATEGIA DE NEGOCIACIÓN

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Interactive Brokers Leads Industry in Percentage of Profitable Customer Forex Accounts

Member - NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. Documentación de apoyo para cualquier reclamo e información estadística se proporcionará a petición. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida en el comercio de divisas. La fecha de liquidación de operaciones en divisas puede variar debido a las diferencias de zona horaria y los días festivos. When trading across foreign ex-change markets, this may necessitate borrowing funds to settle foreign exchange trades. La tasa de interés de los fondos prestados debe ser considerada al calcular el costo de las operaciones en múltiples mercados. Interactive Brokers charges a discrete commission of 0.2 basis point * Trade Value with a USD 2.50 minimum. *Standard Account.


Member - NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. Documentación de apoyo para cualquier reclamo e información estadística se proporcionará a petición. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida en el comercio de divisas. La fecha de liquidación de operaciones en divisas puede variar debido a las diferencias de zona horaria y los días festivos. When trading across foreign ex-change markets, this may necessitate borrowing funds to settle foreign exchange trades. La tasa de interés de los fondos prestados debe ser considerada al calcular el costo de las operaciones en múltiples mercados. Interactive Brokers charges a discrete commission of 0.2 basis point * Trade Value with a USD 2.50 minimum. *Standard Account.

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Member - NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. Documentación de apoyo para cualquier reclamo e información estadística se proporcionará a petición. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida en el comercio de divisas. La fecha de liquidación de operaciones en divisas puede variar debido a las diferencias de zona horaria y los días festivos. When trading across foreign ex-change markets, this may necessitate borrowing funds to settle foreign exchange trades. La tasa de interés de los fondos prestados debe ser considerada al calcular el costo de las operaciones en múltiples mercados. Interactive Brokers charges a discrete commission of 0.2 basis point * Trade Value with a USD 2.50 minimum. *Standard Account.


Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. Media: Caitlin Duffy, (203) 913-1369

Forex signs survey is a way where anybody can make the benefit particularly for the individuals who have insufficient time to weigh out the signs in throughout the day . this will be demonstrate you for the best time where the pair of monetary standards can purchase or offer that match with your need. This will likewise aid you out in your voyage to pursuit out the best ever and most good flag administrations which are accessible on the web.

Everybody realizes that these pointers will assist for individuals who still need information of the essentials for the progression in this field. A few works need sufficient time for fulfill of errand in the mean while in quickly developing of engineering all individuals need to spare time as their best respect so these signs are the best pointer for purchasing or offering of monetary forms.

To distinguish the Forex trading strategy survey is a standout amongst the most basic elements in acquiring a beneficial Forex signals for exchanging of pair of coinage whenever when shown. With the assistance of this survey you will hunt out advantages and disservices of exchanging components have been sketched out however in the event that you need to make genuine benefits in the quickly developing innovation where anybody can get benefit with its best inclination level, you ought to figure out how to recognize the best Forex signals programming that will help to lead your route to a million of dollars.

These projects have been picking up recognition in Singapore as of late that utilization likely more noteworthy credited for both towards refined and headway of the innovative change itself and additionally the variance of each one of those individuals or brokers who are recently in the Forex market.

There are distinctive classifications of these in which news exchanging sign, specialized flags, and general exchange motions too. These give advantages as per their part of working . The news exchanging signs is a fundamental methodology of Forex sign surveys and the reason to get at the news affirm as quickly as time permits, abusing it to procure most extreme benefit inside a brief time of time when discharged.

Then again specialized exchanging signs illuminate tips on the premise of specialized examination on the grounds that you can discover foundation and reputation of all organizations or persons who are issuing flags in Forex advertises as opposed to you enter without any confirmation and experience. The greater part of the online Forex signs survey is connected with this class which makes the circumstances in the support of dealers.

The third sort of signs is connected with general exchanging flags these are the mix of both basic & specialized to illuminate on the premise of multi-pronged methodology. Rather these, Forex signs survey is a key to make benefits.

Nigeria: Naira - BVN Requirement for Forex Purchase Leads to Free Fall of Naira At Parallel Market

The Naira on Friday depreciated further at the parallel market as buyers of forex boycotted the Bureau de Change Operators.

The naira lost N4 to the dollar as it exchanged for N231 to the dollar as against its previous value of N227.

Meanwhile it exchanged for 197 to the dollar at the official interbank window.

Traders at the market said the parallel market witnessed an upsurge in demand for forex.

The buyers bypassed the BDC operators due to tight regulation by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

The CBN had on Thursday issued a statement mandating banks and licensed BDCs to demand the Bank Verification Numbers before selling forex to their customers.

"The adoption of BVN as a condition for the purchase of FOREX is expected to reduce the incidence of multiple purchases, round tripping and illicit transfer of funds.

"It facilitates enforcement of authorised limits of forex sales to end users, sanitise the retail segment of the market and engender policies that will facilitate better allocation of forex, based on genuine demands," CBN said.


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Tag Archives: forex trading

TIP! Forex trading is a science that depends more on your intelligence and judgement than your emotions and feelings. Sticking to well defined parameters will prevent you from chasing lost money or investing in situations that seem too good to be true.

To those who don’t know the details, Forex seems confusing. The only time this is true is if someone does not do proper research before diving in. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find tips that will assist you in achieving foreign exchange success.

Currency Pair

TIP! Robots are not the best plan when buying on Forex. While it is beneficial for the seller, it will not help you to earn money.

Gather all the information you can about the currency pair you choose to focus on initially. If you try to learn about all of the different pairings and their interactions, you will be learning and not trading for quite some time. Select one currency pair to learn about and examine it’s volatility and forecasting. Keep it simple and understand your area of the market well.

TIP! Reinvest or hold onto your gains, and use margin trading wisely to maintain your profits. Margin can boost your profits quite significantly.

Removing emotions from your trading decisions is vital to your success as a Forex trader. This will decrease your chances of making a bad choice based on impulse. You cannot cut your emotions off entirely, but you need to put your rational mind firmly in command to make good forex decisions.

TIP! When you are starting out in forex trading, avoid spreading yourself too thinly by entering into too many markets. This can cause you to feel annoyed or confused.

To do well in Forex trading. share your experiences with other traders, but follow your personal judgment. While it’s always good to take other’s opinions into account, you should trust your own judgement when it comes to investments.

Avoid moving stop losses, since you could lose more. Stick to your original plan and don’t let emotion get in your way.

TIP! Vary the positions that you use. Opening with the same size position leads some forex traders to be under - or over committed with their money.

You may think the solution is to use Foreign Exchange robots, but experience shows this can have bad results. This may help the sellers, but it will not help the buyers. Consider your trading options yourself, and make your own decisions.

TIP! Dabbling in a lot of different currencies is a temptation when you are still a novice forex trader. Restrain yourself to one pair while you are learning the basics.

Practice makes perfect. Using a virtual demo account gives you the advantage of learning to trade using real market conditions without using real money. You should also consult the many online tutorials available to you. Learn as much as you can about trading before you attempt to do your first real trade.

TIP! A reliable investment is the Canadian dollar. Sometimes forex is hard because it can be difficult to stay current with news in another nation.

When going with a managed foreign exchange account, you need to do your due diligence by researching the broker. If you are a new trader, try to choose one who trades well and has done so for about five years.

TIP! Actually, the opposite strategy is the best. You can avoid impulses by having a plan.

You are not required to pay for an automated system just to practice trading on a demo platform. You can simply go to the main forex website and find an account there.

Foreign Exchange

TIP! Several experienced and profitable Forex market traders will advise you to journal your experiences. Write down all successes and failures in your journal.

The forex field is littered with enthusiastic promises that can’t be fulfilled. Some will offer you schemes to master foreign exchange trading through robots. Others want to sell you an eBook with the secrets of getting rich on foreign exchange. None of these are worth your money. Most of these methods and products give you strategies that have not been thoroughly tested, or that have no real track record of performing profitably. Ultimately, the only people involved in these transactions who end up any richer are the sellers. A good thing to do is to hire a Forex trainer and pay for some lessons.

TIP! Every aspiring Forex trader needs perseverance. Even the best traders have bad days.

Using a mini-account and starting out with small trades may be a wise strategy for investors new to Forex. You should know how to distinguish between good and bad trades.

TIP! To determine average gains and losses in a particular market, consult the relative strength index. Knowing the averages of gain or loss in a market may not affect your investing but does give you an overall feel for a specific market.

It is not uncommon for novice foreign exchange traders to feel the rush of excitement from trading and become overzealous. People often discover that the levels of intensity and stress will wear them out after a couple of hours. Remember that the foreign exchange market will still be there after you take a quick break.

TIP! The forex market does not have a central location. There aren’t any natural disasters that can obliterate the market.

As was stated in the beginning of the article, trading with Forex is only confusing for those who do not do their research before beginning the trading process. If you take the advice given to you in the above article, you will begin the process of becoming educated in Forex trading.

TIP! Forex relies upon the economic conditions around the world, more so than options and the stock market. Before starting forex trading, there are some basic terms like account deficits, trade imbalances, and fiscal policy, that you must understand.

There is a lot of potential in foreign exchange trading; however, some people are scared to try it. It may seem very hard for some to get into. It’s always wise to be cautious with your money. You want to educate yourself on Foreign Exchange before you start investing. Keep up-to-date on relevant information. Here are a few tips to assist you in doing that.

TIP! You are allowed to have two accounts for your Forex trading. One account is your demo account, so that you can practice and test new strategies without losing money.

Pay special attention to financial news happening regarding the currencies in which you are trading. Currencies go up and down based on speculation, which usually depends on current news. Set it up so that you get email and text alerts about the markets you dabble in so that you can potentially capitalize on major developments with lightning speed.

TIP! When your money goes up, so does your excitement. Do not let your excitement turn into greed, which can cause you to make careless mistakes and lose all of your money.

Having just one trading account isn’t enough. You will test your trades on a demo account and your other account will serve for real trades based off the demo’s progress.

TIP! Stay away from Forex robots. Robots can make you money if you are selling, but they do not do much for buyers.

In Forex trading. up and down fluctuations in the market will be very obvious, but one will always be leading. It is fairly easy to identify entry and exit points in a strong, upward-trending market. You should try to select trades based on trends.

Stop Loss

TIP! Remember to take into consideration your expectations and your prior knowledge when deciding on an account package. Do accept your limitations, and be realistic.

It is a common misconception that stop loss orders somehow cause a given currency’s value to land just below the stop loss order before rising again. This isn’t true. It is generally inadvisable to trade without this marker.

TIP! Never waste money on robots and books that promise to make you money. Practically all of these gimmicks are based on unfounded assumptions and claims.

Foreign Exchange traders who try to go it alone and avoid following trends can usually expect to see a loss. The foreign exchange market is infinitely complex. Experts in the field continue to study it even as they make real trades. Most even still conduct practice trading. You are highly unlikely to simply stumble upon the greatest forex trading secrets. Do your homework and do what’s been proven to work.

TIP! Forex trading is not “one size fits all.” Use your own good judgement when integrating the advice you get into your trading strategy.

You should change the position you trade in each time. When people open in the same position every time, they tend to commit larger or smaller amounts than they should have. When looking at the trades that are presented make your position decision. This will help you win at Foreign Exchange.

TIP! Keeping a journal is a good idea, and is encouraged by a lot of successful Forex traders. It can be useful to keep a journal detailing what has or has not been successful.

Forex bots or Forex eBooks that guarantee success are a waste of money. They are unproven and untested methods that can hold out little in the way of reliable results to you. The authors make their money from selling these products, not through Foreign Exchange trading. Try buying one-on-one pro lessons for use in Foreign Exchange trading.

TIP! When you are just starting out in Forex trading, avoid getting caught up with trades in multiple markets. Choose to stick with the more important currency pairs.

Paying attention to several currencies is a common error to make when you are still a neophyte forex investor. Start out slow by trading one currency pair, rather than going all in at once. Do not invest in more currency pairs until you have gained a better understanding of Foreign Exchange. You could lose a significant amount of money if you expand too quickly.

Canadian Dollar

TIP! Forex information is available around the clock. Educating yourself can really lead to helping you become successful.

The Canadian currency is a pretty secure investment. It may be a bit difficult to follow the currencies of other countries. Many times The canadian dollar will be on the same trend at the U. This makes investment in the Canadian Dollar a safe bet. dollar follow similar trends, so this could be a lower risk option to consider when investing.

TIP! You must develop a plan when you get involved in forex trading. Do not look for short cuts in this market.

Forex trading can be exciting, especially for new traders, who sometimes devote a great deal of energy to it. After a few hours, it is difficult to give the trades the focused attention that they require. This is why you should always allow yourself to have a break in order to rejuvenate. It will be waiting when you return.

TIP! Even if you have a tracking program, you should manually check the charts at least once a day. Putting your trust in software is not recommended.

Become knowledgeable enough about the market that you are able to see trends for yourself. This is most effective way for you to taste success and to make the money you hope to make.

TIP! Stay away from trades involving unpopular currency pairs. Trading in the most popular currencies allows you to be able to make a trade very quickly due to the massive amount of traders working the same currencies.

Forex traders should know that they need to steer clear of against the market trading. They should only attempt this if they have plenty of capital. If you are a beginner, this is a bad decision anyway. Do not go against the trend until you really understand the risks.

TIP! A stop point should stay fixed. Establish the stop point prior to starting the trade, and do not deviate from it.

There are many decisions an individual has to make in the foreign exchange market. It’s a big step, so you might be a little hesitant. Use the advice in this article to get started with forex trading, and build a stable foundation on which to make the greatest profits possible. Remember; continue to keep up with current information! Make good choices when spending your money. Make wise investments!

TIP! Forex depends on the economy even more than stock markets do. When you start trading on the forex market you should know certain things that are essential in that area.

So, you have decided to dabble in forex. You may have noticed how many techniques and trades are available. Currency trading is certainly competitive, and this can make it difficult to find the most effective strategy. The tips below can help give you some suggestions.

TIP! Never trade on your emotions. Emotions can skew your reasoning.

It is important that you don’t let your emotions get the best of you when Forex trading. Feelings may lead you to make trades that you later regret. It’s impossible to eliminate emotions entirely, but try to keep them out of your decision making process when it comes to trading.

TIP! Don’t get greedy when you first start seeing a profit; overconfidence will lead to bad decisions. Letting fear and panic disrupt your trading can yield similar devastating effects.

When you are foreign exchange trading you need to know that the market will go up and down and you will see the pattern. Selling signals is simple in a positive market. The selection of trades should always be based on past trends.

Beginners in the forex market should be cautious about trading if the market is thin. The definition for thin market is one that is lacking in public interest.

Real Money

TIP! It is a common myth that your stop-loss points are visible to the rest of the market, leading currencies to drop just below the majority of those points and then come back up. This is not true, and you should never trade without having stop loss markers.

The best way to get better at anything is through lots of practice. Your virtual trading account will give you all of the realities of trading in real time under market conditions with the one exception that you are not using your real money. You could also try taking an online course or tutorial. Before you start trading with real money, you want to be as prepared as possible with background knowledge.

TIP! A common mistake made by beginning investors in the Forex trading market is trying to invest in several currencies. Stick with just one pair of currency until you learn what you are doing.

Make sure your broker is acceptable for you and your needs if you are opting for the managed Foreign Exchange account. A good rule of thumb is that you should choose a broker who consistently beats the market. Also, they should have a five-year track record or better.

TIP! A safe forex investment is the Canadian dollar. Dealing with overseas currencies not so close to him can be tedious at times, because keeping up with current foreign news from that country is not so easy.

Placing effective forex stop losses requires as much art as science. Find a healthy balance, instead of having an “all or nothing” enfoque. You will need to gain much experience before Forex trading becomes familiar to you.

TIP! A lot of people that are in the Forex business will advise you to write things down in a journal. Include all of your failureS and your successes in the journal.

Many newbies to foreign exchange are initially tempted to invest in many different currencies. Don’t fall into this trap, and instead trade a single currency pair to acclimate yourself to the market. Take on more currencies only after you’ve had the opportunity to gain more experience and understanding of the markets. This will keep your losses to a minimum as you go through the learning stage.

TIP! Beginning traders should not trade against the forex market. Even experienced traders should be financially secure and also have plenty of patience if they do.

Beginner forex traders should keep away from trading in opposition to the markets unless they really know what they are doing. Trading against the market should never be attempted by a beginner, and even traders with substantial experience should resist going against the trends since this is a strategy that frequently results in undue stress and failure.

TIP! One critical Forex strategy is to learn the right time to cut losses. Many people think that they can just leave their money in the market to recoup losses.

The relative strength index indicates what the average rise or fall is in a particular market. While not a guarantee for how your investments will perform, it will give you an indication of the general market. Give careful consideration to any decision you make to invest in a market that hasn’t been, in general, profitable.

TIP! To determine a market’s typical gain or loss, rely on the relative strength index. This will present you with the information you need to make a decision.

You will be able to trade with ease if you choose an extensive platform for Foreign Exchange. Many platforms can even allow you to do your trades on a smart phone! This will increase the time of your reaction and offer greater flexibility. Do not let a good investment pass you by because you do not have access to the Internet at the moment.

TIP! Lower your risk by making smart use of stop loss orders. A lot of traders think that if they just wait, their losing position will turn into a winning one.

In the world of foreign exchange, there are many techniques that you have at your disposal to make better trades. The world of forex has a little something for everyone, but what works for one person may not for another. Hopefully, these tips have given you a starting point for your own strategy.

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The usage of this website constitutes acceptance of the following legal information. Any contracts of financial instruments offered to conclude bear high risks and may result in the full loss of the deposited funds. Antes de realizar transacciones uno debe familiarizarse con los riesgos a los que se relacionan. All the information featured on the website (reviews, brokers' news, comments, analysis, quotes, forecasts or other information materials provided by Forex Ratings, as well as information provided by the partners), including graphical information about the forex companies, brokers and dealing desks, is intended solely for informational purposes, is not a means of advertising them, and doesn't imply direct instructions for investing. Forex Ratings shall not be liable for any loss, including unlimited loss of funds, which may arise directly or indirectly from the usage of this information. The editorial staff of the website does not bear any responsibility whatsoever for the content of the comments or reviews made by the site users about the forex companies. The entire responsibility for the contents rests with the commentators. Reprint of the materials is available only with the permission of the editorial staff.

Trend leads to victory – Forex-Ratings. com

Trend leads to victory

Any trader knows that trading on news or at the end of the month is a one risky endeavor. The price is changing fast in both ways and such level of volatility requires making tough decisions. It is exactly the strategy that was chosen by the winner of round 305 of our Drag Trade contest. Read all the details in the interview:

Yuri, congratulations once again! Let’s start with our traditional question: Why did you choose Grand Capital as your broker?

- The first time I encountered Grand Capital was in internet. I saw a banner with a promotion (don’t remember which one), clicked on it and stayed. It happened at the time when I was thinking of changing my broker, that’s why I decided to stay and trade for a while to test the broker. Quick execution and no slippage were among the main reasons why I stayed with Grand Capital.

Why did you choose Drag Trade Contest from all the other contests offered by Grand Capital?

- I liked the contest because it is fast and it is quite easy to participate – you just need to register and open a demo account.

Most of the trades in the contest were performed using USDZAR. It is not really a regular choice of the most of the traders out there, because South African Rand is considered to be an exotic currency which means, that it is not that easy to develop a certain strategy for it. Why did you chose this pair for the contest?

- You are wright, it is not a standard trading instrument. Actually, I don’t know the pair that well – I’ve just started learning it. Mainly I trade standard assets: EURUSD, GBPUSD and sometimes Gold. As for the contest, I only made one trade with EURUSD and then shifted to USDZAR and I wasn’t mistaken.

Did you follow a certain strategy in the contest? Which trading strategy do you consider to be the most successful?

- I really favor technical analysis. I trade based on support and resistance levels. To be frank, it is all strategy that I have. As per the contest, I was trading re-test of resistance breakout. And once the impulse was there, I just placed buy order by market with maximum volume

Please share your thought about the round – was the trading tough and what was your success factor?

- I really liked the contest. I was really worried, especially right before the round end. There was a rising trend and I just was Buying with the whole deposit. It was super risky, but I was lucky and I caught a strong movement on USDZAR. There was a lot of adrenaline in my system, despite the fact that the contest is held on demo accounts.

What would you wish to those who haven’t yet participated in the contest?

- To all the future contestants I which lots of luck, more profit and patience!

Últimas Concursos Forex

March 22, 2016 Sixth Round of Analyst Contest The time of change in Alpari's analyst contest is upon us. The era of Nikolai Ludanov dominating the contest has switched into a period of hot competition. Oleg Naumenko, who first made it into our top five authors in the second round of the contest, takes the crown on this occasion. March 17, 2016 Traders Triple Chase contest: the results of February Let's look at the leaders of the contest Trader's Triple Chase by results of February. Currently, only five traders reached the third stage of the contest, and they are now in the same situation, as they all have zero points to start with. March 11, 2016 Winner of Round 18 of Supercharged real contest Round 18 of Supercharged real contest is finished, and our recent round winner is Faidol Barokah from Indonesia. He was ready to give a few tips and to share his ideas on trading with those who are thinking of registering and joining our Supercharged contest.

Encuentre un corredor de Forex

Foro Forex India - Introducción. El mercado internacional de divisas proporciona oportunidades para obtener beneficios de alto rendimiento y alto riesgo de las fluctuaciones de la tasa de cambio. El éxito de un comerciante depende de muchos factores; Una de ellas es una plataforma de negociación que el corredor ofrece para operar en el mercado. Hoy en día la mayoría de las empresas de corretaje de divisas y sus clientes prefieren MetaTrader 4 & # 1080; MetaTrader 5 terminales. Si usted va para plataformas MetaTrader, así, asegúrese de & # 8722; forex foro ha sido diseñado para usted.

Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien que ayuda. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!

Foro Forex India & # 8722; Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados ​​en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.

Socialización aleatoria en el foro de Forex India Nuestro foro es una buena manera de descansar del trabajo y comunicarse con amigos en temas diversos. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.

Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.

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Forex Trading Explained: Use These Simple Tips


So, you have decided to dabble in forex. Forex makes no attempt at concealing its massive size and complexities, but continues to offer enough reward to balance the scales perfectly. The vast amount of options and the competitiveness of the market can make forex intimidating. Use the following tips to help you get started. Amazing Ideas To Help Your Forex Trading Success

Upwards and downwards market patterns in forex trading are clearly visible, however, one will always be the stronger. It is fairly easy to identify entry and exit points in a strong, upward-trending market. Use the trends to choose what trades you make.

In Forex trading, up and down fluctuations in the market will be very obvious, but one will always be leading. Once you learn the basics it is quite simple to recognize a sell or buy signal. Always attempt to pick trades after doing adequate analysis of the current trends.

As you begin to make money, avoid making decisions that are based on overexcitement or greed. Such decisions can lead to losses. You can also become scared and lose money. It is better to stick to the facts, rather then go with your gut when it comes to trading.

Forex success depends on getting help. The forex market is extremely complex. Some traders and financial experts study the market for years. The chances of you randomly discovering an untried but wildly successful strategy are pretty slim. Read up on what the established trading methods are, and use those when you're starting out.

If you practice, you will get much better. Using demos to learn is a great way to understand the market. There are plenty of online forex tutorials for beginners that will help you understand the basics. Arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible before attempting to make your first real trade.

Forex traders are happy about trading and they dive into it with all they got. Forex trading is mentally exhausting, especially when you are new at it. Most traders can only trade actively for a couple of hours before they lose focus. The market is not going anywhere, so take breaks to clear your head and refocus.

Research advice you are given when it comes to Forex. Some information might work well for some traders but end up costing others a lot of money. Learn to absorb the technical signals that you pick up on and adjust your position in response.

If you want to trade without much risk, check out the Canadian dollar. Choosing currencies from halfway around the world has a disadvantage in that it is harder to track events that can influence that currency's value. Both the Canadian and the U. S. dollars generally follow similar trends. S. dollar, which indicates that it is a very good investment.

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